Greetings! If you've landed on this thread, you're likely new to the Atlassian Community, and we're very glad you're here.
This is a great space to introduce yourself and offer up a fun fact (or three), as well as share what you hope to get out of your experience in the Atlassian Community. Don't be shy — we're all friends here. 😎
Simon, that's how it usually happens. No one wants to do it, so I always jump at it.
Welcome Simon! Impressive background! I'm interested in you have developed your skills over the years. Likewise, I am a self-taught former Jira Admin.
Thanks for sharing,
Hey new users, welcome to the Community!! Please feel free to introduce yourself down below and offer up one fun fact about yourself just so everyone can get to know each other a little better here :) @Henk Plugge @Prajakta Ashok Ganage @Matt Campion @sai tai @Bob Carter @Katherine Niendorf @Lojana @Asdrubal Ramon Lugo Ramirez @Sohail Haque @Janine Jackson @Brandon Hodgson @Yakov Felikman @Ravali chowdary
Hi everyone,
I'm a technical writer that recently joined a software company with open-source software, which is a first for me. Twenty plus years at an insurance software company with more traditional client-server and some cloud offerings somewhat prepared me but it's a challenging environment and I'm learning some great new skills. Among them are Atlassian Confluence, the tool used for all documentation at the company, and Jira.
I've used Help development systems in the past and all kinds of layout and content management tools. I want to learn and enjoy using Confluence and help my team deliver its best to our clients.
At the moment I'm based in Maine, USA but am pleased and delighted to learn that there's an Atlassian user group near where I'll be living by Spring of next year, the Pioneer Valley in Southern New England. It's like it's meant to be.
Am looking forward to becoming a big fan Confluence and the Atlassian Community.
Janine Jackson
@Janine Jackson Maine has been on my t-do list for such a long time — if for nothing else, I need a legit lobster roll. 😎 Always glad to meet a former writer, too (I was a journalist in a past life.) Be sure to check out the Jira and Confluence collections, and show us the view outside your window.
Hi Janine. I'm in the same boat you are (but I'm in Portland, OR). Technical writer, software/IT group, moving to Confluence.
Fun facts about me:
Hi @Karen O'Keefe! While I have not flown a plane nor have I piloted a boat, I live in Portland, too! Did you know we have a Portland Group on this community and a Portland User Group that has meet-ups around the city?? Perhaps we will meet in person one day! Nice to meet you and welcome :)
Hey new users, welcome to the Community!! Please feel free to introduce yourself down below and discuss a special talent or hobby you have, just so everyone can get to know each other a little better here :) @Shruti Date @MARGARET CHANDLER @Stephen Williamson @Abhijit Kumar @Abdullahi Aliyu @bunyabansueakham
I have started here because I have some problems adopting Bitbucket and its communication with other environment in my business and, as @Simon Atkin says, no one else wanted to do it.
Best regards,
@Francisco A. R. Vivas Cheers to stepping up to the plate! Be sure to browse the Bitbucket collection for inspiration, and share the view outside your window. 😎
Welcome everyone!
We will be upgrading our JIRA CORE environment to CORE and Software. Will be reaching out to all you JIRA SMEs in the near future!
"Don't go chasing spider-webs"
New Community Members,
Just a personal note: is a great way to learn these products.
I just took (and hopefully passed) the Confluence Content Management exam. Confirmed some things I already knew while also learned new things (like undefined pages).
@Jonathan Smith Great tip — thanks, Jonathan!
Hey new users, welcome to the Community!! Please feel free to introduce yourself down below and tell us why you joined, and also offer up one fun fact about yourself just so we can get to know each other a little better here:) @JW Yang @Shelley_Smith-Woods @Nguyen viet thao @Sevval @William Taack @Barbara L_Homme @Edward Koh @Nikki @Mahesh Vijayan Chulliparambil @Anthony David @0322419 @Nichole Page @Alison Lauri @melsorrells2 @Francisco A. R. Vivas @Esma Gozubuyuk @Ramneev Kumar @Hayley Young
I recently started a new company as a scrum master and will be using Jira for the first time. I am looking forward to learning more about the tool and getting great insights from other users on it as well. There are features within it that I can already see I will need to get used to compared to other tools I have used in the past, but it's always good to learn something new.
@Cliff Perea Welcome, welcome! Be sure to check out the Jira collection here, and feel free to ask any questions you may have. 😄 And why not show us the view outside your office?
