Hi everyone! How is it going?
Smell that? It's the weekend! 🎉🥳
Do you have a fur baby or feather baby that's so cute everyone should see?
I do, and if you have one I would love to see it too! Birds, dogs, cats, rabbits, lizards...if it's a pet, then go ahead and post it here.
Bonus Track:
Has your pet ever ruined something valuable, redecorated a room or torn something to shreds? Also post your pet blunders!
We need more of them!
I think Dorcas and Speed Goat are "cute," but others might disagree ;). They are so naughty and love to push wine glasses off the counter. One night I was having a wine tasting with friends, and Dorcas swiped 6 (full) glasses off the counter with glee. Such a nightmare, but I still love him! I get back at him by wearing things like a cat bathrobe (sphynx cats need weekly baths).
Sphynx cats are really amaizing animals.
They are so cute <3
I was hoping to see Dorcas and SG here! I can't get enuff of your cats, @Bridget !
Those are such cool names! How did you decide on them?
@Emily Koch - I've always loved the named Dorcas! I think it's fascinating that it was a popular women's name at one point in history. And when I got my first sphynx (the one in the bathrobe) I thought it was a perfect fit. Honestly, the fact that it has "dork" in it never really crossed my mind until people started to laugh at the name!
Speed Goat came from my favorite brand of running shoes, Hoka. The Speed Goat III is an excellent shoe, and thus I bestowed the name on an excellent kitty. There you have it!
So sweet! I didn't realize you had two of them :)
Amazaballz! 😻😻💙
Picked up a 6 week old kitten last April named Dr. Wendell Applesauce. His new name is Tyrion. He's a cute little ball of fur, and loves me. Will crawl up next to me purring and loving on me. But he terrorizes the other cats, bites everyone else and drags toys down from the kids room. He's constantly knocking stuff off counters and tables (where he's not supposed to be). He's lucky he's cute and we're tolerant... lol
He's the one in the front, hiding his face.
I defy anyone in this thread to produce a better pet name than "Dr. Wendell Applesauce." It cannot be done.
We get a lot of "Code Floof"s in our house due to his name.
As we have 5 cats, we get several Category 5 Purricanes as well.
Ahahaha, the way he's hiding reminds me of what my parents' dog will do when she's done something wrong. She'll just try to avoid the problem and cower beforehand. Definitely guilty! :P
Seriously that name is the best!
He acts like a dog. Found his harem of stuffed animals the other day in the back corner of our closet behind some.
This is Thor, the neighborhood watchdog. He is a rescue and he has been part of our family now for 3 years. The first month we had him he destroyed the blinds in our living room so he could look out the windows. He has also figured out our motion sensor trash can so if you forget to turn it off when you leave, you often comes home with something teared up on the kitchen floor. His specialty seems to be plastic bags...
OMG @Mikael Sandberg where did you get the dog cape for Thor??
@Shawn Kessler the cape was part of my daughter's halloween costume from 2018.
@Mikael Sandberg I still think there is a niche out there for dog capes.... ;)
Thor is a perfect name for him!
And yes, there definitely is a niche for dog clothes, so why not capes? I found this one on Etsy, at least :)
He looks so proud in his cape!
My 2 favorite colors, Silver and Gold....
SILVER!!! Sweetest bunny ever. Is your golden named Golden?!
My golden is actually named Jupiter. He is from Jupiter, Florida. When we were driving to pick him up as a puppy, we kept passing highway signs that said "10 miles to Jupiter....5 miles to Jupiter...." so he was named en route ;)
That's hilarious! Love that name :)
Wow, they are cute
Great name and story Shawn!
I love how they get along so well :)
I don't have any pets right now but I hope to have a dog one day- a medium size one that I can bring on runs but is still small enough to cuddle with/lift :)
This is my goddog Brisket. We'll have him for a whole week in May and I'm super excited! As you can see, he is a Canine Good Citizen and thus has never destroyed anything.
Awwwww Brisket...clever name. @Monique vdB he should be the subject of one of you next water color paintings....
My wife painted Silver for me not too long ago....
Amazing! I'm working my way up that one @Shawn Kessler :)
Wow, your wife is a really great artist @Shawn Kessler !
Brisket is so sweet :)
Canine good citizen, thats awesome
And there She is, the Chief of Cat's Hell and the inventor of all evil.
Her name is Cherry, and it's too sweet for a monster like her. 🙄
Born a real destroyer, Cherry loves using her nails (mostly on us), and she trained us to brush up her fur while she is eating her dinner. If you refuse to obey, she immediately stops eating and starts with the endless meowing.
And yes, I love her just the way she is 😍
@Teodora V _Fun Inc_ ever tried nail caps?
