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assistant displaying statistics based on count per selection field values

Tomas Arguinzones Yahoo
March 13, 2020


I have a simple filter

single_selection_custom_field in (valueA,valueB)

I need to display a table/dashboard/gadget to show something like this, 3 columns:

valueA           4                 20

valueB           6                42


  • The first column is the value in the custom single selection field.
  • The second column is the number of jira issues with that value in the single selection custom field. For example, 4 in the above example means the filter retrieved 4 jira issues with valueA as value in the single selection custom field.
  • The third column is the result of #jira_issues_with_that_value * a fixed number. For instance, 20 in the third column in the first row above is the result of 4(number of jira issues with valueA) * 5 (5 is a fixed number that I can hard code in the script and that varies per value)


is there a way to something like this with scriptrunner or any other plugin?

This is for a report or a dashboard that I could display in Jira. 

We are using Jira server version 8.0.1 and the latest version of scriptrunner 5.X


Thank you for your assistance

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