Thanks for this lesson! Extremely helpful and looking to run the Vision Play with my team - We have a pretty remote team and the virtual kanban board will be extremely helpful
In my team, I would love to have Vision Creation Play, reason for this is
We have been onboarded to a new team and most of us are new to the project, client expecation, how we contribute to the overall big picture, what we are going to achieve, how does it help the client etc.
2nd play would be Goals, Signals and Measures as this would actually help the team in knowing what the team goals are, What are the signals that help us in evaluating whether we are moving in the right direction and how do we measure it.
I would run the Customer Journey Mapping play with my team to help familiarize them with the concept of the user journey and how a good understanding of it can create better products.
I work for a university in the United States. We are currently working on a new project management concentration at the MBA level. Understanding our end users (MBA students) with the journey map will help us understand where we want to go and how we will set up a DACI.
I am going to run the vision creation play with my marketing team. We have recently seen significant changes in both the composition of the team and the overall direction of the company, and the vision creation process will be ideal for (re)building a sense of team coherence and focus.
I liked every chapter of the course where I learned about to take insights from every team member towards a common goal to work and achieve collectively but as leader how to focus on only important points is recommended to not distract from actual goal. How a calculated time should be invested so that its not hurried neither taking wasting too much of time and also keeping the authority to make decision to leader but informing through document to all to keep posted and be open.
The most like one is the Goals, Signals, and Measures template.
Also thanks to all who made the course and kept it accessible ^_^
I plan to run the Vision Creation play. We need alignment, motivation, and a clear sense of direction to get us back on track to accomplish our company's goals.
I'm planning to use Goals, Signals, and Measures with my I4.0 team. This will be helpful when creating/updating new software and understanding what will tell us if we're successful.
I plan to run the vision play as it is a good starting point to ensure that the team is on the same. It ensures that everyone is aware of the vision, mission and will be willing to take the steps to reach the goal.
What I like about the outcomes, signals and measures activity is the difference between purpose, qualitative and quantitative that often is lost when typically doing 'KPIs'
I plan to run the Goals, Signals, and Measures play with our executive team. Our COO and CTO each have changes they want to make within our company and this will help them to clarify their goals (and to make sure they are aligned with our company vision) and decide on specific signals and measures to join the progress and success of the changes. Ultimately, this will guide any future executive decision they have to make and keep them aligned to the agreed upon, documented and measurable goals.
We'll run with the customer journey play. It'll be a great framework for reinforcing the team vision for our new software features we're looking to implement.
A group of people who try to create a product can only be successful with a goal. Therefore I like the Vision Creation play. I'll compare it with the vision workshop in our company and combine both.
We are a new team forming to tackle learning and training issues within our division. So, the vision, goals, signals and measures are all very important for us to align on. However, one important play we need to tackle as a priority is customer journey mapping. There will be more than persona looking for training help. They may have different reasons for embarking on that journey, but I would bet the pain points start to look similar across their various journeys. This will help us focus our work efforts.