We are not sure if we are doing something wrong, or if it is a board misconfiguration, but we are creating new Epics, and they do not show on the board.
We are able to find them (recently created or search by number), and they have child Tasks and everything, but they seem to be missing from the project board (even though we have them assigned to the right project when we created them).
any thoughts appreciated... :)
Hello Anne, thank you for the reply...
I am comparing our Board and the Backlog. We have there Epic filters (for both the Backlog and the Board) and our new Epics show up there, as expected.
However, when selecting the checkbox for a new Epic, the Board does not work, but the Backlog does. (I mean that only the Backlog shows related child tickets, but not the Board).
Somehow the Board does not 'see' these Epics. Even GROUP BY Epic, it shows only our older Epics... not the new ones.
Boards work off filters. Check to see if the filter in the board configuration is including all issue types. Sounds like it may be excluding Epics.
The default filter will be "project = <project name> ORDER BY Rank ASC" which includes all issues in a Jira project.
The problem was that issues were Backlog issues.
Once they were migrated from Backlog to become Board issues, all epics started showing on the Board too.(counts of issues per Epic were > 0).
@Adam Rigby had it right, but there's a quirk in there that's not immediately obvious.
The board and the backlog are two facets of the same "board". A board selects for a view of a pile of issues. The backlog shows all the not-done issues in that list, the "active" board shows you what has been selected as actively being worked on from the backlog.
You've not really "migrated" anything to become board issues, they're all already on the board. You've just told Jira to consider them as actively being worked on.
Hi Ludi - suggestions:
1. check your board filter to ensure epics are not excluded
2. if this is on the backlog - check to see if the epic panel is enabled
3. validate the starting status of the epic is mapped to board columns
That #3 can be a doozy.
All Epics are included, I can even pick and choose the new ones... the dropdown shows them. All seems to work properly in the Backlog, but not in the Board.
What do you mean by board? active sprint board? kanban board?
Can you please send screenshot exactly where you are checking. You have option to enable Epics and when you click Backlog on left panel you see Epics (along with Versions)
Go to Board Settings then last option Roadmap. Now enable Raodmap. Note that you should be using Scrum Board and Board should be based on single project.
Now go back to your Board. You will see Roadmap option on top along with Backlog, Active sprints and Reports.
Also ensure your Filter definition for Board is not excluding Filters.
Change your board settings for the Epic's to off and your Epics will show up on your board just like other tasks .
Hi Martin, I do not see that ... maybe because it is a 'team-managed project'?
@Ludi, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but have you seen this? How to show Epics on a kanban board as cards and u... (atlassian.com)
It appears that you cannot display epics as cards in team-managed projects. Is it an option to move the content to a new company-managed project with a different project key?
Thank you everyone for your comments, and feedback!
We figured out the issue.
A board shows issues/tasks in the Board View when they get classified as 'Board' ready, not when they are simply staying in the Backlog.
So if we are creating tasks in the Backlog, they will **not** show right away in the Board View... and Epics without board issues will not display either, since 'Group By' count is 0.
We have to ensure that we move Tasks from Backlog to Board (as indicated in the screenshot below):
Also this was helpful in figuring it out:
Might it depend on the status of the issues (of the new created epic)? Don't know which workflow you use, but could it be possible you haven't assigned your "NEW status" to any column of the board?
...because moving from "Backlog" to "Board" means transitioning the issue. (or is that different in team managed boards?)
Just want to share my solution to this which is similar to the OP's solution. Had this same problem with the new enhanced view with either kanban or scrum board.
Note: By default, epics do not show in sprint board, only its child issues do. You have to give it a sprint value if you want it displayed on the board too.
Problem: Some epic shows in the board view and some don't.
Solution: Add epic to the sprint
A. If your project setup lets you see the epic ticket in the backlog view still, just drag the ticket to the sprint section on top
B. If your project doesn't let you see the epics in the the backlog view anymore, you have to enable to "Sprint" field in the epic view screen. Then you can add a sprint value for the epic, so it will now display in the current sprint board.
It's been some time since this topic, and the UI is different than suggested.
I am still straggling to see epics in my board. Can some1 pls tell me what work it out for them?
I know this is a bit of a necro, but I'm having the same issue for just one specific project in my instance.
Other projects using the same layout aren't affected. When I check through an issue search or the 'List' view, there are plenty of Epics in the project in various statuses.
When I check the layout for my Epic issue type, it has the Sprint field, though there is a warning:
When I check the Sprint field, it does indeed have a context, though it also says it should be available to all issue types:
Oddly enough, it's Locked, which should mean that it can't be modified, which should mean it can't have a context added, correct? So I'm confused about how the context got there, and still unsure if that's actually the source of my issue with the Epics not showing up in my Backlog.
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