How to parse email header

October 21, 2019

Dear all,

We have a request where we need to communicate Service Desk issue to an external old system.

The idea is that we create an issue in Jira and send the notification to the external tier system using email.

The third system receive the email and create its own internal ticket number which is then added to the email subject and then return to jira through email. 

From that email, Jira knows how to update the ticket by parsing its previous subject line

Question :

What is the easy way to read the new insert third party ticket information in order to store it in a custom field ?

We do not want to use extra plugins except Jira Automation, this to avoid maintenance operation in case of different upgrade.

Any idea how to do this ?


1 answer

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Josana de Hesselle
December 18, 2019

Also interested in this. Did you ever find a solution?

In my case I deal with multiple hardware vendors each using their own ITSM/Service desks with their own ticket numbers and email subject formats. So different reason but essentially the same issue you are trying to solve

Would love to be able to parse those emails automatically into my JSD tickets (or probably sub tickets). 

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