I don't think this is possible within Confluence as it stands, but is there a way of doing this programatically?
I think there's two ways this could be done:
I'm not concerned about making them from a template, but being able to do this both from a template AND independently of a template would be good.
But I'm no programmer, so I may be talking out the back of my head.
We're using 5.7.3, Server.
Cheers and TIA.
Create a Word file, enter the page names as headlines and import the file into Confluence with "Import Word Document" and the option "Split by heading".
Confluence will automatically create a new page for every headline and structure it according to the chosen headline levels.
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There's one thing to note, here: Confluence will not process multiple levels of headings from the Word document, then create a whole tree structure of new pages.
It's a one-heading-level process, and at least so far, the choices are only Heading 1 or Heading 2.
Pat O'Connell
Technical Writer
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Don't know if I understand, but if I load a word file with heading levels h1-h6, it offers "Split by heading: Level 1-6" and creates a tree structure with all the levels.
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Well. I wanted to try this again. Trying to avoid a lot of creating a page tree structure manually. I created a short test Word doc with four levels of headings.
It turns out that I didn't understand Confluence offering to split things based on headings 1, 2, 3 or 4! Here's the actual poop:
"Level 1 Headings" - Splits only based on Level 1
"Level 2 Headings" - Splits on Levels 1 and 2
"Level 3 Headings" - Splits on Levels 1, 2 and 3
And there's a little preview ("Document Outline") below the drop-down where you pick how to split. I haven't followed through with this, but with my test document, here's the text of the preview. I've redacted it a bit because we're in a highly competitive industry:
So as it turns out, I unfairly maligned Atlassian, back in November.
Pat O'Connell
Technical Writer
MindGeek Montreal
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This is excellent automation for multiple import pages. It works correctly! Thank you very much!
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How to create multiple pages in confluence using a word doc with heading titles.
Step 1 - create a word doc and write out all the names of your pages in a list.
Step 2 - select the text and give a title 1 heading and save
Step 3 - create a blank confluence page and give it any name
Step 4 - click on the three dots in the top right corner
Step 5 - Select "import word document"
Step 6 - Click "select file" and locate your file
Step 7 - Press "import"
Step 8 - A screen comes up called "Import Word Document: Configuration" - on this page, go to the bottom where it says "split by heading" and change it to "level 1 headings" and press import
Step 9 - its done, the pages are created, now you need to move them around.
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Olivia, thank you for your answer to this.
We're on 6.9.x - I think non-cloud version.
I found only one caveat. I had already created the parent page for the sub-pages that I wanted to create in this way, so it actually created a new parent.
Then I had to reorder pages and delete the extraneous one, but meh! Not the end of the world.
Pat O'Connell
Technical Writer
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There's a second caveat to this, I have found.
I decided I would do a large number of headings in a Word doc, as I had quite a page tree structure to create. Bring 'em all in, then reorder. I had been doing this a chunk at a time, importing and then reordering non-alphabetically. (Confluence, do you think maybe there's a reason I'm bringing these things in in a specific order?)
I should mention at this point that all of these headings, all of them, had a colon ( : ) in them.
So, put them into Word. Did the import. Every single colon was turned into an underscore. No global search-and-replace sans a plugin, and my employer's averse, not just because of cost.
So, at least some of the time I saved not doing things in chunks was spent manually editing the title of each of those pages.
<------ me
Pat O'Connell
Technical Writer
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No solution, but I can confirm that you are right with all you said:
Using the Word import function to create pages simultaneously is not more than a workaround.
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I confirm it worked (for me):
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Didn't work for me today.
I have prepared a word file using one Heading 1 line and several Heading 2 lines below.
I have saved it to a file in DOCX format but I used Libre Office Writer.
I have imported and chosen to break on Level 2 headings.
But the result was one single page.
Now I am going ahead to hack my 30+ pages manually in :(
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I don't have Microsoft Office on my computer. Even I had tried both Mac Pages and LibreOffice with no luck :( :( So the document was imported without splitting the headings. I think is a problem on how Pages and LibreOffice deal with the outline of the document.
