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Adding a Table inside Trello Card Description

Sean Hoar
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April 16, 2018 edited

As a user of Trello, I'd like to be able to enter a table with columns and rows into the card's description, whether using a editor button, markdown, HTML, or custom tags.


<table  border="1" >
    <td><strong>Table Header</strong></td>
    <td>Row1, Column1</td><td>Row1, Column2</td>
    <td>Row2, Column1</td><td>Row2, Column2</td>

etc... Is there something like this already planned or existing?

33 answers

41 votes
Atlassian Team
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April 18, 2018

Right now, table support/formatting isn’t something that is on our short term roadmap in Trello. I'll be happy to register your interest in this with our team.

You can always attach the spreadsheet directly as an attachment to a Trello card, in the meantime. Documents that are attached with Google Drive and OneDrive can be edited and saved in their respective applications and do not need to be downloaded, saved, and reattached to your card:

September 11, 2019

I'll second that feature request!

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September 20, 2019 edited

+1 for Tables, it's very useful! I'm surprised you guys don't have it by now.

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Deleted user October 1, 2019

If it isn't possible to add markdown support for Tables would it be possible to embed a table that is created in an attached spreadsheet file? Or possibly make a spreadsheet file tab the Card Cover?

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Scott Scialabba
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November 3, 2019

+1 for MD Tables in Trello!!

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November 20, 2019

+1 for MD Tables in Trello :)

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Wessel de Vries
November 20, 2019

Copy and paste tables from word, excel, Google docs and spreadsheets or just tab delimited files with the Trello Cards Optimizer Chrome extension. 

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Bao Lei
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December 19, 2019

+1 for table!

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December 21, 2019

+1 for table.

This has to be an important enough feature that Atlassian has implemented it for Jira for a very long while using markdowns previously and now using macro too.

|| Feature || Why Important ||
| Tables | To housekeep info to display them in orderly and logical manner |
|  | [Other compelling reasons] |

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Johannes Pilkahn
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April 20, 2020

table support/formatting isn’t something that is on our short term roadmap in Trello

Weak sauce.
Just support markdown completely, as any modern product in 2020 should be expected to.

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April 28, 2020

+1 for tables :)

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Nathan Johnson
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May 6, 2020

+1 for table embedding

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Philipp Kursawe
May 8, 2020

Trello claimed for years now to support GFM, which in turn has tables support. But its a lie. They only support a very limited subset of Markdown, not remotely close to GFM.

I fail to see whats so difficult to use a fully fledged GFM library. Isn't there one available for .net?

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July 18, 2020


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Héctor Espí
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February 5, 2021

+1 for tables

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Deleted user February 20, 2021

+1 for tables

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March 25, 2021

+1 Table, please 

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Martyn Double
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April 26, 2021

+1 Tables, please

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Илья Кротов
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May 17, 2021


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Samuel Metcalf
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July 26, 2021

We need tables in cards, make it happen. +1 for tables...

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September 1, 2021

Yes to tables!

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Emma Arussi
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September 17, 2021

Please add tables! :))

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February 9, 2022

Please Please add tables! :)

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March 7, 2022

+1 for tables. You can get something that looks like a table with code blocks, but I want hyperlinks. I wish Trello had real markdown support.

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June 20, 2022

+1 for markdown tables.  From the outside, it seems the only strong reason for not implementing them is that instead of using an existing library for markdown rendering, Atlassian wrote a renderer from scratch, and this is what happens.  When omissions in markdown are requested for correction, it requires a lot of heavy lifting because you chose to write it from scratch rather than use existing code.

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September 28, 2022

+1 ! please !

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October 8, 2022


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Saadiah McIntosh
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November 21, 2022


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Rahul Mehta
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February 17, 2023

+1 for Markdown Tables

Owen Brand
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April 11, 2023


Tom R
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April 13, 2023


Anastasiya Sokolova
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May 5, 2023


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August 19, 2023

Please add table support.