Haha too sick!
I suppose Cherry will try to kill me in my sleep after this.
I'd never heard of those. It looks like nail polish for your cat!
@Teodora V _Fun Inc_ I don't think she'd wait until you were sleeping if you tried those
Love how fluffy she is! No wonder she demands to be brushed during mealtime ;)
I'm afraid that you are right @Scott Theus
This is Traudl,
she loves the holiday season. As soon as the tree is set up, she's occupying her new cave and sleeps there for the next weeks.
Not even falling fir needles are bothering her. In the third week, she looks a bit like a hedgehog when she's leaving the place under the tree :-)
Traudl looks so comfy! Do you think it could be because of the cloth under the tree? Or is it the tree itself?
No, I think it's the tree. She has a lot of other comfortable places all over the house, but ignores them as long as the tree is there.
No pets here, so post your cute pets!
I'd love to have a dog though. Probably a smaller one, because big dogs tend to knock me over or pull me along. What are your thoughts on adopting a puppy vs. an adult dog?
Puppies are tough to raise, unless you work from home everyday. They are like infants, needing constant attention. I think a young or middle-aged adult makes for a great adoption. Also consider a senior--they need love and homes too and are often overlooked.
Seniors do get overlooked more than they should, but I'd imagine that maybe having a little lower energy would make them great for someone who's low-key. Regardless of what age, though, dogs are really too good. <3
Summoning @Paloma Fondon Araujo !!!
Please share with Emily some pictures of your lovely puppy. The entire world need to see that adorable pet.
Yes, please!
Retired guide dogs are a good option if you're looking to adopt a senior. They're well-trained and docile. :)
Ooh, that's a great idea! And it would probably eliminate any of the concerns that dogs can bring when they're bigger - not to mention they'd be very well-behaved. :)
My sister owns a horse farm in Virginia, and she and her husband are both retired from the police force. So, they take in ALL of the county's police horses when they are retired. Best part, we get to ride them when we visit. Talk about well behaved....
@Emily Koch It depends on the age of the puppy. We rescued Caddy when he was 6 months old. Since he was transported from a shelter in Georgia to us up here in Minnesota - they had no back story on what his first 6 months looked like. We lucked out and got a pup that was pretty easy to train.
He did have accidents in the house from time to time, but we took him through teh AHS 1st level obedience class to learn basics like "Pillow", "Sit", "Stay", "Come". Those classes helped out immensely. The lucky thing about adopting him as an older pup was that he didn't store any bad habits from his first 6 months. We did stick to a pretty routine schedule at first (going out potty first thing in the morning, before leaving for work, immediately after coming home, after dinner and again before bed). Now we go out twice a day - more if he tells us he has to go. Routines were the lifesaver!
We have two dogs, Ramsay and Lucy, who are both 9 years old. Ramsay is a Boston Terrier named after Gordon Ramsay and Lucy is a Catahoula Leopard dog mix.
They're both adorable! <3 Please give them both treats and lots of pets.
My neighbor had a Catahoula Leopard dog--it could jump a 12-foot wall--was the best jumper I have ever seen.
Nice doggos! Did you know Ramsay's cherry eyes may be treatable?
Well, this is Blue!! My little dog, a crazy puppy of 1 month and half, I adopted him a few weeks ago and comes with me everywhere, any day even to work because he fits in my pocket... @Jack Nolddor _Sweet Bananas_ @Emily Koch
We 💙 Blue!!
What a cutie pie! 💙💙💙💙
Is he a particular breed, or a mix? And how has taking care of a puppy been?
@Emily Koch It is a mix of chihuahua and pomeranian. He eats every 2-3 hours and also at night ... just like a baby!! 😂
May just be the cutest thing ever....
😍omg, Blue is too cute. What inspired the name? Reminds me of a few things.. Blue Ivy, Blue by Leann Rimes, the sky- lots of good things.. 😄
I'm not embarrassed to say hat I'm the neighborhood "Crazy Cat Person." We have 6 in the house right now (one is a foster) and between 3-6 feral cats that we take care of. During the winter they pretty much live in my garage.
So...here is Milo with his murder mitten out just to remind me who's in charge and CiCi (because she is a carbon-copy of her mother, one of the ferals) who we are fostering until she is socialized enough to go to a furever home.
@Scott Theus is the cat in the top picture missing the tip of its ear?
I think so @Shawn Kessler .It makes her unique, but I wonder how that happened. Good for you for fostering cats @Scott Theus ! I hear it's really hard work, but super rewarding.
