By the way sorry Sydney folks, I should have paid attention to do it in everyone's time zone! It's still 45 minutes left of your Friday! :)
So, to get this topic going: I had this sci-fi book idea about robots taking over the world (nothing new here) and realizing later on that their ultimate invention turns out to be a human
In a very random scale sometimes I think about writing an article such as "random ideas that get the work done" (example, washing your face with toothpaste to wake you up lol)...
What's your random or serious idea that you think would be super cool to write about whether in a book/article or doing a DIY tutorial kinda thing?
I like that book idea! The movie "Eternal Sunshine" with Jim Carry kind of has a similar plot. Also, an episode in the series Black Mirror references the what-if of a software that would define people experiences and the way reality is projected. I gotta check the title, then will let you know!
Oooo I've thought about something like this...If I could delete any set of memories, it wouldn't be bad ones! I would want to delete Harry Potter from my brain so that I could read the series for the first time again. :)
A tangent but seeming related in my brain, such a good read for nerdy types that like the idea of code impacting reality -
The closer scientists get to the Singularity the closer you get to having some real research material to get you started!
There was an episode somewhat like this on the Netflix show Black Mirror. All the characters in the episode had implants that could store and delete memories. It was kind of cool but freaky episode.
Wow! already got so much ideas where to take inspiration for the book :-D
What if you already succeeded, but to avoid paying you royalties the company you were working for simply deleted any knowledge you have of ever following through with that invention. Your fail safe was to keep a hidden memory to always link to back to the initial thought to create it.... ok I'm going to stop here, it's your story not mine ;)
This one was Epic!!
You are that "fail safe" and now I will need more of your inputs :-D
I really want to co-write a book with my dad!
He was an accountant, so growing up he's given me so much advice about money. I think it'd be really fun to write a book for young adults sharing some of his lessons and the stories of how I dealt with them growing up.
Even now, a few years into my career, I still text him with new questions all the time.
Samie, I am not that young anymore, but would definitely read/listen to that book! That's just about all I read these days lol I love learning about people's inspiring stories :)
My fiance and I want to write a book, we are thinking of setting up a free confluence space as the platform. :) Maybe your dad is techie enough?
I don't have anything I specifically want to write about but it reminded me of this tweet which is relevant to the prompt, funny, and motivational:
I'm happy this post exists. ROFL.
That really seems to speak to the statement "There are no stupid questions, if you thought of it chances are someone else is thinking it too."
In this case four hundred and ten thousand others.
I love reading sci-fi and fantasy novels, and I am a huge fan of Rush. So...
When I was in college back in the early '90s I started writing a book loosely based on the lyrics from part one of "The Necromancer" from Caress of Steel."
Here are the lyrics:
As grey traces of dawn tinge the eastern sky,
the three travelers, men of Willowdale,
emerge from the forest shadow.
Fording the River Dawn, they turn south, journeying
into the dark and forbidding lands of the Necromancer.
Even now the intensity of his dread power can be felt,
weakening the body and saddening the heart.
Ultimately they will become empty, mindless spectres;
stripped of will and soul,
only their thirst for freedom
gives them hunger for vengeance...
I had a prologue and a rough outline of the story, bullet pointed character traits and story timelines, etc. I even ran a D&D campaign based on it back in the day.
I cringed hard when I last read what I wrote; it was full of blatant misogyny, sexism, and monochromatic characters. Sure it was typical of what many authors in those genres were producing in the late 1970's and '80's when I was growing up and since I was almost never without a book in my hand I'm sure that's what influenced the story, but man was it awful.
Oddly I still think the story has potential, so I may pick it up again sometime.
After I learn how to write.
I’m heartbroken today. I have been listening to Rush all day at work, and this post brought up some happy memories from my teenage years. I had Caress of Steel on al the way home.
It wasn’t until I got home and turned on the news that I heard that Neal Pearl had passed away. He was a brilliant writer and lyricist, pulled himself up from the depths of despair after losing his wife and daughter in 1997, and continued to bring happiness to the World through his music.
Rest In Peace, Neal, Selena and Jackie are waiting for you.
Just an escape artist
Racing against the night
A wandering hermit
Racing toward the light
-Ghost Rider, Neal Peart
I am with you, Scott. Best drummer on the planet. This one is hard to swallow...
I've long had the idea to write an article (series) here on the Community about Atlassian apps from different vendors that synergize well and are unexpectedly more useful together than alone. I didn't find the time do it yet so I'm not gonna spoil any of them right now... But let me just say it's super satisfying that two of the apps you might've already installed on your instance actually go together like peanut butter and jelly! Hope I can get around to actually writing it soon. :)
Check out Communardo's "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Atlassian App-Galaxy" for inspiration. @Florian Zöllner _Communardo_ may be able to help getting a copy to you or you can pick one up at Summit.
