Hey, Community Friends!
It's been a while. I'm sad this is my first article for the month, and the reason behind my loss of productivity is straight to May's topic. Back-to-back meetings, ad-hoc meetings, regular meetings, you name it, I have it.
Do you know the maximum productive time per day is not more than 3 hours? Even less if you specialize in programming, writing, design, or another creatively complicated task. Bad news for all of us who have at least 3 hours of meetings daily.
How to find the right balance?
🌿 To me, Confluence is always in the leading position when it comes to improving your workplace well-being. Proper collaboration, transparency, and asynchronous project handling are the staples to more productive days. Sharing ideas, executing a plan, or sharing a cookie recipe with the team, Confluence is my go-to decision on my way to meet-less May.
🌿 Talk less and do more. I'm aware this sounds quite "optimistic," but I do believe in the creative mind. If you're feeling stuck, take a sip of fresh air and leave your thoughts to circle for a while. Your brain needs time to focus on the problem and give you the right solution. And it's usually not happening in meetings.
🌿 The most important step - convince your team to try it out. A healthy meet-less balance requires healthy teamwork. Share with your team the importance of collaboration tools and best practices and ask them to try it out. You can even gamify it or create a meet-less challenge for your company and teammates!
If you are still struggling, here is my final and always working advice - book your own calendar for the entire day. You can thank me any time.
Teodora V _Fun Inc_
Putting Pieces Together @ Fun Inc
Fun Inc
Sofia, Bulgaria
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