Happy Wednesday Everyone!
We are getting close to Valentine's Day, if you haven't checked out the Confluence Customer Love Month article yet, you should go do that!
I'm curious to know this week if Valentine's Day is a big deal for you or not?
I have a friend who hates Valentine's day, but his reasoning is that should should show your significant other you care all year around not just some big gesture once a year.
For my wife and I, we don't do anything extravagant, and even less so now that we have two small children in the house. One thing I have always don't and I will continue to do, is I buy my wife a small Valentine's themed stuffed animal. It started because she isn't a big fan of flowers and it's become a nice tradition.
Ok everyone! It's your turn now, do you have any big plans for Valentine's Day? If that isn't your holiday, I'd love to hear what holiday is special to you.
Have a great rest of the week!
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My wife took me to Zales. We ordered a nice ring for Valentine's.
Wow! That's awesome. Congratulations!
Congratulations! I hope you will have many happy and loving years together.
I've never felt particularly fond of Valentine's Day except for the Sweethearts candy (which I haven't had since I was a kid), especially the pink one that tastes like Pepto Bismuth! It was always my favorite! And milk chocolate of course! Hahaha! My spouse and I don't really celebrate the day at all. But I have been thinking maybe this year for Valentine's day, I can practice loving myself and promoting the same to others . We too often neglect ourselves and we need to be kind and loving to ourselves more often! :)
@kevin.butler self-care it's something essential.
But even if you don't celebrate the day, maybe you can invite her to eat a Pepperoni Pizza, bringing another meaning for this day! 🍕 😃 🤗
Cheers, Buddy! 😃
This is a very good point @kevin.butler! I know there are a number of times that I can be neglectful of this myself.
Those are wise words indeed, Kevin. I recently started working on being more kind to myself - especially in as far as the self-talk when that elusive bug just appears to be impossible to find.
Nice to know your plans! We always find a way to celebrate the date with our partner. Right?
My husband and I Always have dinner a Pepperoni Pizza Hut on our Valentine's night because it was what we had eaten when we started our relationship precisely on Valentine's Day in 2012. ❤️❤️
Cheers, buddy!
Pepperoni Pizza! Now that's a tradition I can get behind! Hahaha! Lets replace Valentine's day with Pepperoni Pizza day.
See @kevin.butler
I'm glad that I gave you a good idea for tradition, hahaha! 😃 😁 😅 🍕🍕
I agree! That's awesome! I'm sold on this for this year!
Thank you @Patrícia Fortunato Montenegro!
That's awesome @Jimmy Seddon, 😃 🤩
I'm pretty glad about that. Welcome to the Club! 🥳 🍕 🤩
If I knew where to get one I would wear it just for fun!
Pepperoni Pizza sounds like an excellent idea. I may not even wait for Valentine's Day.
Hahahaha, me too @Jimmy Seddon 😅😅😅
Oh, me too @NelCapeTown 😃😃🍕🍕🥳🥳
Thanks for coming here!
My memories of Valentine's Day are from 2nd grade.
I remember Mrs. Collins having us write mystery Valentines cards to each other, and we had a choice of the candy that we could include. Sorting through these to make sure the message was not too mushy was too much for my 7 year old brain. That was the last time I took the day seriously.
Hahahaha, funny fact! What a memorable activity, isn't it? 😅😅
YES!! @Andy Gladstone those "conversation hearts" were one of my favorites I think mainly because they were only out around Valentine's Day.
Like Candy Corn at Halloween...
...and Candy Canes at Christmas ;)
Valentine's Day is not a big deal at all for me. I like to mention it to my wife and maybe do something surprising/romantic for her but we don't go all out and we don't buy gifts. Now that we have a kid though I love seeing all the Valentine's Day crafts I can have our son work on! And of course after Valentine's Day - checking out the discount candy :)
@Kristin Lyons agreed! but that goes for Easter and Halloween too! Discount candy somehow tastes better!
We don't really celebrate Valentines Day specifically. In a way every day is Valentines Day in this house :þ We always try to think about each other and soppy pink post-its can often be found stuck to a computer screen or a notebook, a desktop or the fridge, throughout the year. :þ
That's wonderful @Thorhalla Gudmundsdottir Beck! Sounds like you and my best friend are on the same page about Valentines!
That's great to hear @Ashish!
I have been single for a while now and I'm strongly considering attending a "F**k Love" concert held by one of my favourite local artists called Craig Lucas. He recently had his heart broken and that is the reason for the concert. This is in Cape Town, South Africa.
I feel bad for the artist, but it sounds like an amazing time! No one said your plans had to involve a candle lit dinner with "that someone special".
It is hard to have your heart broken, but ultimately it makes you stronger. I'm honestly not interested in stepping into the dating pool or wait for "that someone special" to show up. Basil (my Jack Russell) and I are very happily single.
I'm going to the concert because the music will be great. Not specifically because of the theme of the concert. He said he will be singing his own music plus some covers of break-up songs. And I'm sure there will be many couples there too.
I'm not at all bitter because I'm single. It's really nice not to have a discussion about what to watch or have for supper. As they say: "What you loose on the roundabouts, you gain on the swings."
@Jimmy Seddon Thanks for this Valentine's Day special post!
For my wife and I, it is always a special day since we got engaged just one day before Valentine's day in 2011. So, we use this day to celebrate our engagement anniversary and always have plans for a nice dinner in a restaurant and buying a nice gift for my wife.
Though I am in the same boat as you with respect to having two small children in the house, but still we try to manage to go with our plans even if we have to make them less time consuming.
Have a nice week ahead, everyone!
That's awesome @Taranjeet Singh! I'm glad you and your wife have found a way to continue to make things special!
This will be the first official valentine's day with my now fiance. We were only about 3wks into seeing each other last year but I did manage to make him cry with a small keyring that had the spotify code for his favourite song on it, so not really sure how to top that this year.
We're going to a local screening of The Princess Bride though, so definitely looking forward to that! :)
@Jimmy Seddon System Error - Processing of multipart/form-data request failed. tempFile/upload_f27d3408_2968_422d_98b3_9ae02d6c7892_00074771.tmp (No such file or directory) PLZ HELP ME THIS
@Ashish I really hope that isn't your Valentine's Day plans. It's rather difficult to help you with this as you haven't even provided what Atlassian Product you are using let alone what you were doing when this error occurred.
The fact that you have a system error message leads me to believe you are running one of the on-prem products (server or data center).
The fact that the error is talking about multipart/form-data leads me to believe that you "might" be using Jira Software, and it looks like an attachment got lost as a part of creating an issue perhaps? Again I'm completely guessing as no details have been provided.
I would highly recommend posting a new question in the product category for which ever product you are using and explain what was happening when you received this error message.
I hope that helps get you started!