Hi there,
I'm wondering if there is a way to rename and/or re-colour Atlas goal statuses. We would to re-colour 'Completed' to differentiate it from 'Paused' and 'Pending', and we'd also like to tweak the names of the other statuses. Does this functionality exist?
Thanks for your help,
Hi Josh,
Thanks for your quick response!
We wouldn't input goals into the tool until they'd been confirmed, so we would ideally change 'Pending' to something like 'Committed' or 'Not Started'. This would make it clear that we are going to work on the goal, it just hasn't been started yet.
Another status that would be handy is 'Deferred', to differentiate items that we planned to do in one quarter but had to be pushed out.
@Kasey Dionne - thanks for the detail, very helpful.
Hi Josh,
For us, the names are fine; however, the identical colour for "To Do," "Paused," and "Completed" makes it challenging to identify the status at a glance. We’d really appreciate it if the "Completed" colour could be changed to something other than grey.
Thank you, and apologies for hijacking the thread! :)
We would really like to use Atlas for some exec summary on projects but the PMO is using PMI standard statuses like 'Initiating' 'Planning' 'Executing' and 'Closing'. How can we share these statuses in Atlas?
Hi @Darryl.calder ,
Thanks for reaching out. We are currently working on supporting custom fields for Project and Goals, which you can then filter them by. Sounds like this might help in your case. Keen to understand your use-case a little more, which other tools are you using these PMI statuses in already?
Hi @Anish Deena We are implementing a 'PMO Program' project in Jira that we will use to delineate when we are planning vs executing a project. Each IT Project in our organization will have its own PMO Epic and we will assign tasks to each of the PMI phases to call out our phase dates
Any news on this functionality ?
Agree. Completed is a terminal state, paused and pending are not so a different color for completion versus not-completed is important.
Agree. We'd also like to tailor the names & colors to match how we use Goals for OKRs. Specifically, a Goal may be in a Closed state, but not be Completed. In other words, its lifecycle is determined by a fixed time window (quarter, for us), and it may be "closed" and be scored <1.0, or incomplete. Whether it's open/closed or incomplete/complete are separate. So, for this, we'd update Completed to simply Closed, and use the score to indicate the "completeness level" at the time of closure.
Agreed too. It's unfortunate that I can't quickly look at my goals in the Atlassian Home Projects 'Contributes to Goals' section and know status of them by color. Instead I need to mouse over them to get useful information.
In this screen capture - some of these goals are completed, some are pending... I can't tell at a glance which are which because of the color both being a muted gray.