For this week's Friday fun thread, I challenge everyone to post three things about themselves -- two that are true, one that is a lie.
I'll get us started in the answers section and see if you can guess what I'm lying about. :)
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Here are mine:
I say #3!
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I think #2 is the lie
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I vote for #2. Because you've been many times :-)
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#1 is the truth. When I was 18 years old, I had a girlfriend. It was the time when I had my coming-out and it was somehow difficult. Years later, she wrote a book about these times and it was released by a big German publisher. Strange feeling to read one's life in a book...
#3 is also true. I grew up in a small village in the German South, far away from every ocean and my parents liked to spend their holidays on mountains.
#2 is the lie, as Monique and Nic guessed. I've never done bungee jumping in my life.
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I conquered my fear of heights bungee jumping - you should try it 😱
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Guess which one is B.S:
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I'm really torn on this. I feel like #3 is too mundane to be a lie and #2 is too weird to be a lie. So I guess I'll go with #1? Tricky!
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3 is something that feels like it could be true, but you've altered a detail to turn it into a lie. Like you did work for an oil company in CA, but it was BP-Amaco, rather than Shell.
(I admit, I used that trick in one of my three)
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Hmm, there is such a thing as a helicopter wedding (btw, do they throw the bridal bouquet out of the helicopter to see, who's next? :-) ), but did you do that? Weird, but true, I think.
I've got a feeling that you are interested more in in art, than in oil, don't know why, so I vote for #3.
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I think #1 is the lie!
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@Nic Brough -Adaptavist- I feel that way about #1. What if she studied art in Prague? What if she studied nuclear physics in London?
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As an ex-oil person, I also was biased by the same thought Thomas had. Art is far more interesting...
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I have never worked at an oil company but I lived in Martinez, CA.
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A people based one for me
1. I went to university with one of Atlassian's Leadership Team
2. I used to make tea for Sandi Shaw
3. I got a lift from Richard Hammond (Top Gear) while I was working for the BBC
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I am guessing you never made tea for Sandie Shaw because you didn't mention any details.
If #1 is true, I am dying to know who?
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I am guessing #1 is the lie
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Oh, excellent, three responses, all three doubting a different one :-)
Is there a rule for when we admit which one is a lie?
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I also think, #1 is false.
The others are so British... they can't be wrong :-)
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I like @Thomas Schlegel's logic. I say #1 is the lie, too.
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@Nic Brough -Adaptavist- there's no rule, although I'm going to wait until the end of the day for mine!
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Ok, so...
1. I went to university with one of Atlassian's Leadership Team
I wrote the question while sitting in a bar on Bold Street, which is, as Helen Russel can attest to, a road every alumni of Liverpool University is familiar with.
2. I used to make tea for Sandi Shaw
Sandie Shaw worked with my mum when she was training to become a psychotherapist. She often visited mum at home, so I made tea.
3. I got a lift from Richard Hammond (Top Gear) while I was working for the BBC
I signed him through security when his card didn't work. It was my colleague who got the lift.
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1. I was once an extra on the U.S. version of The Office.
2. I've been cage-diving with great white sharks.
3. I was valedictorian of my high school class.
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I don't think you've been in The Office
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I am guessing, you've never been cage-diving with sharks.
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My vote is for "The Office." 😉
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I can't reveal the real answer until @pb guesses. :)
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Hmmmm #3
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@Philippe Beaudette (.me) we're dying here!!
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#3. :) . --- WAIT! CHANGING MY VOTE - #1! (You've been on set, but not an extra, AFAIK)
(oh, and I added mine.)
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@pb and @Stephanie Grice I can't believe you doubted my valedictorian status even for a moment. That one is true.
And here I am heading into the shark cage:
#1 is indeed the lie, but here I am at Pam Beesly's desk:
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Thanks @Monique vdB , I think I have played this earlier. Here are my entries for this game.
1. I am allergic to some seafoods.
2. I love reading Sci-Fi books and watching Sci-Fi Series and Movies.
3. I think I am germophobic.
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I missed this the first time around thanks to @Thomas Schlegel advent calendar I found my way here...
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@Jack Brickey I think #2 is the lie. (Since you are now an undead skeleton, you clearly only survived two of them.)
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well I love the logic but that one is true enough (two cars, one motorcycle)
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One for the 2018 Advent calendar...
Two truths and a lie...
Think you know?
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I'm going to guess 1 is the lie because it was really an all-night diner.
(Also my grandfather was a carpenter and was missing about a finger and a half himself.)
