You can now view your goals in Jira Software!

Updated 24th April 2024:

Previously we noted at the bottom of this page that this feature is only available for Free and Standard customers. This is incorrect; customers on another license can enable it manually if they wish. 

We are now rolling out the change where this feature is enabled by default on all Premium and Enterprise customers. 

If, for any reasons, you want to disable this, follow the simple steps at the bottom of this post:


In May, we released our latest feature, where you can link Jira issues at the epic level (or above in the issue hierarchy) to Atlas Goals.

Today, we’re taking it a step forward and are thrilled to announce the release of our Goals tab in Jira Software. You can now get a visual overview of how work in Jira Software contributes to company goals, so you can make more informed decisions.


How to try it:

To access, simply navigate to the Goals tab in Jira Software. From there, you'll be able to see all your goals, their latest updates, and how Jira Software issues are contributing to them. 


If you don’t have Atlas today, you can join directly from this tab, for free and start creating your goals.  

Background (1).png


To link work in Jira with your newly created Atlas goals, choose your Jira Epic (or higher-level issue types) and click on the ‘link goals’ button.

Link goals (1).jpg


Et voila! You can now see all your goals on the Goals tab and understand their status and due dates

Goals collapsed (1).jpg


Want to find out more? Click on a goal to see the latest update 

Goals expanded (1).jpg



Try it out today and let us know what you think!



Known limitations: 

  • Currently, this is only available for Free and Standard customers, we’re working on additional features to bring this to premium customers.





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Carlos Garcia Navarro
Community Leader
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August 11, 2023

This is great! Thanks for sharing @Dafne Guerra Rodriguez !

Andrew Mallonee
December 15, 2023

I have been trying to get Atlas set up for my team and we are on Jira Premium. I have been struggling to get this to work and notice in the "fine print" on this page:

"Known limitations: 

  • Currently, this is only available for Free and Standard customers, we’re working on additional features to bring this to premium customers."

This seems to be a HUGE limitation for customers that want to use this that are paying a premium price for Jira Premium.

When is this expected to be functional for those of us who also need things provided by Jira Premium?

I feel that Atlas is very much still a BETA product, it is nice that it is "free" but seems not very useful in it's current state. Maybe there is a better alternative to using Atlas for those on Jira Premium?

Note: it would be nice if you would provide useful messages in Jira Premium so that people don't waste a bunch of time trying to get this to work. There is no indication that this is known to not work in Jira Premium while trying to set all this stuff up which is a bit frustrating.

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 9, 2024

Hi @Andrew Mallonee , thank you for your feedback. 

There seems to be a misunderstanding on what exactly is available for Jira Free, Standard and Premium. 

The short answer is that all the capabilities listed above are also available on Premium. 

The only difference between the editions is: To enable "Link Goals" and Goals tab, an Atlas for Jira Cloud app needs to be installed and enabled on the instance 

  • For Free & Standard, we auto-installed and enabled it in all instances 
  • For Premium, admin of the instance needs to manually install and enable it

The reason we do this for Premium is because we are aware that there are larger customers on the Premium edition and admins might want to have the discretion to install and enable the Atlas for Jira Cloud app themselves. We are evaluating this decision with the user feedback we have received so far and might make a change on the Premium instances in the coming months. 

Back to enabling "Link Goals" and Goals tab for Jira Software in a Premium instance, here are the steps you need to take:

  1. Install and enable Atlas for Jira Cloud app (see steps here:
  2. That should be it. But if the Goals tab on the sidebar doesn't show up for any reason - check: Project settings > Features and make sure that the Goals toggle is turned to ON. 


I am also pleased to let you know that there is further integration between Atlas and Jira for Premium instances. Take a look at this post for what was rolled out recently:


If you have further difficulties in setting up Atlas goals in your instance, let me know, I'm happy to chat with you more to help you set it up. 




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Samuel Knauss
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January 10, 2024

Hi there,
I have an issue seeing the overview of goals in my Jira Cloud Software Project on a Standard plan.
I have enabled the feature for the project and successfully linked several epics to goals in Atlas.

They are correctly displayed as linked goals when opening the epic but on the overview of Goals I see nothing (screenshot attached).

