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Jira Server/DC does not have a good way for non db admins to see which filters are used on which dashboards. Under Administration - System - Filters, we have a way to find all filters (both shared and private) and see some information about them.
However, after a while a fairly much used Jira instance ends up plethora of filters. I mean A LOT! Some are used on dashboards. Others are used for subscriptions or Kanban boards. Yet others were used on a dashboard that has now been deleted. How to manage all these filters?
One approach that I sometimes used it to add the number of the dashboard using the filter as a prefix to the name of the filter. For example, below you can see the filters that are used on dashboard #23717:
This makes it easier for me to find the filters and delete them once I want to delete dashboard #23717. The drawback to this approach is that maybe someone has used one or more of these filters on another dashboard...
I have also resorted to limiting who can share filters to try to get the filters under control. Basically restricting this permission to a select few. Drawback here, of course, is that most users are unable to share their beautiful creations with their team mates...
How are you tackling this issue?
Or is it not an issue for you...
Kristján Geir Mathiesen
Enterprise Atlassian Administrator
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