Sender field

Morten Sigsgaard January 17, 2013


Have been evaluating the JETI plugin this last week, but have been unsuccessful in actual sending the email.

The following are snippets from an issue, monitored with templates / notifications set up via JETI. Also, mail listeners are as should be.

The issue has just been emailed to: **, \\ 
with subject: *[CREATE]* \\ 
attachment(s): \\ 
and content:\\ 
Din henvendelse er oprettet i HelpDesk og vi vender hurtigst muligt tilbage.

The issue has just been emailed to: **, \\ 
with subject: *UPDATE* \\ 
attachment(s): \\ 
and content:\\ 
Your request has been updated. To add additional comments, reply to this email.

Problem is, the server log shows fields are invalid, the most important one is the sender field as 'null' will get denied in MX relay.

Fail: From='null' FromName='Morten Sigsgaard Christensen (HelpDesk)'


2013-01-18 05:58:19,300 Sending mailitem To='' Subject='HelpDesk | (KSCZ-17) Ønsker support i *** UPDATE' From='null' FromName='Morten Sigsgaard Christensen (HelpDesk)' Cc='' Bcc='' ReplyTo='null' InReplyTo='null' MimeType='text/html' Encoding='UTF-8' Multipart='null' MessageId='null' ERROR ServiceRunner    Mail Queue Service [atlassian.mail.queue.MailQueueImpl] Error occurred in sending e-mail: To='' Subject='HelpDesk | (KSCZ-17) Ønsker support i *** UPDATE' From='null' FromName='Morten Sigsgaard Christensen (HelpDesk)' Cc='' Bcc='' ReplyTo='null' InReplyTo='null' MimeType='text/html' Encoding='UTF-8' Multipart='null' MessageId='null'
com.atlassian.mail.MailException: javax.mail.SendFailedException: Invalid Addresses;

Where do we fill in the default sender address? The Project has a notifcation email set up.. A custom field in the issue-type is created and set as 'Sender Field' under JETI email handler, initially this is blank.. Allthough setting the field manually with a valid email addr, still results in a 'null' To header .o.O

2 answers

0 votes
kmkmkmkmkmkm January 1, 2014

In our (probably) similar case the From='null' was misleading.

atlassian-jira-outgoing-mail.log snippet:

Caused by: javax.mail.SendFailedException: Invalid Addresses;
  nested exception is:
        com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPAddressFailedException: 554 5.7.1 <>: Relay access denied

The error message is right here, the SMTP server denied the relay. Changing the configuration of the SMTP server solved the issue.

0 votes
Tibor Hegyi _META-INF_
Atlassian Partner
February 10, 2013

Hi Morten. You specified the "Sender field" in the JETI Mail Handler configuration.

This field is filled by the "Email This Issue Auto-reply Mail Handler" that you must configure for your incoming emails.

This means you must both configure the Mail Handler with the Sender field AND set up the mail handler that will save the senders address in that field.

See details in the related part of the documentation.

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