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VIEW26 @Codegeist 2021 - Community Lens & Scrum Manager


This year our team at VIEW26 geared up to take part in Atlassian’s annual developer hackathon, ‘Codegeist 2021’. The hackathon not only forced us to resume our projects that were initially started a few months back but also fine-tune them from different angles! Dedicated time was spent on weekends, and meetings were scheduled with various team members for the codegeist submissions.

Even though a lot of time, planning, effort, and commitment were put into developing these apps.. it was also a fun experience to step aside from our usual work and brainstorm new ideas. The experience really forced us to open up the creative side in each one of us. Though we did hit a few challenges here and there, we were able to receive support from the Atlassian team and push ourselves eventually to our goals.

We are excited to submit 2 of our apps; ‘Community Lens’ and ‘Scrum Manager’ to this year’s Codegeist!



Community lens

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We know that the Atlassian community page has achieved steady growth in the past few years. It has always been a go-to place for most Atlassian users for the latest news, discussion topics, resolving queries, etc.

But ever struggled with having to find the right content for you? Or as for marketplace partners to find and track queries for resolving doubts related to their apps or to get the latest news based on your niche. This process can often be tedious and time-consuming. With that pain point in mind, we tried to find a solution that not only will serve our purpose but also of others in the community.

Community Lens” is a free Forge app that helps you to search & track Atlassian community popular posts and tags right within Confluence. Get insights on community trends, most viewed topics, and track topics of interest, all in a single dashboard!

Here is a short demo of the app: Community Lens Demo 

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                                                         A glimpse of the app


Head on to the Community Lens Submission page to read more about the app, how we built and the challenges we ran into.

Hit the :thumbsup: button if you find this interesting. Also, leave a comment! We would love to hear your feedback on the app. 

Try it out for yourself on the Atlassian Marketplace.




Scrum Manager

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Ever faced an issue where your daily scrum calls end up extending longer than usual, with some critical issues being missed? Or perhaps few non-key matters are being discussed for much longer than required? Well in our case, we were pretty much facing such difficulties in our daily standups.

My team at VIEW26 realized that a tool that intuitively captures the daily updates and blockers would significantly improve the stand-up experience. This is how the Scrum Manager was born.

Check out this quick demo by our Scrum Master: Scrum Manager Demo


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                                                  A glimpse into Scrum Manager
Want to learn more about the app and it's working? Head on to the Scrum Manager Submission page to read more about the app, how we built it, and the challenges we ran into.
Hit the :thumbsup: button if you find this interesting. We would also love to hear your feedback in the comment section!



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