Hi Erica,
Thank you for the welcome and I do have a question for you. Is there a third party app that allows for team capacity to be added into sprints? I want to be able to add the daily hours that each of my team members work and any days that they may be out of the office during the sprint. I don't see the ability within Jira, so I was hoping that a third party app exists for this. Any help you can give me would be much appreciated. I will see about taking a picture of outside my office.
Thanks again,
@Cliff Perea That would be a great question to post in the Jira collection, as you'll find a group of experts there who have a lot more experience than I do. 😄
Hi Erica,
How do I get to the Jira collection area to post my question, because I have posted my question to the community in the past and I haven't received any decent feedback with anyone identifying a third party app that would handle what I am looking for. Any additional help you can give me would be greatly appreciated.
Hey new users, welcome to the Community!! Please feel free to introduce yourself down below and tell us why you joined, and also offer up one fun fact about yourself just so we can get to know each other a little better here:) @Sai Chaitanya Gatreddi Venkata @Meni Nuriel
Hey new users, welcome to the Community!! Please feel free to introduce yourself down below and tell us why you joined, and also offer up one fun fact about yourself just so we can get to know each other a little better here:) @Ana Kondratenko @Jojo @Louanne Wright @Naresh Karre
Hi, I'm a graphic designer and have not very much expierance with coding and programming software. My Job ixs UX/UI. Our firm now has started working with JIRA and confluence. And that's why I am here: to learn more about our new tool. And I hope you can help my possibly if have questions - and I'm sure I will have. :-)
Thanks and all the best for 2019. Greetings from Bavaria, Germany
@Joachim Weichert, welcome to the community! We're definitely here to help. :)
We're glad you're here, @Joachim Weichert!
Hey new users, welcome to the Community!! Please feel free to introduce yourself down below and tell us why you joined, and also offer up one fun fact about yourself just so we can get to know each other a little better here:) @Luke @Thien Linh Viet @Ana Kondratenko
Hello ladies and gentlemen,
I just got started on the Atlassian ecosystem as Product Manager at Appfire for BobSwift suite. I have an experience working with JIRA as an end-user running large agile projects and to some extent of JIRA administration/ add-ons before starting my stint at Appfire.
I look forward to learning & contributing to this ever growing Atlassian Community in my own capacity and move forward to expertise in JIRA and Confluence to build great Apps.
Happy Holidays and 2019 to each of you.
Nishanth T
@Nishanth Thimmareddy _Appfire_ Welcome, we're glad your here!!
Welcome, welcome, @Nishanth Thimmareddy _Appfire_! 😄 Be sure to check out the Jira collection and show us the view outside your window.
Hey new users, welcome to the Community!! Please feel free to introduce yourself down below and tell us why you joined, and also offer up one fun fact about yourself just so we can get to know each other a little better here:) @luis rosina @Theodoros Pliakas @Paul Nweme @Ludger Menke [catworkx] @Kaung Lay @Jomila Masayon @Jonathan Forrester @Sidheshwar Udgire @Moodthy Alghorairi @Abdul Rahman El Soloh @asoke sen @tintunmawgyi @Whitecolor @jose lourenço alves alves @zaro-atlassian @nena kruljac @Nadeem Inayat
Hey new users, welcome to the Community!! Please feel free to introduce yourself down below and tell us why you joined, and also offer up one fun fact about yourself just so we can get to know each other a little better here:) @Taylor Harvey @zayyar aung @Sunil Kumar Alamsety @David Hendy @liviu cristian Stoicescu @Julian Porter @Sushant_Ramchandra_Patekar @Nikolay Genov @Robin C @Krista Scott @Kirsten Ingram @Pablo Dejuan @bitbickell @juan_diaz @Paul Nweme @Ludger Menke [catworkx] @Kaung Lay
Hey Everyone, i am a Jira Admin now about 1.5 years into my tenure of knowing Jira and understanding it. I inherited the "mess' from a previous employee and director who did not care for it. In simple terms he implemented and ran. I am here to gain more insights into Jira Service desk and administration as well as to understand the system better. I also hope to expand my knowledge further and gain help from the long tenured experts. Fun fact i have never used Jira prior to Dec. 2017 and i absolutely have been enjoying it since i have learned it and begun mastering it.
@Help Desk Support Thanks for sharing!! :)
@Help Desk Support Welcome, Christopher! 🎉
Hi everyone,
I work as an assistant project manager. I studied Law but somehow ended up in project management. While reading about agile methodologies I learned about Jira Software, so figured why not give it a go - acquire a new skill.
I started using Jira this week, so wish me luck :)
@Marina Maločić Sending you so many good vibes! Welcome to the Atlassian Community, and be sure to hop over to the Jira collection if you need some help or inspiration. 😄
How do you go from law to Jira admin? What a career move!!
@Simon Atkin You jump with your eyes closed into the fire :)
I'm from Serbia, and the market here is oversaturated with law graduates (private law schools just handing out diplomas), so I had to think fast and decided to try something else. Luckily, my current boss took a chance on me.
I see you have a lot of experience. Any piece of advice for early-stage Jira admin?
Hi All,
I work in Birmingham, England as Software Support Manager, with an app support/project implementation background.
We're in the process of upgrading from an antique version of Confluence & Jira to a sparkly new Cloud version, so in the middle of building workflows and projects.
Cloud is great - the key is to subscribe to the available notices for updates so that you can stay aware of upcoming changes.
@Kerry Kelly Welcome, welcome! We do have a Cloud migration section, so be sure to leverage it for any questions or discussions. Otherwise, enjoy some of our more random threads like Miscellaneous Monday. 😄
Morning All!
I recently jumped into Atlassian when Trello made the announcement of their community leaving Slack and moving here. I'm a project manager within a software development company that works directly with association-based clients. I'm a Starbucks regular who enjoys any version of a Caramel Macchiato, although its getting to be PSL-time as well (I don't recognize fall until after Labor Day).
I'm interested to learn more about all Atlassian products and meet new people!
@carrie_eandm 👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼
Hi there, It's great to join you all!
well I am still discovering Jira+Confluence ecosystem. Surprisingly, our project is a cloud development, and we chose Jira & Confluence server distributions ... hosted on the cloud!
I will keep an eye on every agile method solution implemented with Jira & Confluence, and interfacing automated testing solutions.
Welcome to the community @Damien :)
Hi all. Great to be on this thread and in this community.
I've been using JIRA for over 18 months for a requirements based project in Sydney.
Glad to be here 🙂
@Hurcus Ibrahim Welcome, welcome! We're glad you're here. Be sure to check out the rest of the Welcome Center, our product collections and some off-topic areas like Friday Fun. 😄
Hi everyone. Great community!
I have been using JIRA and Confluence for some time, and have just become JIRA Admin at my new employer.
I wished I had found this community earlier.
Hi Guys and Gals!!
I am very new to Atlassian products. Week two of using Jira, a little tiny peek into confluence, and sorting through the MANY articles regarding Insight (which I have the lucky duty of implementing! I am so excited.) I have never had the opportunity to take lead on a project like this so I am trying to soak up every bit of information (AND ADVISE!!) I can before I start the hard part.
It is great to see so many people on here that have experience with these products. I will be picking your brains very soon!!
Hi @Heather Reid ,
Welcome to the community! You can find lots of helpful articles here, but if you have a question that has not been asked before here, small advice to receive help much faster: Always let people know your deployment option (server/datacenter or cloud) and as many details about your problem and your desired solution as possible :)
Enjoy the community and maybe see you at the Atlassian Summit in Las Vegas, which is a great way to connect with other Atlassian's, Community users and app vendors!
@Heather Reid Welcome, Heather! You've certainly come to the right place. 😄 Be sure to poke around our product collections, and get to know your fellow members in places like Friday Fun!
Hi fellow community members!
I’m a Business Analyst working with Jira and Confluence for a little over 2 years now and I’m loving it!!! I recently completed the ACP-600 Project Admin certification 🥳 and want to further build my understanding. I love configuring workflows, troubleshooting bugs/issues and jokes.
I joined this community out of curiosity and because I hope this forum will allow me to give/get support and inspiration and have some fum 👏
...but mostly out of curiosity (feeling brave for posting here 🦾)
Hi @t.denotter,
There is no need to be concerned. Everyone here is very friendly.
Glad you decided to stop by. You will find a ton of inspiration here!
@t.denotter I would definitely echo Jimmy's sentiments — we have folks from every corner of the globe and every skill level, so you'll find your tribe in no time. 😄 Be sure to poke around the product collections, and get to know your fellow members in places like Friday Fun.
Hi @t.denotter , Welcome to the Community and congrats on the certification! You said you " love configuring workflows, troubleshooting bugs/issues and jokes"... In that order? :-D. Hope you continue posting in the Community to ask questions, give answers, or share some of your favorite jokes!