Can you add a hyperlink to JIRA

Jessica K December 1, 2015

Can you add a hyperlink to JIRA description and/or comment area?

If so how do you do it correctly.


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Deleted user December 1, 2015

Yes you. Both of the JIRA system fields you mention above uses the JIRA Wiki Renderer which has many fun formatting you can choose from! Take a read below.

In the "LINKS" section, you will have to use:

Jessica K December 1, 2015

thank you!!!

Rajkumar Balakrishnan
September 7, 2017

When I try to send a link like as suggested for the 'description, field while creating a JIRA ticket through a R script,


x <- list(fields = list(project = c(key = "TEST"),
summary = "New Issue Ticket Created",
description = "[Issue Doc|]",
issuetype = c(name = "Task"),
assignee = c(name = assigneeUsrName)

response <- POST("",
body = RJSONIO::toJSON(x), authenticate("usrName","pwd", "basic"),
add_headers("Content-Type" = "application/json"), verbose())

I only see the text in the description field instead of a hyperlink.

[Issue Doc|]

What am I missing here?

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April 15, 2019

Same issue, if I put custom links and not web links, it only displays a text.

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mbratch May 8, 2019

Same here. There must be some limitation to the external link feature. If I use the "Atlassian" example, it works fine. But if I have a slightly more complicated link, it does not.

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May 8, 2019

Same here. Back then when we were using sharepoint, the link was ok and worked fine but when we changed the server from sharepoint to another one, it doesn't work anymore.

2 votes
Claudio Casiello April 11, 2020

Not working in any browser...any suggestion?

Oleksandr Chalyi
July 27, 2020

In my case in jira 8.5.5 <a href="url">link text</a> worked.

I mistakenly updated Description in Custom field - Edit (field) whereas it must be done on Field Configuration level since current custom field have been already created some time ago and was used by several projects.

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Kiri .a.b
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July 1, 2019

I have found if the link is really long, it doesn't seem to work, so i go to and get a shorter URL and I've tried multiple time, and it has worked every time. 


For example:

[link title|]

Robert Praetorius September 26, 2019

Seeing the same here in 7.13.  Is this a newish bug?  It seems like it used to work.  And is it fixed in some 8.X?

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mbratch June 11, 2019

I use Chrome and have the issue.

Karen Clark
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June 24, 2019

Same here.

1 vote
Richard Navarro
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July 21, 2020

If it's not working click on the 'Text' (not visual) tab under the textbox and ensure that the format is correct. You will probably see this


fix it to fit this format:


 Then it should work. 

Robert Praetorius July 21, 2020

If your text is as short as "text" and your link is as short as "", it will probably work.  For cases with longer text and longer links (especially if either or both wrap). . .see the comments above.

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Joshua Yonathan
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July 27, 2020

This was the issue for me... it should not appear this way in visual mode so it is still a bug that needs to be fixed.

Moji Soltani
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July 28, 2020

@Richard Navarro I inspected the text and seems to show correctly as:


Could you please elaborate on how to get to the "Text" tab under the textbox? I am not seeing that in Jira ticket.

I have tried both via API and direct on UI to add a link as suggested:


but it never works in any browser. I have tried 2 different recent Jira versions.

What am I missing?

Robert Praetorius December 22, 2020

We're running 8.7.1 now and still seeing the problem, but I've found that I can work around it by switching back and forth between Visual and Text.  Sometimes just switching back and forth once is enough to get it to take.  Sometimes, when I'm in Text mode, I add and then delete [s or ]s to the beginning or end of the link and this seems to get its attention.  In 8.7.1 I have always been able to eventually create a working link, after some amount of fussing around.

My current standard trick, if the link does display correctly in Visual mode, is to go to Text mode, type [] in front of the opening [ of the link, then delete [], then check it again in Visual mode.  The seems to have worked that last few times that I've had trouble with a link.

I know this approach sounds goofy and unscientific, but it works for me.  I suspect that there's some little JavaScript state machine connected with the text input control, that the state machine gets wedged under certain circumstances and that typing and deleting extra []s somehow gets it back into the correct state.

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Jeremy Shaw
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October 2, 2020

@Richard Navarro Thanks, that workaround works. 

But @Atlassainadmin - I mean, really?

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July 7, 2020

This still doesn't work on Chrome. As the webpage loads I see a hyperlink but the moment it renders it returns to text i.e [text|]

Richard Navarro
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July 21, 2020

click on the 'Text' (not visual) tab under the textbox and ensure that the format is correct. You will probably see this


fix it to fit this format:


 Then it should work. 

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May 19, 2020



Is this really solved? in which version? I cannot see it working in our instance.


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William (Bill) Phillips
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May 8, 2020

I am having the same issues. Most likely related to this:

We need this fixed. My issues are coming from when we have a '%20' in the url.

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Bill Baker
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June 11, 2019

The problem occurs in IE. Create the links in Chrome and everything works fine.

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