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Jira Align users: Full VS Integrated

As you know, Jira Align has two types of users: Full and integrated. 

The basic information you know and get from our product page is as follow:

  • Full users have access to all of Jira Align's capabilities, while integrated users are those that perform their work in Jira or another team tool and whose work items are synchronized to Jira. Integrated users only need limited, team-level access to Jira Align.
  • You don't pay for the team-level users. With your Jira Align subscription, you get 4x that number of integrated users for each full Jira Align user!

The difference between Full users versus Integrated can be tricky to elaborate on in a fully-scaled Jira Align environment.


Let's break it down:

  • All active users assigned to non-Integrated user system roles will count as Enterprise or Standard licenses (often referred to as Full Users). 
    example: POs and SMs are considered licensed users.
  • All active users assigned to an Integrated user system role will count as Integrated licenses.
    example: Integrated users are normally non-team lead roles on an agile team such as developer, QA, UX, etc.


What is an Integrated user system Role?

Integrated user licenses allow access to key team level and program planning functionality.  Any other functionality outside the below sections will be counted as a full user.  

Portfolio Functionality Program Functionality Team Functionality Reports
Portfolio Room* Program Board Team Room Burndowns
  Features (Read Only) Team Objectives Sprint Metrics (M1)
  Program Room* Impediments Sprint Health
    Team Meetings (Estimation, Daily Stand Up, Sprint Retrospective) Spring Coaching
    Backlog (List and Kanban views) Detailed Sprint Progress
    Stories (Read / Edit) Sprint Status
    Defects (Read / Edit) Team Room Reports
    Tasks (Read / Edit)  
    Idea Submission  

*Program Room and Portfolio Room can be accessed for integrated users with the use of the New Navigation


How do I know if a user is integrated or counts as a full user?

There is a couple of condition that need to be met in order to have a user counted as an Integrated user

One condition is that a user will count as integrated if the user is created by a Connector (ex: Jira Connector). 

The connector will create an Integrated user in Align if that user created a synced issue, is assigned to the synced issue as the owner or reporter, or tracked time against the synced issue.
Therefore integrated users are only created by the connector and it will place them in the "Default" system role upon creation.
The default system role can be checked and modified in Administration>Jira Settings>Jira Setup tab

Default System Role for New User(s).png

Any user added in the system (regardless if it comes from a connector or by import, manual creation, etc...) with the system role DEFAULT will also count as integrated


The Default System Role must include the same or less permission than the table above

Notes : 

  • read/write work at team-level for “Default System Role” is allowed, they will count towards an integrated license.
    You will have to provide the default role with permission to read/write and this would allow the integrated users also to inherit the same permission.
  • If one makes changes to the Default Role itself (for example provide program (Program Board and Features) and team level access (Team room, Team meetings, backlog, team level (objectives, stories, defects, and tasks)), this would not count as a full user as long as the functionality that you've added is within the list mentioned above.
    So for instance, if you add the Initiatives or Roadmaps to it, it would count as a full user. if it is equal to or below the permission list, it would be integrated


My license has xx Full users and xx Integrated users. How can I check that I am in compliance?

The easiest way, for now, to get the license consumption report is to export the users into a spreadsheet.
To check for possible overages and how licenses are being allocated, follow these steps:

  • Perform a full export of licenses. To export the list of all users, please click Admin > People > More Actions > Export.
  • Either manually filter the spreadsheet by role, or create a pivot table based on Roles
  • Determine what the default role is (see above for details) and calculate integrated user count
  • When counting Full licenses in use, exclude users in the following categories:
    • Atlassian users in support roles (whether domain names or <customer>.com for SSO)
    • Service accounts used to connect with Jira or other team systems
    • Integrated/Default users
    • Note, inactive users are automatically excluded from full user exports

if the count is over your entitled user base, you can manage from this export, to deactivate the unwanted users, then import the list back to mass update the user base


Al Reid
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 15, 2022

Great article @Erwann

Jira Align Enterprise Advocates have this discussion many times with our prospects, this is a well written explanation of our licensing model. 

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Allan Maxwell
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 16, 2022


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Rae Gibbs
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 17, 2022

Thanks for this great article! It's also been added to the Jira Align and Jira Integration Best Practices and FAQ Table of Contents article.

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Hemanth Veeramachaneni May 18, 2022


Jira Align has two configurations. Standard and Enterprise.

With Jira Align Enterprise, we get Jira Enterprise configuration. However, with Jira Align configuration, which configuration of Jira will we get. Standard or Premium?

I have this confusion because Jira Align has only 2 configurations while Jira has 3 configurations (not counting free).

Please clarify.


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Rae Gibbs
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 18, 2022

Hey @Hemanth Veeramachaneni - When you purchase Jira Align, this is not inclusive of Jira. These products are sold separately. The version of Jira would depend on which version you purchase.

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Hemanth Veeramachaneni May 18, 2022

Hi Rae,

Thanks for your reply.

On the website of Jira Align, I see below text:

Get 4x the number of users!

Jira Align has two types of users: Full and integrated. Full users have access to all of Jira Align's capabilities, while integrated users are those that perform their work in Jira or another team tool and whose work items are synchronized to Jira. Integrated users only need limited, team-level access to Jira Align.

You don't pay for the team-level users. That's right, we give you 4x that number of integrated users for free for each full Jira Align user!


I thought this means that we can access to Jira. am I wrong?

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Rae Gibbs
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 18, 2022

Ah, I see where the confusion lies. Jira Align has the ability to integrate with Jira. The assumption is that you are already using Jira or are also purchasing Jira. When we integrate the tools, anyone that is assigned to an issue in an integrated Jira project will come over as a user in Jira Align. These are mostly non-team lead members of agile teams. Those folks will have limited access in Jira Align as they will primarily continue to do their work in Jira. This is were the 1 to 4 ratio comes in. Four integrated users are allowed per every one JA license purchased. This just means we are allowing them access in Jira Align, not that we are providing a Jira instance with a set number of Jira licenses. Hope this clears it up.

