Happy Wednesday Everyone!
Halloween is coming up this Sunday in my area of the world and it's one of my favorite holidays. Mainly because it's socially acceptable for me to be dressed up in a costume without people thinking I'm weird.
That being said, All I want from you is pictures to get everyone pumped for Halloween! They can be personal ones of you, your kids/pets from Halloween's gone by, or they could be of your favorite Halloween movies, treats, decorations.
I'll get things started. My son loves Halloween too (not sure where he gets that form ;) ). Here is the collection of everything I have dressed him up as/he has requested to be including the last one being what he wanted to dress up as this year:
To make this even more fun, if you are a part of the Kudos program, and you can successfully identify any or all of my son's costumes, I'll send you some kudos!
Now it's your turn! Fill the comments with your favorite Halloween pictures!
Have a great rest of the week!
A HUGE welcome to all of our new Community members! We're glad you signed up and we'd love to hear from you too!
@Abigail Castillo @Adriene Radcliffe @Alexander kuttner @Alina @Amit Singh @Andrea Leoszko @Calvin Hawkes @Daniel Isepciuc @Eva Borger @Florence Urquhart @J SW @Jonathan Shearman @Lauren Mattingly @Layssa Souza @Lea Eliya @Lottan Horev @luisrieke @Mateja Jermanis @Osama Khawaja @Ram Kumar Subramaniam @Reine Berg @Richard Ramcharan @smans @Sumedh Mahajan @Sunil Ghai @Tania Hernandez @Trina @Tucker Ellison @yeojin.lim @ziad.ibrahim @Adharsh Manikandan @Ahmad Al-Shaibani @Albert AG @Alejandro Amo Vidal @Alexey lekhtin @Amit Kumar Singh @Andrea Ogrodowicz @Andrey Smirnov @ankuj @Anne-Sophie Walker Schaudel @Austin Catmull @Carport Aluminium @Casey Olson @kriks @Craig Goulden @Cristiane Ruedieger @Crystal Shively @Damian Munday @Daniel Hutchinson @Deeksha Srivastava
@Jimmy Seddon There is at least Rafaelo from TMNT and Spiderman!!
I have to admit that I'm cheating a little as these are not all Halloween pictures. Some are from Midgard Con and some are from Japan Festival. But I wanted to showcase the "any excuse to dress like an idiot" inclination of this family. :þ
It's me (Hisoka, big Action Kamen, small zombie, rodent, Jadis, Sanji, Deadpool, Squidward, Random Thing, and Green Arrow); my kid (Gon, little Action Kamen, clown, Chopper, zombie, Spongebob, Mr. Mime, Pikachu); my sister (Nami, Mrs. Incredible); and my friend Hulda (big zombie).
And our costumes are ALWAYS home made.
Absolutely amazing! I love them all!
Thank you. I once did a lecture at Midgard con called "AAAAAAAARRHGH! It's tomorrow! - Costuming on a budget (and at the last minute)." :þ And for some extra bragging here's one of our prizes :þ It's for our Invader Zim/Tallest costumes but I don't seem to have any pictures of those :|
@Jimmy Seddon nice post right on Halloween week.
First, I would like to wish everyone here a Happy Halloween in advance!
I don't have any of the Halloween pics from previous years on my phone right now.
But I do have some pics from last week for a couple of pumpkins decorated by my 7 year old daughter. She really likes the Halloween holiday and loves to color/paint and decorate.
Here are the ones I want to share with you all today:
@Taranjeet Singh I love it! We still have to do something with the pumpkins we got and time is running out!
@Jimmy Seddon is that last one Cat Noir?!?! amazing!
My 20month old son was so happy, he was finally allowed to draw anywhere & everywhere possible. He had his own make up!!
You made it fun!!
I see everyone geared up to shoot their best crazy pics out!!
Its Halloween already!!
Happy Halloween Everyone!
For anyone who has been wondering:
Congrats to @Veronique DUFOUR & @Monique vdB for getting at least one of them right! Kudos have been sent your way!
@Jimmy Seddon Yes!!! Where are my kudos ... :)
@Jimmy Seddon The Ninja Turtle one is so cute. 😭