You may have already been following our Likes for Trees progress! We've now planted over 11,000 real-life trees via the Eden Reforestation Project. 🌳
Since we're behind on our goal, Community Leaders now have unlimited Likes to count towards tree planting!
Pop a tree-related GIF in this thread, and like every single reply to this post; let's see if we can get a Like train going to plant some trees here in the Leader space :)
I am Groot.
(Google translate: Do I count?)
This reminds me of this Jurassic Park scene! Such a great theme, too.
Obligatory comment (I'm here for the likes) :)
Plant Trees, Save Earth!
This one goes out to the "Willow" by Taylor Swift fans 💚
Hug a tree!
I cannot believe that liking plants trees—so MAGICAL 💖✨
This is a handkerchief tree I saw at the botanical garden in Oslo end of May 💚
Oh this is honestly magical to watch.
Climbing our way to 30,000 trees!
A tree should be planted for this!
Tree thoughts today - wishing @Fun Man Andy and @Laura Holton _ACE Rotterdam_ best of luck on the massive migration event they are hosting today. Opening a door to the wonderous world of Cloud.
YEAH!!! Thank you Online Andy. Much appreciated!!
👍 🌳
Shameless plug for the event for those that are not in the know yet!
Shameless or not, thank you so much for your support @Andy Gladstone and here's to planting several more trees off of the back of it 💙
Don't make the Ents angry like Saruman did. Plant some more trees with likes!
Cat in tree, does that count?
Good enough for me!
Here's another tree gif. Likeable, isn't it?
Goats Love Trees.
A Tree Should Be Planted For This.
@Craig Nodwell you are dedicated to the trees and I LOVE IT
It is true.
A Tree Should Be Planted For This.
@Craig Nodwell I think a tree should be planted for this too.
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There was once a song from one of those singing contests about trees. The guy that beat the guy out for the tree song won the contest and became the lead singer for INXS ... Not sure why I remember this piece of trivia, the song itself was kinda dumb.
Hahahahaha I found it.
I'm all for ASCII trees! Their carbon footprint is even less than finding GIPHY images =)
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There's a page for this :)
Some of it is not bad.
This original author of below is tagged jgs
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A Tree Should Be Planted For This
@Craig Nodwell I mean mine was an original design, but... I guess that one's not bad either 😉
Yours is good gold star even.
I found the perfect reason for planting as many trees as possible worldwide. Just add cute dogs to the equation. Everyone will love it. 😄
The Hopewell Rocks near Hopewell Cape New Brunswick Canada.
You can walk on the ocean floor (well the bay of Fundy floor) it boasts the fastest rising tides on the planet. These islands are formed due to tidal erosion.
They like trees too.
@Craig Nodwell wow, these are amazing!
It really is an amazing place.
It's a long way down from the top, there's a tram I recommend anyone going to visit this place take it both down and up.
This was some 10 years ago now.
I have some pictures taken when I was a boy some 50+ years ago, I should dig those out to do a compare.
Maxed out again.
A Tree Should Be Planted For This