Hi Atlassian team,
I just watched the loom from @Kristin Perchal introducing the new navigation. Thx for this (btw , as a non-native speaker it was a bit of a challange to follow you sometimes..). There are two things i`d like to ask as we are in a cloud-migration process for our customer. They are very anxious about the upcoming changes and we need to prepare a lot of training and demo material etc... In the Q&A section you offered help in this case. Is it possible to receive some demo material that we could use as a handout? And second: you mentioned upcoming integration of other tools, e.g. Confluence in the side navigation, which will again change the look and feel. In terms of preparing our customer for the changes - when will you have finalized the biggest changes, so that we can start preparing the training and demo material?
Thx for any support. Brgds Volker
I am in the exact situation -- needing a video, screenshots, info, etc of the final product so we can train and prepare our users.
This MAJOR change is about to roll out to our organizations and I've found it really hard to find good information to prepare our teams.
Can you post the link to the loom video you mentioned?
Thanks for posting your questions.
P.S. If anyone has any other helpful links, please post them! I'm desperately trying to prepare our teams.
Hello Mark, sure, the link is at the bottom of the page.
At min 18 the demo starts, beforehand is a lot of background info about the reasons for the change etc.
I, too, am frantically searching for *official and end-user-friendly* demo videos, screenshots in digestible format (from Atlassian) to help prepare our users, as the "we're switching you in a few weeks like it or not" banner just appeared in our instance.
As a long-time product manager, I'm baffled by how Atlassian can be rolling this out in such an unequivocal manner (no toggle option to switch back and forth between old and new UI for end-users?) while providing not even the most basic change management materials.
I watched the demo by @Kristin Perchal and it was both very short and also focused a lot on admin POV. We need materials we can provide to our users, please and thank you!
p.s. And yes, I have reviewed the info here, but without a demo video I hesitate to just provide this link to my users, it's just not enough: