It's Thursday!
Can't remember what year it was but I was living in Hafnarfjörður, Iceland and I had saved up coins for quite a while in order to purchase a record; my very first record! The record costed 199 krónur and I brought a plastic bag of 1, 5, and 10 krónur coins with me to the little record store Skífan - @Thorhalla Gudmundsdottir Beck don't know if you remember those stores :) As you can imagine, there were a lot of coins in that bag. The record was an Icelandic "mix" record of various popular songs; both Icelandic and foreign. I think it was even a double album. I still remember that little record shop. This must have been 1981 or so.
Then in 1988 I purchased my first stereo that also had a CD player and with it, my very first CD. I chose "Rebel Yell" by Billy Idol, that I knew well since it was released almost 4 years earlier. I think "Rattle and hum" by U2 was my second CD I purchased :)
So..... what was your very first album/cassette/CD?
Let’s make it a great Thursday!
Kristján Geir Mathiesen
Enterprise Atlassian Administrator
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