Does anyone have similar issues and can help? 
Thanks a lot!
Screenshot 2024-01-10 at 14.05.42.png

Like Veiko Jõõts likes this
Andrew Mallonee
January 12, 2024

Thanks @Irene, my comment was too generalized. I did have Atlas working with Jira Premium, that snippet was specifically related to linking goals as discussed in this article. That was not working in Jira Premium, however it seems to be working now so not sure what changed. Should the "Known Limitations" on this page be changed now?

Like Irene likes this
Ananth Subramanian
January 23, 2024

@Samuel Knauss  did you get reply to your question? I am facing same issue and raised a question yday but have not got any reply so far!!

Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 30, 2024

@Samuel Knauss , @Ananth Subramanian - can you please try the following:

  • Ensure that the Epics that you linked Goals to belong in the same project where you are clicking the Goal sidebar menu
  • If the above is correct, can you please try navigating to Atlas, open up some goals - then go back to the Jira project and go to the Goal sidebar again 

If they still don't work, let me know. 

Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 31, 2024

@Samuel Knauss , @Ananth Subramanian  - there is a known issue on this last week, but this is now resolved. Please do try again and let me know if you are still having troubles.

Ananth Subramanian
February 1, 2024

@Irene it works now for me. Thanks 

fariba_peyhani March 6, 2024

Is it free for standards customers?

fariba_peyhani March 6, 2024

Can we use this feature for boards with multiple projects?

Nicole Downes
April 23, 2024

@Irene I have premium, but don't have Atlas installed. Suddenly, the Goals feature is showing up turned on in every project and I have to manually turn it off.

Should it be showing if I don't have Atlas? 

Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 23, 2024

@Nicole Downes can you confirm which Goals feature are you seeing? Is it the Goals tab in the left sidebar menu of a Jira software project? Or the Link Goals button in Issue view screen?

Nicole Downes
April 23, 2024

@Irene It is appearing in the side bar

Goals feature.png

Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 24, 2024

Thank you for confirming @Nicole Downes . I have checked and you are seeing this because we have now enabled Atlas for Jira on premium sites. 

Atlas is free so you can easily follow the steps in that Goals tab to use it. 

If you’d rather not use this feature, no worries – an admin can disable it at any time from the top navigation bar:

  1. In Jira, select Apps from the top navigation. Then click on Manage your apps

  2. Change filter from ‘User installed’ to ‘System

  3. Find the Atlas for Jira Cloud app and click on Configure

  4. Disable the Atlas integration toggle

Once you have disabled this Atlas toggle, the Goals tab will be removed from all of your projects.


April 24, 2024

Is this a staggered rollout that is being done globally? My organisation has Premium access however, the feature is not working. Just has a skeleton image advertising it and then CTA buttons that link to Atlas

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Fahim Ahmed
May 3, 2024

HI - Are Goals Jira project specific or can the same Goals apply across multiple projects ? 

I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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May 3, 2024

When I go to goals it says "Something went wrong. Please try again". Atlas is nstalled but I don't see anything in system to configure it. Can someone help? 

Vasiliy Ganchev May 5, 2024

Is there a plan to show more information in the goals tab? For me, the biggest value is seeing at a glance all the epics and their statuses and the number of issues linked to epics so I can dive deep into the details of any goal with a few clicks.


Opening Goals via Atlas is also not very user-friendly. I need to dive into every goal to get Epics' status. 

Nacho Cortes
May 6, 2024

I did everything as explained above and still can't see goals in JIRA.

See the images below.

Current output.

My JIRA Epic


Screenshot from Atlas project.



What am I doing wrong?

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Victor Klüber
May 14, 2024

Will this feature also be available for Work management projects?

Like Simon Sahli likes this
May 20, 2024

Hi team, any reason I can't find Atlas App in my Jira.  I have gone to Apps and system apps but don't see it.  I do see goal feature when in issues window but given that Atlass app is not available we can't use the Goal feature fully. Thanks

Like Denise Ruhoff likes this
Charlotte McPherson (US-ENG)
May 23, 2024

Having Goals and Sub Goals is a game changer, since we align our work with OKRs. Thank you!! I cannot figure out how to show the associated goals in a roadmap (Plan), which is really where I need to see them. Can you help?

Like Kara Ntumy likes this
Simon Sahli
May 28, 2024

Hello @Dafne Guerra Rodriguez
I was wondering when the goals functionality will be released for Jira Work management projects?

Terry Meissner
June 18, 2024

Hi @Dafne Guerra Rodriguez 

How far away are we from being able to seach for issues in JQL by goal? 

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