It's Thursday!
Some people have amazing memory (or at least glimpses) and can remember things that happened when they were 2 or 3 years old! My earliest memory, that I can verify, is running away from the bully at pre-school. So I must have been 5 or younger at that time. I was in a pre-school ran by nuns and there was this one particular kid what was a real bully. Poor chap continued on that path and got into all kinds of trouble later in life. Anyway, he was chasing me and I was trying to get away and ran to the nuns.
My wife remembers getting bit by a dog. Seems like traumatic experiences early on cement memories. I hope I am not digging up some bad memories, really hope not.
What about you - what is the earliest you can remember and how do you date it?
Let’s make it a great Thursday!
Kristján Geir Mathiesen
Enterprise Atlassian Administrator
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