Hello, i want to export all the tickets in the project but also mantaining the link with the child issues. is this possibile with the native capabilities of jira?
I am looking for an automation rule to compare a form smart value. If the condition is true an action must be started. I have made the rule below, but it doesn't work. The form field is a si...
Hi All, I have JIRA Admin access, wherein i help a programme improvise their workflow and one of the leads has asked me if we can have the below functionality added. However i am unable to f...
We are trying to build a Flow in MSPowerAutomate to get a list of issues when a Trigger condition is met. We are using the Jira connector in PowerAutomate. The flow is set-up as below. 1) Trigger: ...
I am wondering about deleting customer only accounts vs migrating into atlassian account. We discovered that user picker when searching a name gave two choices for the same person, their atlassian u...
I'm at the point to create a customfield where users can select one or more values from a given list. I can choose between two fieldformats: 1) checkboxes. 2) Select list (multiple choices)  ...
Hi, Our Default Access group is Access-Jira This group is also needed to see e.g. Jira Plans. Normally we get all our users through an indentity provider (IAM) and by default the user gets the gr...
myurl/rest/api/3/search/jql?jql=project=xxxx shows data when opened in IE . But when run from powershell with below command not retuning any data. Invoke-RestMethod -Method 'Get...
Hello! There is a problem with searching by our data bases: searching by page using ctrl+F doesn't work, the search built into the table resets the results. If I open a specific view, everythi...
Hello, when we adding a link to OneDrive or SharePoint it does not get recognized as smartlink. Also adding directly a smartlink as content in a space shows only the message that content can´t be sh...
Hi Atlassian Community I have a question regarding the Free Jira Plan. Currently, I am working in a project team with five members, and the project duration is around 1.5 years. Our team members us...
Hello, How could I restrict a Jql to 10 issues ? Regards, Guillaume. Mackowiak
Hi all pros! Based on this existing bug as below, we encounter a problem. https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JSDCLOUD-8167 since we set project permission to reporter & current assignee...
Hello. I started Standart subscription free trial. Trial period was finished and my subscription become inactive. In this case I can't change tarif plan from Standart to Free. I have only one way -&n...
I'm not sure how to explain this, hehe. I imagine the ideal thing would be to send a suggestion to the support team directly, but I'm afraid this will get shelved along with many other suggestions. M...
I am creating a JSM Automation in which I need it to edit a field called "Team". However I have 71 fields which have the word "Team" in them, and more than 50 of them start with a word other than "Te...
Hello. I changed my company address Please make sure that the changed address is reflected in the invoice. If you send me an invoice that reflects the changed address again, I will pay for...
Hello, Despite my extensive research on the subject, I haven't found anything that matches my request. I would like to ask you to help me with one of my projects. My goal is simple: I want to creat...
Hi Jira Team, would like to make enquiry on the below: 1. How can I create New Project in Jira and Confluence 2. If the New Project created, can I move or clone or reflect the Jira tickets in curre...
I have created a filter, which I want to export and to use for external purposes. When I do so Jira returns with comments, which are both external and internal. Is there a way to exclude the internal...
I need to amend a members surname, how do you do this?
How to get the smart value of parent and child? is this the right smart value? Parent: {{issue.customfield_12345.value}} Child: {{issue.customfield_12345.child.value}} Selected Option: Par...
We have a user who used to have Jira Product access and was able to comment on issues. However this user's Jira product access has been removed as well as any access to any Jira groups or Proje...
Please sorry for this question, can someone educate me on how jira works, how to use jira solve problems even the ones associated with the pi networks app, because I see a lot of people who are looki...
Good morning we would like to get a premium quote for the company for annual subscription. please advise and send us the necessary documents to get started. regards Danile
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