
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
December 9, 2021
cd existing-project
git remote set-url origin https://isdbitbucket/scm/bays/test.git - here before when I created a new repo it was ssh but it turned to https what should I do
git push -u origin --all git push origin --tags


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Nick Stone
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
December 10, 2021


If you want to be working with SSH you're going to need to make sure you have some SSH key pair(s) in your local device. Usually here--- C:\.ssh/  with /id_rsa  and take and if needed generate better keys prior to adding to Bitbucket settings SSH Keys. You can use about anything. Cmd, Terminal, to ssh-keygen generate keys and you'll want to sign into Bitbucket/Github/Your Hosting Provider and add your public key, NOT your private. 

SSH will not work if it doesn't recognize or match up to the private key's values in the id_rsa folder which you don't need to mess with. 

If you want to SSH into a computer address use Bitvise or Putty on Windows or ssh username@ip_address to ssh into. Often times 

But if you're on your own machine and using thing like Non-Ubuntu Linux Builds it could very somewhat, I just speak for Windows some, Mac mostly, and Linux enough to help a bit. You can change the format you clone folders i.e. the ssh way instead of the https way, it's the 3 tab menu after clicking Clone in the repo. Https requires password unless saved and configured on local computer, and SSH maybe overkill. Let me know what you're wanting to do and I'll try to better answer. 

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