BTW then I tried Google Doc and it works!! The .docx generated by Google Doc is imported correctly by Confluence, with heading split working.
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The Problem: No easy way to bulk import documents into Confluence AND importing one document at a time is tedious.
Proof of Concept:
The code I used is in 3 chunks to achieve the goals numbered below. (You run 3 macros, in sequence.) (I’m no programmer, it’s messy.):
PART ONE: Demote All Headings
Sub DoVBRoutineNow()
'This allows you to loop through all the documents in the path specified below.
'It calls DemoteAllHeadings to demote all the headings.
Dim file
Dim path As String
path = "C:\temp\"
'This next line mentions DOC but it still picked up DOCX... cool
file = Dir(path & "*.doc")
Do While file <> ""
Documents.Open FileName:=path & file
‘This is the SUB provided below
Call DemoteAllHeadings
file = Dir()
End Sub
Sub DemoteAllHeadings()
'This VBA actually demotes the headings
'Use this with DoVBRoutineNow to demote headings of all documents in a folder.
Dim p As Paragraph
Dim sParStyle As String
Dim iHeadLevel As Integer
For Each p In ActiveDocument.Paragraphs
sParStyle = p.Style
If Left(sParStyle, 7) = "Heading" Then
iHeadLevel = Val(Mid(sParStyle, 8)) + 1
If iHeadLevel > 9 Then iHeadLevel = 9
p.Style = "Heading " & iHeadLevel
End If
Next p
End Sub
PART TWO: Add Filename as Heading 1 to Each Document
NOTE: Heading 1 is in ALL CAPS. Maybe we could fix that in a second iteration of this code/process.
Sub DoVBRoutineNow2()
'Again: This allows you to loop through all the documents in the path specified below.
'It calls EnterFilename to enter the filename as a heading.
Dim file
Dim path As String
path = "C:\temp\"
file = Dir(path & "*.doc")
Do While file <> ""
Documents.Open FileName:=path & file
Call InsertFileNameOnly
file = Dir()
End Sub
Sub InsertFileNameOnly()
Dim xPathName As String
Dim xDotPos As Integer
With Application.ActiveDocument
If Len(.path) = 0 Then .Save
xDotPos = VBA.InStrRev(.Name, ".")
xPathName = VBA.Left(.Name, xDotPos - 1)
End With
Application.Selection.Style = ActiveDocument.Styles("Heading 1")
Application.Selection.TypeText xPathName
End Sub
PART THREE: Merge the Documents
I made sure to have a blank document open to begin this process.
Sub MergeMultiDocsIntoOne()
Dim dlgFile As FileDialog
Dim nTotalFiles As Integer
Dim nEachSelectedFile As Integer
Set dlgFile = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
With dlgFile
.AllowMultiSelect = True
If .Show <> -1 Then
Exit Sub
nTotalFiles = .SelectedItems.Count
End If
End With
For nEachSelectedFile = 1 To nTotalFiles
Selection.InsertFile dlgFile.SelectedItems.Item(nEachSelectedFile)
If nEachSelectedFile < nTotalFiles Then
Selection.InsertBreak Type:=wdPageBreak
If nEachSelectedFile = nTotalFiles Then
Exit Sub
End If
End If
Next nEachSelectedFile
End Sub
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Yes it works. I will write an answer with screenshots.
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For those who do not want to get into the Java programming. Try our Page Tree Creator Add-on.
Our Add-on Page Tree Creator works a bit different than the Confluence blueprints / templates. The PTC-templates are based on normal confluence pages and therefore creating a PTC-template is as simple as creating a Confluence page. Of course you could start creating your PTC-blueprint based on an existing Confluence page.
Try our Live Examples (no registration needed).
Marketplace link: Page Tree Creator.
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If the template part is important to you, you can include that into that Word file as well (at least to some extent).
If all the pages must have the same layout with e.g. headline followed by paragraph followed by an image you can add that to the Word file and it will become the content of your wiki page.
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Confluence Command Line Interface (CLI) has support for doing this type of automation. For instance, How to create pages from template pages.
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