Santiago Diaz Dieser
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September 28, 2023

Where are my table? // SEPTEMBER 28

Peter Coxhead
October 23, 2023


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April 4, 2024

+1 for tables!

Philipp Kursawe
April 16, 2024

For 6 (!) years now (since the OP request) no one at trello had time to implement this. That's absolutely ridiculous!

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June 3, 2024

Hey everyone, please take a look at "Tables & Spreadsheets" power-up 

I'm on the development team and would love to share your feedback with the team!

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December 22, 2024

@Aleks Lacks markdown interpreting

15 votes
Rodrigo Nóbrega Rocha Xavier
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September 23, 2020 edited

One way that's already available, to show something similar to a table, is to use a code block (as defined here).

You can use a text editor with a monospaced font (like Notepad or Notepad++, on Windows) and include the spaces to align the data with the collumns. Or, if it's a big content you're copying from somewhere else, you can paste in one of these convenient web sites that convert tables into text in the intended format:

Then, copy to Trello with three backticks (```) above and below.

For example, with the text below:


Example of table:


ID        MONTH      OTHER_ID     FLAG
6344      201601     16           0
6429      201601     16           1
12046     201612     208          0
14319     201612     208          0


The result will be like this:




Seth Dong
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May 29, 2022

Thank you so much!!

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October 12, 2022


Cristian Banica
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November 27, 2022

Amazing. Thank you so much! Just what I was looking for, not really nice that we have to use a workaround, but nevertheless a good option for a table-like view.

xavierfeather January 2, 2023

This workaround was almost too disfunctional for me to use, but now I discovered the "New Editor", which at least displays the workaround table nicely as I'm editing.

This makes this workaround bare-able (but bad markdown support / crappy text and table editing is still my #1 issue with Trello at the moment).

Philipp Kursawe
April 16, 2024

That's a bad workaround for a dead simple feature that has been in markdown since its inception!

Trello's utter incompetence and wrong priorities is appalling.

I sometimes thought about going premium and actually hand out some cash for trello, but until GFM is fully supported in card descriptions they will not see a dime from me.

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3 votes
June 3, 2024

Hey everyone, please take a look at "Tables & Spreadsheets" power-up 

I'm on the development team and would love to share your feedback with the team!

Philipp Kursawe
June 4, 2024

While it's a nice addon, it's not markdown. One has to wonder how atlassian seems to be able to support all those addons in cards but can't get an easy feature like proper markdown done. 

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3 votes
Chris Comfort
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September 20, 2018 edited

While not a perfect solution to the absence of table support, I found that if I generate a table using Markdown, and then wrap the table as a code block I get a reasonable representation (though, in my case it's a small table so not sure how this would look with a larger data set).

| File Type | Size (GB) |
| jpg, jpeg | 45.11 |
| png | 10.58 |
| pdf | 1.29 |
| sql | 0.95 |
| mp4 | 0.54 |
| gif | 0.43 |
| css | 0.38 |
| mov | 0.22 |
| mp3 | 0.10 |
| php | 0.04 |

December 21, 2019

Unfortunately, converting from markdowns to display-friendly format, we need a renderer to interpret the markdown symbols to their display form. We need Trello to implement that capability.

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January 12, 2023

I created a personal browser extension that helps me with this.

It allows me to create complex tables with:

  1.  filter functionality (global and per column).
  2. Sorting.
  3. Support for removing or adding columns and rows from UI.
  4. Pagination in case you want to show only X amount of rows per page.


If anyone is interested I can publish it to the different browser stores so that you can use it, let me know.


Screen Shot 2023-01-12 at 10.46.03.png

Graham Mitchell
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January 12, 2023

This looks good. Great work @mollerjorge . I'd be up for using this. I mainly use Firefox and Safari on Mac.

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January 12, 2023

Thanks Graham! more than happy to deploy it to all browser stores if people find it useful.

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January 15, 2023

This is a great plugin. I would like to use it when it is released.
I was having trouble with "Trello Cards Optimizer" because it stopped working.
I usually use Google chrome.

Madhur Gupta
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March 16, 2023

This is awesome! can you please give me access to this plugin?

