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Automated indexing Jira 6.2

Julian Bonkamp April 10, 2014

At jira 6.2 i get:

Creating connection to [https://**********************/]... 
Use of uninitialized value in string eq at line 34 (#1)
    (W uninitialized) An undefined value was used as if it were already
    defined.  It was interpreted as a "" or a 0, but maybe it was a mistake.
    To suppress this warning assign a defined value to your variables.
    To help you figure out what was undefined, perl will try to tell you
    the name of the variable (if any) that was undefined.  In some cases
    it cannot do this, so it also tells you what operation you used the
    undefined value in.  Note, however, that perl optimizes your program
    anid the operation displayed in the warning may not necessarily appear
    literally in your program.  For example, "that $foo" is usually
    optimized into "that " . $foo, and the warning will refer to the
    concatenation (.) operator, even though there is no . in
    your program.
Uncaught exception from user code:
        Could not login to jira, verify username and password!

Here is the Code (based on:

# by Jason Hensler
# Starts re-index job for jira. Tested with JIra 5.2.4 and 6.0.7
#disable ssl verfication, using this for self-signed cert otherwise comment out.
use warnings;
use diagnostics;
use Data::Dumper; 
use LWP::UserAgent;
# Change these
my $user = "*****";
my $pass = "******";
my $jira_url = "https://*************************/"; 
my $cookie_jar = $ENV{'HOME'}; #change this if you need to, should only be need is there is a permissions issue.
my $index_type = 1; #This is for jira 5.2 and above. Set to 1 for background re-index or 0 for locking index.
my $error = 0;
#setup initial connection paramaters
my $status;
print("Creating connection to [$jira_url]... \n");
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$ua->cookie_jar({ file => "$cookie_jar/\.cookies.txt" });
$ua->default_header('X-Atlassian-Token' => 'no-check');
#do login
$status = $ua->post($jira_url.'secure/admin/IndexAdmin.jspa', [ 'os_username'   => $user, 'os_password'  => $pass]);
if($status->header('X-Seraph-LoginReason') eq "AUTHENTICATED_FAILED" || $status->code !=200) {die("Could not login to jira, verify username and password!\n");}
else {
    print("Successfully logged in to Jira.\n");
    #do websudo
    $status = $ua->post($jira_url.'secure/admin/WebSudoAuthenticate.jspa',[ 'webSudoPassword'   => $pass]);
    # I'm using the http code here because the user header check stays ok and I didn't want to grep the output for an error... 
    # If we pass sudo check we get redirected to /secure/ and code is 302, otherwise we get served an error page with status 200
    if($status->code != 302) { 
        print("We did not sudo properly, check that your password is good and the your user is an admin!\n");
        $error = 1;
    } else {
        print("Successfully passed websudo, kicking off indexing... ");
        #do re-index
        if($index_type == 1) {$index_type='background';}
        $status = $ua->post($jira_url.'IndexReIndex.jspa', [ 'indexPathOption' => 'DEFAULT','Re-Index' =>'Re-Index', 'indexingStrategy' => $index_type]);
        if($status->code != 302) { 
            print("Could not start re-index, check that your password is good and the your user is an admin!\n");
            $error = 1;
        } else {
            print("Re-index has started.\n");
            print ("Task url: ".$status->header('location')."\n");
            my $finished = 0;
            my $temp_file = "out.html";
            while ($finished eq 0) {
                my $progress = $ua->mirror($status->header('location'),$temp_file);
                open(my $tmp, "<", $temp_file);
                while(eof($tmp) != 1) {
                    my $line = readline($tmp);
                    $line =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
                    if ( substr($line,0,15) eq "Re-indexing is ") {
                        print ("Reindex is at ".substr($line,15,3)."\n");
                        if(substr($line,15,3) eq "100") {
                            $finished = 1;
                            print ("DONE!\n");
            $error = 0;
exit $error;

9 answers

0 votes
Julian Bonkamp April 16, 2014

it works :) thank you!

0 votes
Julian Bonkamp April 16, 2014

i changed it to

if ( substr($line,0,15) eq "Die Neuindizierung ist zu") {

but it does not work..

Jason Hensler
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
April 16, 2014

The 15 needs to be changed to 26 within that line and you need a space after "zu", should look like this:

if ( substr($line,0,26) eq "Die Neuindizierung ist zu ") {

The reason for this is I am checking only the characters 0 to 26 to be equal to "Die Neuindizierung ist zu ".

You also need to change these lines:

print ("Reindex is at ".substr($line,15,3)."\n");
                        if(substr($line,15,3) eq "100") {


print ("Reindex is at ".substr($line,26,3)."\n");
if(substr($line,26,3) eq "100") {

0 votes
Julian Bonkamp April 16, 2014

in the out.html it looks like:

div class="pb_section">

                        Bearbeitung läuft: Issue Index:

                    Die Neuindizierung ist zu 33% abgeschlossen.

0 votes
Julian Bonkamp April 13, 2014

the script don't stops automatically. Is it possible? We want to trigger it every day via an automizer.

Jason Hensler
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
April 15, 2014

The script is looking for the string: "Re-indexing is 100%" before it "finishes". If you're Jira is running an non-English (us) language page then this string might need to be changed on line 59. You could also change line 56 to my$finished= 0;, this will cause the script to finish before jira does.

0 votes
Julian Bonkamp April 10, 2014

i get 404:

$VAR1 = bless( {

'_msg' => 'Not Found'

But the URL should be correct. our Jira listens not on /jira/ it works under https://<SERVER>/jira-one-test/

0 votes
Julian Bonkamp April 10, 2014

my fault... :( our testsystem has no SSL ^^ only http... now it works

0 votes
Julian Bonkamp April 10, 2014

it works with "print"

0 votes
Julian Bonkamp April 10, 2014

I am a perl newbie :(

i added it like this:

#do login
$status = $ua-&gt;post($jira_url.'secure/admin/IndexAdmin.jspa', [ 'os_username'   =&gt; $user, 'os_password'  =&gt; $pass]);

i get error:

Undefined subroutine &amp;main::echo called at line 34 (#1)
    (F) The subroutine indicated hasn't been defined, or if it was, it has
    since been undefined.
Uncaught exception from user code:
        Undefined subroutine &amp;main::echo called at line 34.

Jason Hensler
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
April 10, 2014

opps, sorry I've made a mistake (been working on a lot of php latley). The code should be:

$status = $ua-&gt;post($jira_url.'secure/admin/IndexAdmin.jspa', [ 'os_username'   =&gt; $user, 'os_password'  =&gt; $pass]);

Julian Bonkamp April 15, 2014

the script don't stops automatically. Is it possible? We want to trigger it every day via an automizer.

0 votes
Jason Hensler April 10, 2014

@Julian Bonkamp

You had your question in the right place the first time. Looks like it's not happy with:
if($status->header('X-Seraph-LoginReason') eq "AUTHENTICATED_FAILED"

Check to make sure that your jira $jira_url is correct, should be https://jira_server/jira. The "/jira/" at the end is important and the url must end in "/". If that does not fix it, add the line of code before the if statment:

This will output the entire content of the $status httpd call. You will get raw http resonse data but, it should show any error messages or headers that the server is returning.

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