Anyone has any tried and tested approach to set up the URL source of an iframe macro correctly in Confluence to show a specific filtered/bookmarked PBI report view?
I can show a specific page of the report, but cannot get the filters to pass through.
My current URL without filters that works ( <> represents what I would key in for my dataset) :<...>&autoAuth=true&ctid=<...>&pageName=ReportSection<...>
to add on filters for two data ranges for two separate tables,
&$filter=<Table1 name?>/<date1 name?> ge 2023-06-05 lt 2023-06-16&$filter=<Table2 name>/<date2 name>ge 2023-05-22 lt 2023-06-03
But this section of the URL doesn't work. Anyone knows where I went wrong?