I really want to write about some of the Agile practices I learned from the military. I believe a lot of the SAFe hierarchy aligns really close to the organizational structure in the Army. One day I will write an article in the Agile portion of the community!
Truly interesting. Can you share an example of a military agile practice that can be adopted in the agile software world?
There are a ton of things that I will save for the eventually article but one of them is the military's After Action Review (AAR) which is real similar to a sprint retrospective meeting. After every mission in the Army we used to conduct an AAR to discuss parts that went well, parts that went poorly, and things we would like to improve on as an organization. One of the goals of the AAR was to ensure feedback was open and received from all echelons of rank and authority. We began each AAR by restating the mission so everyone knew what our goal was for the mission.
@Tim Keyes I would also like to read your memoirs someday about your military experiences.
@Tim Keyes I'd like to read them, too!
Telling stories about ancient Indian history (some call is mythology) is my calling. May be someday, I will share them all.
Can you share a short one with us here? :D
@Fernando Bordallo May be not the right place, tell me when you are in India. :-)
Oh! Also some authors like Amish Tripathi are doing great job -
Looking ;)
I used to be really into poetry and was a seasoned poem writer for a while. It crossed my mind to put them together into a neat little book and keep at it 🤔but that was a good while back. Who knows. Maybe some day
I'm sure you may find a time in your life that is right for it. Maybe not now, maybe when you retire, look at Story Musgrave.
I've been kicking around the idea for a while now on an Unofficial Guide to Jira Align because AgileCraft had such an interesting origin and Jira Align is a very powerful platform that isn't being used as the transformation platform it is capable of being.
I've also been kicking around the idea of writing a book on my "Trust and Verify" approach to coaching executives on shifting from a command-and-control mindset (that many don't realize they have) to a true servant leader mindset (that many think they have, but don't). The book would be focused on shifting their mindset (the trust part) using feedback loops provided by Jira Align (the verify part). Ideally, the executive's organization would be committed to implementing the Scaled Agile Framework's latest version (SAFe 5.0), which has major focus on mindset, servant-leadership, and other critical success factors.
I really enjoyed reading (audio Book): It's Your Ship: Management Techniques from the Best Damn Ship in the Navy, Book by Michael Abrashoff and Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink & Leif Babin.
I find servant leadership to be an exciting topic and can see how real time reporting can facilitate a trust but verify framework.
I sometimes write for my LinkedIn profile and the topics I usually prefer covering topics surrounding 'Struggles of a young Tech marketer without any technical background'.
I think there are a lot of stories about how people made it in life and then they recap to their past and talk about how everything worked out. I love reading those articles, but I can't relate to them because I put successful people on a pedestal and I feel like what they've achieved will take ages.
So I want to cover my journey in the present, not knowing where it will take me. I write for myself and young tech marketers who're still finding their place. More like, we're all in it together :P
Poorvi, as a young tech marketer without a technical background, I'm going to have to follow you on LinkedIn to see those articles. ;)
This is a great topic! I really enjoy sharing what I know (part of why I got involved in the Atlassian Community in the first place).
I'm also an avid gamer and I have always wanted to do some sort of tutorial, I know exactly what I would cover I've just never gotten around to doing it.
Maybe I'll make more of an effort in 2020.
Great idea @Jimmy Seddon .
Which games you are playing these days?
I have a few friends playing Destiny 2, I only play for the social aspect of being able to chat with them online while we are doing things together.
If I were to write any sort of tutorial, it would likely be for a Pokemon-style game where there isn't a single correct way to beat the game.
That way someone might be able to incorporate some of what I have recommended into their own play-style.
Right now, I'm just not sure I can afford the time to jump into Sword and Shield :D
If you write any such tutorial, remember I want to read it :-)
By the way, I play pubg and that only for the social aspect of being able to talk/ chat with my friends who play the same game :-D
Maybe you all should check out Using Jira to write a book and Using Trello to plot a NaNoWriMo novel, Save the Cat! Style.
This looks good! Have you tried out the Trello article before?
In November every year, NaNoWriMo encourages people to have a go at writing a novel. One year I signed up and attempted (failed) to write a sci-fi novel in the style of Douglas Adams.
Wait, NaNoWri-what?
(Inter)National Novel Writing Month.
Yes. You should totally do it next November. Or right now.
We have DB Dev in our office that participates in that event annually.