@Shawn Kessler She is, yes. When feral cats get spayed or neutered the vet will "tip" the ear to show that they have been fixed. It's usually done as part of a "TNR" (Trap, Neuter, Relase) program so the people know which cats in the colony need trapped and which do not. The cats are healthier for it and it keeps the fearl population in check.
When CiCi was fixed we tipped her ear because I wasn't sure if she could be socialized to go to a home; if not then she'd have to rejoin the colony outside. Thankfully this wasn't the case and we're looking for a home for her now.
@Emily Koch It's super rewarding, especially the kittens! It's hardest when they have to be bottle fed every 4 hours, and heartbreaking when the littlest ones don't make it, but I wouldn't change it for the world.
Here's a picture of Milo when he was just a few days old. Had to bottle feed him because he wouldn't stay in the nesting box with Mama and after a while she'd start pushing him away. He climbed out so much we called him "Dora the Explorer" until we figured out he was a "he." Of course, I knew right then that he had already found his furever home :)
Wow @Scott Theus I had no idea about the ear "tipping." What a neat program! And Milo is lucky to have you--he looks adorable!
I didn't know about the ear tipping, either, though I am familar with TNR. Does it hurt at all?
@Emily Koch They don't even notice it. It's done while they are still under the anesthetic, and cauterized so it doesn't bleed. Heals up in a couple of days.
I saw the whole procedure in action once when I did some volunteer photography work for a local agency.
@Scott Theus I was going to guess frostbite - but ear 'tipping'! I've never heard of that! When I was a kid, I had a barn cat that must have gotten into a fight with a fox or a feral cat. His ear had been bitten severely and with it being the middle of winter - instead of healing properly, the two pieces healed separately and then the top of his ear had fallen off one day.
It's tough work but so rewarding to raise kittens! They start out so needy - and then over the next couple of months their own little personalities start to emerge! It's fun!
This is Charlie, she is one and half years old. Don't get fooled by her cuteness though, she is the wildest beast ever, since the breed is Parson Russell. Well you can see that for yourself in the third picture, this is what happens when she gets bored home alone.. But we still love her though!
And yeah.. she loves beer.
She's so cute though! There's no way something that cute could do such a thing... Even though she looks guilty off to the side.
Must have been gremlins. Yep. No other explanation.
@Adam Rypel _MoroSystems_ I just hope she doesn't drive when she's drinking.... :)
@Emily Koch yeah well, she always pulls off typical "That was not me" look, that you would almost believe that haha :)
@Shawn Kessler not really, but I am pretty sure she would be capable of that :))
Nope, Charlie wouldn't do that...She's a good girl.
@Adam Rypel _MoroSystems_ , Wow Charlie looks Great when she is chilling :D
@Scott Theus haha, she surely is! but just when she wants something..
@Sri Kumar She does, well you should see her chilling on bed.. it is horrible to sleep with her, I do not know how does she do that, but she always somehow pushes us out of the bed and takes it whole just for herself.. such a small dog, it is kinda admirable
@Adam Rypel _MoroSystems_ haha! In that last picture its like she's saying "Okay, so something happened and this pillow just exploded out of nowhere! I don't know why."
@carrie_eandm haha, exactly!
Don't have pet :-(
Me neither :( Would you like a pet one day?
FYI...I have a very nice cat available for adoption. See photos above. :)
Hi Everyone,
Missy -Cat
Scooby - Dog, Were my Pets.
I don't cage Missy, she used to roam freely in the neighbourhood. But she went missing from a Flood in Chennai India.
And for Scobby, He had been with me for a good 8 years, I had to relocate my house to a new State in India and we were not able to bring him with us. But we had given him to our relation, who is a Vet doctor and also has a lot of friends for scobby in his house, he is happy there.
Apart from Scobby and Missy, I had set up an Indoor Aquarium. I had Flowerhowns, mini sharks, Goldfishes, Etc. I do have a few of them still with me in my new location. and for other fishes, Few died and few we had to give to Fish Farmers.
This is my dog Rory. He loves flying, driving, and stealing our socks!
Awwwww @Tim Keyes you look totally in love in that top picture!
I am! Here is him as a puppy!
Awww! He's so sweet, and the perfect size, too! When are you going to bring him to the Georgetown office? :P
He went back in July of 2017, but he loves to bark at everything so probably never again :(
This thread is so adorable!! Here is my sweet boy Max, he was born a poodle but evolved into a tiny human. He is 10 and we adopted him when he was 5.5, he's the love of our lives. He doesn't play with toys, only likes certain treats (dehydrated liver is his favourite), doesn't eat dog food (he gets a special meal of chicken, egg, rice, peas, carrots, cheese, vitamins and probiotics - yes I know: spoiled lol). He loves bones but won't chew on them much, he just likes to hide them around the house. He's a Momma's boy so he doesn't enjoy when I travel. He has never done anything destructive, we are very lucky. Here are a few pics, he is such a darling boy, and has a fun personality.
