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🍻🍂 Cheers to Apptoberfest! Demo: Edit request with Feature Bundle 🍻🍂

Raise your glasses because Apptoberfest is here! 🍻 This time, we take you to the big and loud Oktoberfest company party, but first, let's deal with some organizing stuff. Take a seat, grab a coffee (or maybe beer would be better), and jump into our demo story.


Imagine your company is organizing a party to celebrate Oktoberfest (lucky you!). You're responsible for making it work (or maybe not as lucky). Employees, one by one, have to decide whether they need transport or take their own car and, consequently, what kind of beer they want: alcohol-free or opposite, and which one. Sounds like a task worthy of a superhero, right? You know how often you can change your mind or plans about things like this. So can your teammates. How to make sure everybody is well-informed and hasn't missed the announcements? Now hold on tight because we know how to do it so that no gray hairs appear on your head, and everyone is satisfied. Win-win situation, here we go. 😎 


🧙‍♀️Put the most into others' hands – The Edit Request magic on the Customer Portal

Another email on the box. This time Sophie asked about changing their transport statement. She will go in her car due to the medicine she's taking. So she wants to choose another beer too. First, she picked a wheat beer on the Customer Portal. She's 9th this day, and the day is not over yet. You thought that making a special Customer Portal would close the deal. But imagine that you can tell her, "No biggie Sophie, just make the change yourself. You still can do it." So Sophie, like thousands of others, opens the Customer Portal and chooses other options. Seems like a Jira Service Management dream? Now let's make this magic happen. ⭐️

Get ready! 

giphy (33).gif  


Edit Request 

Let's prepare a Customer Portal where employees can choose the means of transport: company bus or their own car, and beer they would like to drink during the party. An alcohol-free, strong one, dark beer, wheat beer, fruit beer – we're not exactly sure how many types of beer there are, but we have to make a wide choice. Those two aspects have to be editable. 

First, we have to create Jira Insight / Asset and create two objects at this point (alcohol-free or regular beer ). Don't forget about configuring the object schema. Then it's time to define the attributes, and now you can let your imagination run wild and type all the beer types you want. Let's ensure the right to choose! 

Now create a special Custom Field and add Insight objects to it. Note: It's super important because that Custom Field will be editable later :) 

The transport case is simpler – create a Radiobutton Custom Field. 

We have two custom fields. Now how to make them editable? 

Go to project settings and find the Edit Request web-item. There you can have it all – decide which field can be edited. Just use drag and drop :) You should see your custom fields too. 

Decide who can edit the request. Choose reporter: Only the person who created the ticket can edit it. In other cases, you choose between Request participants and Organization, too. Save it, and voilà! The customer-center Jira Service Management is a key to their happiness and your fewer responsibilities.

When the party is just around the corner, you probably want to clarify things. So let's be sure that the edit request is available on the date you wish. 

It's possible to set up the end date when editing is on. When creating such a portal, set the default value in the Due Date field [here we enter the day, e.g. 3 days before the event]. This field will be hidden on the Request Form. Then, we can enter this condition in the Edit Request configuration in the JQL when the edit link is visible.

project = CE AND "Request Type" = "Oktoberfest 2022 (CE)" AND due <= now() 

Meaning: take all the tickets created in the Appsvio Internal Desk project, select from them only those created for Oktoberfest, and then from those tickets, select the tickets whose due date is set later than today's date, i.e. tomorrow, for example. If the request doesn't meet the rule, the Edit Request field won't appear. That's why the user won't be able to change their mind on the event day. 


📣 Make it loud! Announcements that won't be missed 

Your teammates can edit requests easily. Kate is no longer sending you emails. But there is one important thing: communication. Due to what date requests can be edited? You know that, but others? When exactly is the party? Forgetful is among us. Keep them well-informed all the time, with zero effort. 

The great solution is banners. With Feature Bundle for Jira Service Management, you can announce on the Customer Portal as many times as you want. 

Create a general banner with all important info: Place and time of the Party, due what date they can fill or edit the fields, and how they should be dressed. Make it look nice but eye-catching. You can customize the font, size, and colors. Note: You can edit it with HTML too. 

It would be really nice to thank people for filling in the request. Create the banner displayed on the Request Details View. Then they will be sure it has happened successfully, and you have the opportunity to sum up the info once again and underline that they still can change their mind.  

You can also create an available banner when the ticket status is changed. For example, the new banner will be displayed when the Party status changes to "Ready" 

There is no problem with setting up the date banner should disappear. The sky's the limit! 


💃🏻 Party rocking! 

With your Customer Portal configuration, you can sleep well without any nightmares about mistakes and serving the wrong beer to the wrong people. All in perfect order. 😊

Feature Bundle for Jira Service Management is a way to minimize your or your agents' work when it's possible. Customers would be happy to edit the request when mistakes were made, or they've changed their minds. 

Try it out for your Jira Service Management, you won't be disappointed! 



And now it's over. We hope you drink all the beer during the reading! 


Fun Fact: One of our DevOps is a huge fan of craft beers! 🍻



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Ivan Garcia {Appfire}
Atlassian Partner
October 13, 2022

Cool roleplay! What a nice way to introduce use cases 🙌🏼

Like Kate Pawlak _Appsvio_ likes this
Huwen Arnone _Deiser_
Atlassian Partner
October 13, 2022

This is a brilliant use case @Kate Pawlak _Appsvio_ best of luck on the Apptoberfest competition! ☘🚀🔥

Like Kate Pawlak _Appsvio_ likes this
Kelsey LaMastres _Appfire_
Atlassian Partner
October 17, 2022

Great job, @Kate Pawlak _Appsvio_ ! Love the themed music in the background too :) 

Like Kate Pawlak _Appsvio_ likes this
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