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Working with epics in next-gen Software projects


Sean Frischmann
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December 14, 2018

For Next-Gen:

When an Epic is marked DONE and all issues associated are DONE, the Epic still shows up on the board / backlog drop down filter.

Will this eventually be removed from the filter? Or will that filter have a list of every Epic you create (which will get quite long)?

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Mikael Nilsson December 19, 2018

@Kevin Bui Filter them away works in the Roadmap view but how do I get rid of the done Epics in the backlog view. I don't want to see all the already done Epics when trying to assign issues to Epics and it will only get worse when we have closed a few Epics? In the old version with the very nice drag and drop the epic didn't appear if it was done. How could that be done?

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Nick Mckenzie
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December 23, 2018


How do I go about setting the Epic when I create a new Story? I see it happens automatically when I do it on the board but from the Create dialog the field is not there. This means I need to create the Story and then press the ... in order to set the Epic.




Sean Blezard
January 9, 2019

Hello, is it possible to add new statuses to the epic in next-gen? Exploring whether it's possible to use epics as "shippable MVP/feature" but Todo/In Progress/Done isn't enough in terms of a workflow. Also - although epics can appear as timeline roadmap bars, is there anyway in Next Gen to have them appear on a board of their own?


The only other option would be to ignore the epic and create two next generation boards - a Scrum one for the team and a Kanban one for the shippable features... with issue links between the two.

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Katja Albinus
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January 9, 2019

I am missing the feature - colour customization of the epics - in the next gen version. Is that planned?

Ilya Spevak January 9, 2019

No chance to assign en Epic to Story in Bulk change mode: "Unlabelled" issues in drop down menu.

Also in search results "Epic Link" column remains blank.

But the idea of next-gen project is great

Michael Shulman
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January 14, 2019

Can we connect an Epic in a Next Gen Project to a Story in a Classic Project? Some of our teams are still on Classic Projects, and we'd like to link to them from Next Gen Epics.



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Matheus Baumgart
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January 21, 2019

Why can't I see which Epic my Story is assigned to from a the Story view?

Configuring the properties of a Story also doesn't allow me to manually add that as a field. 

I have to go "Change Epic" to see which one is it. Why Why Why? 

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Alistair Eldred
January 22, 2019

This is great, and thanks for adding colours to Epics. However we still can't use this feature as its only for Next-gen projects which would be fine if you could link Classic issues to Next-gen Epics, but you can't..

Please vote for to have this issue prioritised, thanks.

Ananth Sridhar
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January 25, 2019

Is there a way to add Initiatives and Themes in the 'Next-Gen' Project? 

Bruno Bacelar January 30, 2019

Is there anyway that I can see the progress of the cards that belongs to the epic card?

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Maya Joshi
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February 6, 2019

Is there anything in your roadmap to stackrank issues within an Epic like you can with the traditional JIRA projects? +1000 for this request! 

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Rudi Louw February 6, 2019

@Bree Davies, this next-gen projects are just the right direction jira has to move in in my opinion. Biggest hassle for us has always been roadmapping and actual jira work taking place.

Few additional requests please.

1) Epic Progress indicators - on the roadmap according to points burned or number of stories completed (would like to pick this per epic, i.e. we don't way bugs logged) would be great for constant feedback to the stakeholders

2) Time logging - on certain projects, like overheads etc. which do not get weighed, but we track time against in the older projects, we just Add Work (2h or 1d etc.). This field would be nice on these new-gen projects.

3) Kanban Burnup chart - currently we export the backlogs of our projects into excel, where we automate a backlog burnup against your current velocity, giving a nice pessimistic and optimistic completion view down the backlog. A report for this would be great, using the best and worst velocities over the last X number sprints as your pessimistic and optimistic velocities (or manually entered for a team).

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Sheryl McKeown
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February 7, 2019

When I run a issue filter on a new gen project, and then drill into a story, I can _not_ see the epic the story is linked to.  How do I view the epic from the story?

Anton Kokh
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February 11, 2019

We have the following problem with a next-gen epic.

All of the projects we have in our JIRA are classic, while we have one next gen project DEVOPS.

We have several boards that are built on the following approach:
- the board filter includes issues for a particular project,
- and represents them in epic swimlanes (according to the rank of corresponding epics),

- epics themselves may belong to different projects.

To make this approach work, the board filter includes issues from particular project OR epics from any project.

This approach works perfectly fine with one small exception.
An epic from the next project DEVOPS is included on all such boards as an actual issue in 'Issues without epics' swimlane. This epic doesn't have any issues that are relevant to this project or this board, so it is simply included in the filter because of that 'OR epic from any project' condition.
Classic epics are not represented as swimlanes if they don't have any issues relevant to the board inside.
What could be the reason for the classic board treating a next gen epic so different? Is there a way to exclude nextgen epics from the filter?


Zach Greene February 15, 2019

Love the look and feel of next gen projects, exploring moving our digital marketing team's board over in the next few months.

For the roadmap feature, would be great (mentioned by a few others in this thread) if you could visually see amount of stories completed displayed on the epic bar (i.e. 21 out of 40 stories done for specific Epic) as well as how many story points completed for the actual Epic (i.e. 65 out of 100 story points completed for this specific Epic). 

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Adam Schlesinger
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March 5, 2019

Two things:
- It would be really nice to be able to have multiple epic issue types as I often have repeating types of large scale issues

- I also want the ability to auto generate and pre-fill the sub-issues based on that epic "type"

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Martin Schenk March 6, 2019

Nice. But i would really love to have an EPIC BOARD in the Project, where i can move my EPICS in a special Workflow.


I tried to put a standard jira board and filter the epics from the new gen project. but then i cant style my own workflow because it uses the next gen story workflow...


...that would be so perfect for me and my team.

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Maria Hernández March 13, 2019

Thank you for the information.

Jyotsna Jha
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March 13, 2019



Can we add child issues from projects other than in which the epic was created?



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Taylor Smith
March 18, 2019

Hi - Any update on when we will get the epics panel back in the sidebar and the ability to color code epics??  I would love to use this next gen project scheme with my technical team as they don't work in formal sprints, but am having difficulty setting up the project the way I like.  Please bring this feature to the Next Gen Kanban project ASAP

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Brian Silva
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April 9, 2019

I'm also with @Ian Sheffield , @Michael Pavey , and @Mahmoud Elmashad -- the list of epics on the left of the backlog provided several excellent UX and visibility benefits. It made organising issues into Epics easier. It provided a high-level visualisation on the tasks at hand when organising sprints, since all the Epics were visible at once in a list. And the progress tracking through each Epic also provided a good higher-level measure of progress when deciding how to schedule backlog tasks.

The new UI looks great, and the roadmap is a great feature, but I think we lose a lot without that Epic list in the backlog! Please consider bringing that back.

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Michael Messier
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May 1, 2019

Sometimes I will export tasks into excel/csv for dashboards/presentations - however I notice that in the extract, I don't see what epic that task/line item is attached to, is that something we could see down the road?

jlagtapon May 3, 2019

Is there a way to have T-shirt sizing of epics?  I'd like to ball park roadmap timelines without having to go through the effort of story creation

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Ian Sheffield
May 3, 2019

@jlagtapon  - We just added custom picklists field to the Epic Issue Type with T-Shirt Size.  You should be able to help yourself there.


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