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Migration from onpremise to cloud problems (backup)

Axel Hinz October 8, 2017

Hi Team,


I am trying to switch over from my own server to cloud. I thought doing an export/import would do the trick, but unfortunately I ran into the old backup problem (which I worked around by doing a backup on server-based tools like database- and file backup).

Clicking "backup" on the backup and recovery page, I get the error:


javax.servlet.ServletException: Servlet execution threw an exception
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(

caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/xml/bind/DatatypeConverter
    at com.atlassian.dbexporter.node.stax.StaxStreamWriter$1.setContentAsBinary(

I experienced that on several version, here: 6.3.4 build 7202

Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64

Apache Tomcat/8.0.43

Java 1.8.0_131


What can i do?




2 answers

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Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 9, 2017

Hi Axel,

As Michael mentioned, before migrating from a Server instance to a Cloud instance, we always recommend that you're on the most recent version. Have a look at Confluence Server to Confluence Cloud documentation for the full set of instructions. However, your version of Confluence is still new enough that it may be possible.


Now as far as your error goes, it is caused by this problem: Cannot create XML backup due to "Could not read fields for table" Unknown ActiveObjects Table. Please have a look at the diagnosis in order to determine which table it is you need to remove.

Let me know if you run into any further issues or have any questions!

Kind Regards,

Axel Hinz October 11, 2017

Hi Shannon,


thanks for your reply. Concerning the XML error I have to state that is it not possible to DROP the table, because it does not exist. If found in the log:

2017-10-11 08:42:09,092 INFO [http-nio-8090-exec-1] [activeobjects.confluence.backup.LoggingBackupProgressMonitor] beginTableBackup Begin backup for table : AO_DCA036_ENCRYPTION_KEY
2017-10-11 08:42:09,094 WARN [http-nio-8090-exec-1] [confluence.impl.hibernate.ConfluenceHibernateTransactionManager] doRollback Performing rollback. Transactions:
  ->[null]: PROPAGATION_REQUIRED,ISOLATION_DEFAULT (Session #1053197317)
        Showing 10 last transactions at this level out of 192 in total:
        [com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.upgradetask.EmbeddedCrowdAddMissingConstraintsUpgradeTask.getShortDescription]: PROPAGATION_REQUIRES_NEW,ISOLATION_DEFAULT,readOnly (Session #1906139359)
        [com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.upgradetask.EmbeddedCrowdAddMissingConstraintsClearDataUpgradeTask.breaksBackwardCompatibility]: PROPAGATION_REQUIRES_NEW,ISOLATION_DEFAULT (Session #1285352114)
        [com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.upgradetask.EmbeddedCrowdAddMissingConstraintsClearDataUpgradeTask.getBuildNumber]: PROPAGATION_REQUIRES_NEW,ISOLATION_DEFAULT,readOnly (Session #2042684925)
        [com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.upgradetask.EmbeddedCrowdAddMissingConstraintsClearDataUpgradeTask.getShortDescription]: PROPAGATION_REQUIRES_NEW,ISOLATION_DEFAULT,readOnly (Session #2057451761)
        [com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.upgradetask.AttachmentRemoveFileStoreIDsUpgradeTask.breaksBackwardCompatibility]: PROPAGATION_REQUIRES_NEW,ISOLATION_DEFAULT (Session #1690586835)
        [com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.upgradetask.AttachmentRemoveFileStoreIDsUpgradeTask.getBuildNumber]: PROPAGATION_REQUIRES_NEW,ISOLATION_DEFAULT,readOnly (Session #1144197179)
        [com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.upgradetask.AttachmentRemoveFileStoreIDsUpgradeTask.getShortDescription]: PROPAGATION_REQUIRES_NEW,ISOLATION_DEFAULT,readOnly (Session #883502164)
        [com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.upgradetask.ContentIndexUpgradeTask.breaksBackwardCompatibility]: PROPAGATION_REQUIRES_NEW,ISOLATION_DEFAULT (Session #1479694419)
        [com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.upgradetask.ContentIndexUpgradeTask.getBuildNumber]: PROPAGATION_REQUIRES_NEW,ISOLATION_DEFAULT,readOnly (Session #495945907)
        [com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.upgradetask.ContentIndexUpgradeTask.getShortDescription]: PROPAGATION_REQUIRES_NEW,ISOLATION_DEFAULT,readOnly (Session #1463822182)
 -- url: /confluence/admin/dobackup.action | traceId: d141a006b7b3ce77 | userName: (REMOVEDFORPRIVACYREASONS)| referer: (REMOVEDFORPRIVACYREASONS)
2017-10-11 08:42:09,096 ERROR [http-nio-8090-exec-1] [[Standalone].[localhost].[/confluence].[action]] log Servlet.service() for servlet [action] in context with path [/confluence] threw exception [Servlet execution threw an exception] with root cause
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/xml/bind/DatatypeConverter

Entering postgresql and trying to drop the table psql tells me it does not exist:

FEHLER:  Tabelle »AO_DCA036_ENCRYPTION_KEY« existiert nicht


How can I succeed?




Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 11, 2017

Hi Axel,

That is odd, because it does appear the table is there due to the errors.

Can you be sure you're in the correct database? I have another customer I found that received the same error about that exact table not existing, but tried again using the command on the correct table, and was able to drop it.


Kind Regards,

Axel Hinz October 11, 2017

Thanks Shannon,

not being familiar with SQl (and almost absolutely not with postgresql) I totally missed to change to the dabase. Sorry for that! Worked now! Result:

Backup done, request finished. Thanks a lot, close and forget. :) I documented that (hihi, in confluence). For whom it may help (linux debian with postgresql:

less /var/atlassian/application-data/confluence/logs/atlassian-confluence.log
(search for beginDatabaseInformationBackup)
(search for ERROR)
(go some lines upwards, to find the last table before the error)
sudo -H -u postgres psql
\c confluence

0 votes
Michael Brown [Ascend]
October 8, 2017

Hi Axel, Are you doing this backup from the latest updated copy of JIRA? Your server should be updated to JIRA 7.5.X prior to performing the migration to Cloud:

For the specific problem above, I think this article in the Knowledgebase will help: 

Michael Brown [Ascend]
October 8, 2017

For some reason the link won't update: XML Backup and Java Throws Error Resolution

Axel Hinz October 9, 2017

Sorry, no problem at all, this affects Confluence, not JIRA. Sorry for the mistake... just opened an new thread.

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