Funny, I was recently thinking about this. My family is Salvadoran and my mom knew tons of recipe's that were passed down from her mother, but unfortunately my mom passed away in 2014 due to cancer. Everyone that tasted her food, loved it. Unfortunately, we never recorded any recipes and we only have a few that my sister remembers how to make. I wish I could've recorded all her recipes and put them in a book to pass down to my kids. She made the best pupusas. If you've never tried them, I recommend them. :-)
I'm in a similar boat. My parents are both from Germany. In fact, they met on the ship sailing over in 1960. My brothers and I grew up in our parents' German delicatessen. at least on weekends and summers. My mom had literally hundreds of recipes for salads and all sort of dishes. I've been trying for years to get her to start writing them down to no avail. My father died in 200 and my mom had a stroke that affected her memory in 2017, so many of those recipes may be lost as well.
Recipes are a great way to share traditions -- not to mention cooking can be fun, especially with other people. Maybe there are some other family members who have the recipe? I recovered a recipe for rolls pretty recently through an aunt who knew how to make them.
Emily, I expect rolls at the next team meeting :)
Oh that looks too delicious! and I'm just getting off work starving. No fair! :P
@Emily Koch I have some great memories of cooking with my grandparents. My grandmother on my mom's side made "Fasnachtsküchle" on Fat Tuesday when I was growing up, using a recipe that was passed down for generations. When I was learning how to bake bread she wrote it down for me and helped convert the measurements from things like "a double handful of flour" to approximate weights and measures.
On my father's side my grandmother taught me how to make her potica bread, also a recipe passed down from "the old country" as she called it, and also without precise measurements.
Then, in 2015, my mom went though her shoe-box full of recipes, gathered as many family recipes as she could, typed them all out, and printed them in binders for family members. There's probably 150 recipes, some modern favorites and some passed down, and all of them preserved and shared with the family.
I am a very lucky guy :)
What's one book/article/tutorial you thought about writing/recording and why?
=> I am from India every year, Lakhs(Few hundred thousand) of Engineers graduate but not all the Engineers who graduate are employable. And the current problem is they are only Trained to score good grades on the exams and not training them on the skills to acquire a Good job matching with their engineering stream.
=> As a result, most of the Engineering graduate or either un-employed or under-employed.
=> I wanted to write an article or a small book on how to become an Employable Engineer on your own.
CC: @Carla_Cox
Hey Sri,
That is an interesting concept you shared. A lot of people believe degrees = jobs but that clearly is not always the case. I bet you writing an article/ book would a ton of value to a lot of people!
Thank you @Tim Keyes will make some time in future 🙂👍
I love the idea! it's such a global problem, to prepare engineers for the challenges in the workforce. We come out of college truly unequipped for what we face. What's interesting is the first year as an engineer professional I was eager to learn how I can be a great engineer, not just do my work... I couldn't find many books on the subject, only a few titles, one of which I bought "The Making of an Expert Engineer", and I realized that a lot goes down to personality, to do the right thing instead of what's simple, to communicate effectively... so many soft traits make up a competitive engineer, instead of grades or a couple internships under their wing. Anyhow, I love the topic and I truly hope you decide to write it! It will inspire many people :)
As children, my siblings and I used to act out stories or have small adventures. Would love to write a children's book with multiple short stories based on that. And definitely, add all the illustrations myself :)
I'd love to compile a cookbook of family recipes! My dad's side of the family comes from the South, so there are some great comfort food recipes. My Mom's side is from Mexico, so put together, the book would definitely be a mix of things, but I like the idea of archiving these things so I can make them myself and so they can be passed on.
That is a really great idea! Something I should think about myself.
I love recipes... I love cooking when I get some free time, and normally my spot is Pinterest, but only because it's practical. I also LOVE southern cooking, my husband's family is from the south too, and they make some amazing dishes. Mexican is our all-time favorite restaurant idea when we go out as a family.... I just love food! :D
I am fortunate to actually be a published author. I published a children's pop-up book that turns into a playground for their small animals (hamsters, mice, etc.). It has been selling on Amazon for a while now.
Here is a link to our Kickstarter campaign video from several years ago.
I am impressed @Shawn Kessler
Back in forth grade I built a maze for my gerbils and did time trials with cheese to see if it helped them finish the maze faster. The results of my tests were inconclusive if I remember correctly.
@Tim Keyes your pal Scott Blacker is also co-owner of the patent for this product.
wow! When I started this thread, I knew many of you were going to come up with the "seen it and done it" type of story, and I'm so happy to read that. It helps us, the audience who dreams about it, fuel up to DO IT :)
Aside from that, I love the convertible book-toy you designed. I can really get my kids one to support your business and expand their imagination. It's one of those things I would see in a Shark Tank episode!
I always wanted to write a book on corporate content organization, specifically in Confluence. After organizing the docs for a few large departments, there are a lot of tips and tricks I have for making documentation intuitive and easy to find. Plus, it's a lot of fun!