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INSIGHT user object and relations

Markus Pöhler
October 10, 2022

I want to ahieve two things using INSIGHT:

1. Create relations between objects

  1. in order to use the built-in graph function and
  2. in order to see incoming references on each object

2. Show the assigned objects of a person (their equipment) in the public JIRA userprofile view.

I found solutions for both requirements, but no solution to have both.


To resolve requirement number 1, we can easily configure a user attribute in each and every objecttype and select the JIRA user database (a specific group) as the datasource, and enable "SHOW IN PROFILE". That works like a charm and if we do this, the objects are all listed in the user's profile. 

Unfortunately with this approach, the incoming object references can't be shown on the user object in INSIGHT, simply because there is no such object. As a consequence, the beautiful graphs INSIGHT is capable to show, are not usable.

To resolve this, we have created a dedicated object type EMPLOYEE, configured some users and created a references object type with a relation to other objecttypes. This way, we can make use of the references, show the graphs and use the entire functionality. But with this approach, requirement no 2 is no longer working - the objects related to the employee aren't shown any longer in the JIRA user profile.

Even though I have managed already to import the users from JIRA with the integrated import functionality and mapped the Employee type to the JIRA user (it matches magically over the E-Mail address field), this doesn't work. In the JIRA user's profile, all that is shown is the EMPLOYEE itself, but not the references other objects.

interesting side fact: If I add any attribute of type E-Mail address to any kind of object, and enter the e-mail address of any JIRA user, then this object will always be displayed in the user's public profile... so the Insight profile overview must be somehow hardly wired to wither show the related JIRA user object or show all that contains the E-Mail address of the person.

Dows anyone know a way to have both of our requirements fulfilled without having to maintain a reference to the employee AND a Jira user?



Tec. Information: JIRA SW v. 8.20.11 / Service Management 4.20.11 (DATACENTER)




1 answer

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OMHM October 21, 2022

Hi Markus,

I have exactly the same approach as you except that I have not yet found: POSTER IN THE PROFILE.
Personally, I don't want to create an object for my 1200 users so I put an attribute: user database (a specific group) in each item...
I preferred to see the graph when I had an EMPLOYEE item except that it's too much work...

Some has a solution for Markus and therefore for me too?

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