We fully understand that the change in Oracle JDK support structure has a significant impact on you, our customers.
This has been on our radar for some time, and we've made some decisions across the Atlassian Server & Data Center product lines that we'd like to share with you.
Support for Java 11 OpenJDK and Oracle JDK.
Upcoming releases of our Server & Data Center products will support both Java 11 OpenJDK and Oracle JDK. Work is already underway for Jira Core, Jira Software, Jira Service Desk, Portfolio for Jira, Confluence, and Bitbucket, with other products planning to follow suit. At this point, we haven't decided which Java 11 JRE we're going to bundle. This is something we're working on, and whatever we choose will be compatible with Oracle JDK 11. Detailed information about specific product versions providing support for OpenJDK 11 will be shared independently as soon as we have these details available.
Additionally, Oracle's support model for future releases of Java continues to evolve - we are monitoring it closely as it might impact our approach.
Support for Java 9 / 10.
Java 9 is already end-of-life, and Java 10 will be end-of-life in September 2018. Neither of these are Long Term Supported versions, therefore we have no plans to support them.
Support for Java 8 SE.
Java 8 Oracle JDK is currently supported across all Server & Data Center products. We plan to continue supporting Java 8 Oracle JDK together with support for Java 11. We're committed to supporting our Enterprise customers who don't want to or can't upgrade to Java 11, and would like to purchase extended Java 8 SE support from Oracle instead.
We'll add an update on our progress within the next few months.
Share your feedback
We’d like to use this post to gather your feedback and questions about our plans to support Java 11 and OpenJDK. Share your thoughts in the comments below and we'll do our best to respond.
Kind regards,
Atlassian Server Product Management
Jakub Lazinski
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