Happy Wednesday Everyone!
We are two days away from the beginning of December. For all my friends in the Southern Hemisphere, I know you are about to enter summer but I think you are still able to comment on this, it will just be able half a year early.
The “Start of Winter“ is different for everyone. Scientifically speaking, in North America it’s around the 21st of December.
For some people I know it’s the moment Christmas decorations go up.
For others it’s the first visible snow fall.
For those that I know who have a cottage or seasonal trailer, it can be the moment you have officially closed up for the season.
So my question for you this week: When do you officially submit t the fact that it’s winter? Is it when it’s cold enough out that you need a hot beverage after having been outside? or one of the other items I mentioned above?
Personally, I never concede to it “officially“ being winter until there is enough snow on the ground that I’m required to shovel my driveway.
How about the rest of you? Let me know in the comments below.
Have a great rest of the week!
Jimmy Seddon
Sr R&D Tools Administrator
Arctic Wolf
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
181 accepted answers
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