When you have a thorough understanding of any concept and you are sure of in and outs, I assist you not to backup from any advice you need to give your teammates and this will surely help them one day
Relevancy for today
Although when we are working as a team, we need to get the concepts or any details related to any topics by ourselves even though we may undergo training. Silverline of this statement is what we gained today will surely help others if we share the knowledge with others in our team!!
And Community is helping lot of customers with this platform, so greatful to be part of it 🙂
Hi @Pramodh M
Many of the teammates have learned some tip, method or way of working
Sharing is nice, when you comment on any knowledge to a colleague, you can teach him something and at the same time you can also learn if it gives you a point of view or even improves your process or your way of working, basically it is exchanging information, in the end the learning in a two-way flow where both parties always learn something no matter how small it may seem
You know what they say: sharing is living
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