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Well, you told us already in another thread that you‘re building wooden kayaks, so I think #3 is right. On that thread, you posted a photo of a left hand holding a wooden pencil - if this is your hand, #2 is wrong, the hand is complete.
So I think, 2 is the lie.
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We have a detective over here!
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@Thomas Schlegel you did your homework!
@Monique vdB I really did cook in a Chinese restaurant for a couple of years in my 20's. I left because the boss kept trying to get me to marry her "cousin" so she could get her green card and it became rather uncomfortable.
Oh...And I almost had a really bad accident this weekend when a board pinched the blade and jerked on my saw, so it would have been true even with previous photographic evidence. I let go in time, so I saved my fingers but ruined the work piece...a fair trade.
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@Scott Theus - In preparation to the Advent Calender, I looked at every single friday fun thread - maybe you'll find your kayak behind another door this month ;-)
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Monique said late is fine, so here I go! Which one is the lie?:
1. I built my own robot during my years in University.
2. I first moved abroad when I turned 22.
3. I suffer from Aichmophobia (fear of needles or pointed objects).
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Late comment is also fine I guess!
I'd go with #2, even if #3 seems pretty "liable" as well haha
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Hi @miikhy! Number 1 and 2 are true! The lie is the number 3, I'm not afraid of needles or pointed objects :) I learned a new word that day!!
What are your two truths and one lie?
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Late to the game, but here we go:
1. I won a beautiful baby contest when I was six months old.
2. I had perfect attendance in high school.
3. In 2001, I met Justin Timberlake and JC Chasez from *NSYNC.
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Late is fine, these threads are evergreen! (Hmm, maybe I should consider not naming them after a specific day of the week...)
Guessing the lie is #2.
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The lie is totally #3. Of course she'd have perfect attendance. And beautiful baby? I mean, c'mon. (i'm not dumb... i'm not debating that one.)
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@pb wins. 😄
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I'll play.
#1. (Sticking with @Stephanie Grice's stephen king theme....) My grandmother lives down the road from Stephen King's home in Maine.
#2. I am an absolute adrenaline junkie - sky diving, roller coasters, swimming with sharks, you name it, I'm there.
#3. I play the pipe organ. yeah, like this. Yeah, for FUN.
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I will be shocked if #2 is true!
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I also think #2
if not, you should enter the shark cage together with Monique or come to South Germany where you can find Europe's biggest theme park with great roller coasters. I'll take a ride with you 😀
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you're both wrong.
I do indeed play the organ... and it put me through college.
And.... I freakin' love roller coasters. Zip lines. Shark swimming. Bungee jumping. Meetings with @Monique vdB. Anything that gets adrenaline going.
(and my grandmother doesn't live near Stephen King... but my ex's does!)
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Actually lol'd at the comment about meetings with Monique.
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1. My mom's cousin is Stephen King's executive assistant
2. My mom's cousin is Dan Brown's executive assistant
3. My first "real" job after college was selling lumber
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#3 seems just real enough to be... real.
It's clearly either 1 or 2, because they're both 'writer/celeb' related.... unless your mom's cousin is a slacker who moves from writer/celeb to writer/celeb.
I'm going with #2.
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But maybe she's working for the publisher that is publishing books of both, King and Brown.
I vote for #3.
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@Thomas Schlegel I was hoping someone would fall for that!! Mwahaha!
The lie is #2... no Dan Brown contacts that I know of!
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Hi, y'all! I'm brand-new to the Atlassian team (Day #5 woop woop!). So hopefully, my truths are still shrouded in at least a little bit of mystery. Here goes:
1. I've authored three, 200+ paged Harry Potter FanFiction novels
2. My grandparents are professional Bridge players which is why my parents named me Bridget
3. I don't have a spleen
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omg #2 is hilarious and I hope it's true. But I'm going to guess it's the lie.
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Wait no, I'm guessing the lie is #1. NEW GUESS.
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I think, it is #2, just a feeling
btw, welcome @Bridget and a big hello from Germany 😀
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Thanks, Thomas! I've heard so many good things about you already, A big hallo from San Francisco :)
#1 is the lie! (Although it's more of a fib...I wrote a TON of FF but never any novels!) @Monique vdB I'll bring ya a prize on Monday.
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@Bridget I thought it was a lie because you spelled it "FanFiction" and all the other fic writers I know don't use capitalization. I thought that was the tell!
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^^ Classic Valedictorian
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@Bridget don't forget my prize. I hope it's more information about what kind of fic you wrote. :)
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