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Cannot correctly set the path to my local repository

Manjunatha K R
January 29, 2018


The below query is working if I use path not like * and path not like *

But if I want to get query results for path like * and path like * => I am not getting any results.

Is something wrong with my query used?


select revisions from dir "/" where (author in ("aharish", "aharsha", "ajays", "akalirajan", "arajashekar", "arihantrk", "parun", "arunv", "atomson", "avineet", "bbinil", "bjayakumar", "bjayavardhan", "bmahaaboob", "caparna", "cdhiren", "schandra", "schitransh", "dbteam", "pdebasish", "dkushan", "pgovindu", "gpratheej", "gprithviraj", "gpriya", "gsiddharth", "gsrinivasa", "gsunilkumar", "gsureshkumar", "gvikas", "jgeorge", "gjhaunu", "tjyothi", "kgunjan", "kgandhi", "ksathish", "kshanmuganathan", "ksuresh", "lsubramanyam", "mamit", "mkrishnan", "umohd", "mreddy", "mswathi", "namit", "rnaveen", "kneeraj", "no_author", "npariath", "nsantu", "gparamesh", "prasadmv", "proy", "psharadavani", "psheroo", "pvelayudhan", "nraghu", "rkrishna", "rshanker", "rbabu", "rdeepti", "rkamat", "rlakshmi", "rmurugan", "rsaravind", "rshankar", "rvijaya", "sanubhav", "djsateesh", "scheedel", "sdogra", "sjiji", "skiran", "smanjusha", "srajasekaran", "sseema", "ssmitha", "ssomsubhra", "ssrivardhan", "mvsudhakara", "supadya", "snazir", "tanuradha", "themanta", "trhythm", "supananda", "uprema", "vigneshwaran", "vpatel", "azameer") and path like * and path like * and on branch EMS_POC_9_0_MAIN and date in [2017-12-31T18:30:00.00Z, 2018-01-29T18:29:59.00Z]) order by date desc group by changeset return path, author, date, linesAdded

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Michael Walker
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 1, 2018

Hi Manju,

I know that you have reached out to support directly and that we have addressed this question for you already but I would like to go ahead and answer here as well to provide the community the answers that we have found to possibly help others with this issue.

This ended up being a format/syntax issue in the way that the query is built. When running a query that has "path like * and path like *", the query sees these and tries to find all files that include BOTH of these criteria rather than one or the other. The proper syntax is as follows:

... where (path like * or path like *, and ...

Hopefully this helps any others that encounter this issue.

Best Regards

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