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Upload file too slow

Minh Ngô September 11, 2023

We have deployed Jira Data Center on our server behind the proxy.

But we have a problem is upload file too slow 

Example: 15MB with 30 minutes not complete. 

I think it is proxy but not sure.

I hope everyone give me more advice and information we need to fix that.

1 answer

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Zhiyong Lin September 11, 2023


If bypassing the reverse proxy and directly accessing the server node for uploading, is the speed normal?

We recently encountered a similar issue where the reverse proxy's kernel version had a bug, resulting in extremely slow uploads. After updating the kernel version, everything returned to normal.

Minh Ngô September 11, 2023

Thank you,

You think the reason is version Jira right?
And we need update version jira to pass the problem?

We are using Jira Data Center 9.4.2

Zhiyong Lin September 11, 2023

The issue might not be related to the JIRA version. If accessing it directly without going through the reverse proxy results in normal speed, the investigation can be conducted at the reverse proxy level

Minh Ngô September 11, 2023

Currently, I am installing Jira Data Center behind the proxy because my company require it. But the speed upload file is too slow.

I haven't found any information to fix that.

You can advice me more information to fix that?

Thank you so much

Minh Ngô September 11, 2023

@Zhiyong Lincan you help me

Zhiyong Lin October 9, 2023

Is it possible to temporarily use a 4-layer reverse proxy to directly forward port 8080 to the JIRA node for testing purposes?

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