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JIRA LDAP: User Accounts from multiple ADs, Group definition just in one AD

Michael Janke
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July 31, 2019

All LDAP users for the tool JIRA are defined in an AD group and imported with LDAP-Directory1 and ldap.user.filter "(&(objectCategory=Person)(sAMAccountName=*)(memberOf=cn=jira-software-users,ou=IMGroups,ou=sites,dc=dom1,dc=mycompany,dc=com))"

Project groups for JIRA are also defined in dom1, all starting with "jira-" and imported via "(&(objectCategory=Group)(cn=jira-*))"

Everything works fine for users in dom1. Users from AD-Group jira-software-users are imported and are members of all projects groups, just as defined in AD1.

But there are users in other domains too, who should work with this tool. So I created another LDAP-Directory2 to domain dom2.mycompany.comwith the same ldap.user.filter. All users in the second domain are imported into JIRA, but none of them has a group membership in JIRA in one of the groups imported in LDAP-Directory1.

Is there a way to get this done?

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