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Atlassian Analytics EAP Updates - July

Our team has been working hard to ship improvements to Atlassian Analytics as we make the product available to more customers like yourselves! We are excited to announce a number of changes released in July that make access easier and open up new product use cases.


Recently shipped 

Opsgenie and Insight starter dashboards

Opsgenie data is now available in the Atlassian Data Lake for Atlassian Analytics customers that have Opsgenie with Jira Service Management! Two Opsgenie starter dashboards are also now available - Alert Analytics and Alert MTTA/R. To see your Opsgenie data and dashboards in Atlassian Analytics, add a new Data Lake connection in your instance and make sure to select the Opsgenie product data during the data selection step.


For customers who use Jira Service Management’s asset and configuration management features, a new starter dashboard capturing that data is now available. To access this dashboard, select Jira Service Management data when adding a new Data Lake connection. In the near future, Assets and object schema selection will be available when selecting product data for a Data Lake connection.

Note: Opsgenie and Insight are both still in early access with Atlassian Analytics. If you're interested in participating, reach out to or fill out this form. Insight data is not available out of the box and will require joining the EAP to get access.

Account data

Many of you have requested that user data be made available in the Atlassian Data Lake so you can get a better picture of who is creating and responding to issues and more. A new table called “Account” is now available for you to use! The Account table contains the account ID, email, and name of users with managed accounts. Unmanaged account data is not yet available, but if this is important for your organization, please let us know.

Copying & pasting Visual SQL steps

To improve your chart-building experience, we’ve added the ability to copy and paste queries and steps within Visual SQL. These also work with Control + C (Command + C for Mac) and Control + P (Command + P for Mac) keyboard shortcuts.

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Access step during Data Lake creation process

To make it easier to share access to your Data Lake connections with your teams, we’ve added an optional step in the Data Lake creation process. If you already know who needs to query or who needs to manage a Data Lake connection, you can add them in this new step.

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Quickstart for non-organization admins

We've released a new quickstart guide for users who are not organization admins. This walkthrough was built to give new users a smoother onboarding process onto Analytics.

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Other improvements

  • Improved design of the dashboard and data source access pages

  • Better clarity around scope of data selected when creating a new Data Lake connection

  • Automatic pivot for multi-series charts

  • Various bug fixes and minor changes


Product documentation

The Atlassian Analytics product documentation has moved to its permanent home on Atlassian Support! From now on, you can access our documentation at A larger set of documentation has also been published to provide you with more information on how to use Atlassian Analytics.


Schema migration

A new version of the Atlassian Data Lake schema was just released. This new schema is a result of your direct feedback and makes it easier to query and build charts analyzing your Atlassian product data by reducing the need for complex joins and calculations. The launch of this change caused all charts querying old Data Lake connections to break. We’ve outlined instructions on how to migrate your charts, but if you would like further assistance please don’t hesitate to contact our support team.


Coming soon

  • Redesigned dashboard homepage to improve accessibility and search functionality

  • Ability to edit existing Atlassian Data Lake connections

  • Open access permissions for dashboards and data sources

  • Dashboard templates to create starter dashboards outside of creating new Data Lake connections

  • Updated design for columns added to visual mode queries

  • Improvements to error messages when creating a chart


Krzysztof Achinger
July 27, 2022

Managed and unmanaged account data is equally important for my org, please help to make sure it is there :-) 

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Ben Jackson
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 10, 2022

Thanks @Krzysztof Achinger we are working to have that data added, we understand the table is incomplete without it.


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