Batyr Niyazbek
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April 7, 2023

hi Jorge,

that looks good! Could you please share this plugin? I use Chrome

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mydog minton
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June 24, 2023

@mollerjorge - did you ever make this available anywhere? Either through one of the browser stores or via a zip file somewhere?  Didn't see it in your github.

Wendy Kennedy
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July 7, 2023

@mollerjorge - following up as well, did you ever make this available anywhere? This is a great feature add-on!

Andrea Lucarelli
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January 19, 2024

Is this addon available? In Chrome I could only find the following:

2 votes
Matthew May 31, 2022

+1 Please add markdown tables on your Trello roadmap table!

2 votes
Peter May 19, 2022

+1 for tables!

2 votes
Vitali Vu
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April 26, 2022

+1 for tables!

2 votes
Andrew Tieszen April 20, 2022

+ 1 for tables. They're a feature of the Markdown format that you claim to fully support. Either add them or don't claim to.

2 votes
Levina Tabita
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April 11, 2022

+1 for tables!

2 votes
Emirhan Bektas
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March 24, 2022

+1 for tables!!!

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September 18, 2020

+1 for tables ! please just don't forget the basics !!

2 votes
Michael Keane
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September 3, 2020

C'mon... please implement some tables without having to have to resort to plugins and/or extensions.

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August 19, 2020

+1 for tables!

2 votes
Miquel Ferrer Llompart
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August 14, 2020

+1 for tables

2 votes
Sandhya S
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August 3, 2020

+1 for tables

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June 23, 2020

Please add this feature. Tables are standard in every other markdown parser and it is really frustrating not being able to represent basic tabula data in a ticket.

2 votes
Esteban López Betancourt
June 1, 2020

+1 for tables!!!!

Bharath Kumar Ballipongala Subramanyam
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June 18, 2020

+1 for tables !!!!

2 votes
Wessel de Vries
July 6, 2019 edited

Yes, you can use table markdown in Trello (like in one of the answers above) if you download the Trello Table Markdown Chrome extension.

Or better yet: download the full featured Trello Cards Optimizer version:

Both are free.

Katrin Anger
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July 7, 2019

@Wessel de Vries 

Thank you! Looks great!

Aj September 20, 2019

I hadn't heard of TCO until now. I use Plus for Trello all the time.  From a brief look at the TCO site it looks like it works with Plus for Trello.  Time to take a look and see what it provides.

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October 19, 2019

Is there anything like this for the Desktop or the Mobile App?

Philipp Kursawe
May 8, 2020

@Hirad no, for mobile apps such is not possible. Weirdly enough the trello mobile apps have always been lagging behind the features of the website. Makes you wonder, whey they never went the way to use hybrid apps, which would instantly benefit from improvements on the website.

July 18, 2020

I use trello mainly on my mobile phone. Too bad these Chrome extensions are for the desktop version only.

Philipp Kursawe
April 16, 2024

User scripts work in Safari and Firefox (not Chrome) on mobile too. Converting a Chrome extension to user script should be not much work.

1 vote
Natasa Sebek
May 28, 2024

+1000 for tables, feature request submitted, please vote

1 vote
Chris Ellerby February 18, 2023

Get your act together and start adding these features Atlassian!  It's been years, and you ignore EVERY feature request we make.

Philipp Kursawe
April 16, 2024

It's been 6 years to the day today since the OP request for this feature. It should be easy to implement, just replace the markdown renderer they use to render the card description. But, I guess, they have other prios.

1 vote
Emirhan Bektas
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December 22, 2022

@Sean Hoar  btw. imo you wrote the perfect user story for this. 

1 vote
East Coast Farming
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December 21, 2022

It's 2022 and we still don't have the table on Trello.

Philipp Kursawe
April 16, 2024

6 years now since the initial OP request. A shame.

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1 vote
Mark Marsh
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November 10, 2022

Yeah, tables - native tables not a plugin!

1 vote
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September 15, 2022

Tables! Tables! Tables!

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