@Jodi LeBlanc True story--I had a golden named Max--we adopted him in the Bahamas and flew him home. He only lived a year and then passed away unexpectedly due to an undiagnosed heart condition. A year later, my son was born--can you guess his name? Yes, it is Max...he is named after the dog....
Does your son know?
Of course--it is a badge he wears with pride!
That's amazing @Shawn Kessler - what an honour for your son to be named after your golden Max! Dog's have a heart of gold, they love us more than they love themselves, they are excited every single time we walk through the door (no matter if we are gone a minute), their whole world revolves around us, and when they are alone we are all they think about, and wait for us intently to come back home. They are never mad at us and love us even if we had a bad day or are in a grumpy mood. It is the true definition of unconditional love. Human's can learn so much from a dog's love, they love with every inch of their hearts ♡ Imagine the world we would live in, if human's did the same...
Max is one lucky lucky dog!
Idk, but Lola and Sophie think they are cute!
Cutest Easter Bunnies!
I agree, they are very cute dog-bunnies!
Thanks guys!
This is my copilot who comes into work with me every day!
That face, so sweet!!
The closest I've been to having a pet has been keeping a fish.
But I can't wait to get a dog in a couple of years. First, I buy a house, then in a week, I get a dog :D
Sorry everyone I'm late to the party on this one. I was slacking off on taking photos to post on this one.
First, we have Tana! Yes she is attempting to smile and yes that is her couch. She sleeps there anytime I'm working from home and only whines to remind me that it's lunchtime!
Next, we have Spirit! He's part Huskey, part Crazy! In the winter he will happily sleep outside for 3-4 hours at a time. So since I'm working from home today he's very happy that he gets to be outside instead of being stuck in the house all day.
This was a fantastic idea for a post and I love seeing everyone else's lovely companions!
They are so sweet @Jimmy Seddon they must want you to work from home every day! :)
Both of them look really big but so cute! How is Spirit crazy? I've heard Huskies can be big goofballs :D
@Jodi LeBlanc I actually have a couch behind my desk at work so I'm also working the angle of pets allowed in the office ;) But yes, I love any opportunity I get to work from home.
@Emily Koch Huskies are escape artists, and Spirit has managed to unlatch our gate in the back yard and run over 2km away (including crossing some train tracks) to get to the off leash dog park. Thankfully he didn't get hurt and I have since fixed that problem. That is just one of many crazy adventures I'd had with him :D
Wow, I'm glad he's all right! He's a smart cookie to figure out how the gate worked, and pull off doing it himself :O
This is my pupper - Caddy. He's a 7.5 year old rescued Terrier Mix. We got him when he was 6 months old! In the photo, he's hoarding a nylabone toy from his doggo-friend - while at doggo-friend's house. They constantly switch toys back and forth, but this day was a "I'm not giving this up" type of day.
One time, we had a rescue dog staying with us and made the mistake of just letting Caddy hang out in our bedroom (not kenneled) while the rescue dog was downstairs (kenneled). He freaked out from their barking and tried to eat his way out of the bedroom. We still haven't fixed the door. SMH.
Caddy is such a beauty!
He must have really wanted to get out there to do that to the door! :O How did you decide on his name?
@Emily Koch He did! Poor thing had splinters all over the floor and bloody nails/mouth. Not horrible - but enough to break my heart.
He was at the Animal Humane Society here as Cadbury (like the easter egg treat). Oddly enough a variation of my husband's college nicknames was Caddy! So we kept the shelter name and use a shorter version for every day. If he gets in big trouble, we whip out the full name and he knows...
This is our part lizard, part dog (jack russel/mini fox terrier maybe?) Agnes (Aggie)
@Craig Castle-Mead My terrier mix is also a big fan of sun-bathing!
This is August! As you can see, she's so excited for Summit this year that she's already packed and ready to go :)
"As a child, I, like many children, wanted a dog very much. I even have a poster with a sheepdog from the TV series Commissioner Rex. But my dream fit only over my desk, not in my small apartment. So when I reached material prosperity, I got myself a puppy from a shelter. I immediately bought him toys, balls, ropes, and bones. But his favorite was the Lion Plush No Stuffing Squeaky Toy.
I have a non-breed dog. It looks like a sheepdog but is smaller in size. I took him to a pet psychologist and a dog psychologist to learn more about his personality. We made a plan for training and doctor visits. I follow it because I want my Max to be healthy and well-behaved."
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