Hide notification "Launching Companion App"

Benjamin W.
October 1, 2020

Confluence Server onPremise 7.6.2 running on Windows Server 2016

Companion App 1.0.0 and 1.2.2 running on Windows 10 Profession 64bit


Since our latest Upgrade to Confluence 7.6.2 we face the following issue:

- open confluence page with an attachment

- try to edit the file using the companion app

- in the top right corner, there is a notification "Launching Companion App", If nothing happens, download the Atlassian Compantion app and try again" containing a link to the public Atlassian site where to download the App.


Is there any option on how to disable this notification from beeing shown to the user?

Remark: I do not mean the browser-based security message stating "[Browser] wants to launch your local Companion App. Ok to launch it?"


From Chromes Developer Tools, I was able to determine the section

<div class="aui-flag" aria-hidden="false"><div class="aui-message closeable aui-message-info"><p class="title" tabindex="-1"><strong>Get ready to edit</strong></p><div class="companion-launching-flag-body companion-margin-top-10"><p><a href="https://docs.atlassian.com/confluence/docs-76/Edit+Files">Atlassian Companion</a> is required to edit this file. Talk to your IT team if you don't have permission to install apps.</p><p>Once installed, your browser will prompt you to launch the app.</p><div class="companion-launching-flag-download-buttons companion-margin-top-10" id="companion-download-buttons"><a id="download-btn-windows" class="aui-button-link download-win companion-left-download-button" href="javascript&colon;void(0)">Download for Windows</a>·<a id="download-btn-mac" class="aui-button-link download-mac companion-right-download-button" href="javascript&colon;void(0)">Download for Mac</a></div></div><span class="aui-icon icon-close" role="button" tabindex="0"></span></div></div>

When changing the aria-hidden to true, then it is correctly vanishign in my browser. So this would be the effect I am aiming for. But unfortunately I was not able to determine where (and even if) this can be realized.


Thanks for any suggestion

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