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Hemanth Veeramachaneni May 18, 2022

Aaaah. Ok. Got it now

Thanks a ton Rae

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Allan Maxwell
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 25, 2022

Spring Coaching?  Sounds like fun

John Ames
October 10, 2022

would changing the default role to allow access to Ideation within Jira Align change from Integrated to Full ?  Or would it still be considered as an Integrated license? 

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Rae Gibbs
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 12, 2022

@John Ames It is okay to turn on Ideation access for an integrated user and will not make them a licensed user. Anyone is allowed access to the Ideation feature in Jira Align; even users that are not licensed/full or integrated. An External User system role can be used where the only permission turned on is this. This allows non-Jira Align users to access this, and only this, in Jira Align.

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Stephanie Davis
March 23, 2023

We are needing our integrated users to have read only access to the Epic Bscklog so they can view the priorities.  Can this permission be added for an integrated user?

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 26, 2023

Hi Stephanie

an Integrated user would be able to access work items as high as Feature, but not above (Capabilities, Epics, etc...)

I should also mention as well that whilst lower work items (Stories, Defects, Tasks) can have read/write capabilities, an integrated user will be restricted to read-only access to Features. 

I believe that it would be worth raising this suggestion in for our team to consider adding this level as well, if this is something you would like to see.

Heidi Hendry
November 26, 2023

Hi Erwann,

Not long ago, we raised a bug ticket JIRAALIGN-5830 as our Integrated User System Role had "Portfolio Room" disabled and yet they were still able to view the "Portfolio Room" via the new navigation.

We noticed what appears to be a new addition to this article

*Program Room and Portfolio Room can be accessed for integrated users with the use of the New Navigation


From this line are you stating that Program Room and Portfolio Room are supposed to be accessible to Integrated User System Role even though the permission is disabled? Or is this a warning?

Heidi Hendry
November 26, 2023

Our understanding, based on Atlassian Advisory Services recommendation, is that "Portfolio Room" is

Not applicable for [Integrated User] role and should never be turned on

Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 26, 2023

Hello Heidi

Yes this is one change introduced with the new navigation

I confirmed internally it is intentional that integrated users now can see the program room and the portfolio room.

It looks like the room being displayed despite the permission toggled off may be an issue our team needs to investigate further via the ticket you have submitted. I will check with our team to get more details about the ticket and we will follow up with you.

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Heidi Hendry
November 27, 2023

Thanks for the clarification!

Heidi Hendry
May 29, 2024

Additionally, in the New Nav -

Enterprise > Strategy Room can now also be viewed by Integrated User,

even though all Enterprise permission toggles are disabled.

Megan Moulton
Community Leader
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July 9, 2024

Thanks for this article! Here is some additional information based on my support conversation with Atlassian 7/9/2024:

  • Story maps have been deprecated so are no longer a Jira Align feature.

  • Team meetings is about to be deprecated so should not be used

  • The Capacity Planning, Sprint Status, Sprint Health and Detailed Sprint Progress Reports reports should not be enabled for integrated users (although as this article has existed for some time with those reports included it is unlikely we would take any action for customers that have them enabled.)

  • The references to Portfolio Room, Program Room and the abilities of the New Navigation do not require toggles to be enabled. for users to access them.

  • [Sprint is now referred to as iteration]

Taking the above into account, the following is a list of role toggles that can be enabled in the role used for integrated users (any toggle not specifically mentioned in this list should be disabled):

:warning: Please be aware that where I have stated Overall Toggle,  you will find it easier just to enable the stated individual toggles underneath it, which will automatically enable the overall toggle - if you enable the overall toggle itself, then it will default to enabling everything underneath it, which will give you a lot more work to disable, although if you make a mistake and enable everything by accident then just disable that toggle again and start with the lower level toggles instead.


Role Toggle 



Overall Toggle

Program > Manage > Features 

Enable this toggle but disable all the sub-toggles shown on the right of the row

Program > Manage > Program Board



Overall Toggle

Team > Team > Team Room


Team > Team > Backlog

Enable this toggle but disable the sub-toggle "Rank Items in External Tools"

Team > Manage > Stories

All the sub-toggles shown at the right of the row should be left enabled

Team > Manage > Defects

All the sub-toggles shown at the right of the row should be left enabled

Team > Manage > Team Objectives

Enable this toggle but disable all the sub-toggles shown on the right of the row

Team > Manage > Tasks

All the sub-toggles shown at the right of the row should be left enabled

Team > Manage > Assign Tasks

All the sub-toggles shown at the right of the row should be left enabled

Team > Manage > Impediments

All the sub-toggles shown at the right of the row should be left enabled

Team > Manage > Sprints

Enable this toggle but disable all the sub-toggles shown on the right of the row

Team > Manage > Teams

Enable this toggle but disable all the sub-toggles shown on the right of the row

Team > Track > Burndowns


Team > Track > Sprint Metrics (M1)


Team > Track > Sprint Coaching



Overall Toggle

Products > Product > Features 

Enable this toggle but disable all the sub-toggles shown on the right of the row

Additional Options 

Overall Toggle

Additional Options > Permissions

Overall Toggle 

Additional Options > Permissions > Add Agile Objects


Additional Options > Permissions > Allow access to cancel item


Additional Options > Permissions > Allow access to read recycle bin


Additional Options > Permissions > Allow access to restore/delete from recycle bin


Additional Options > Permissions > Delete Agile Objects


Additional Options > Permissions > Manage Agile Objects(Admin)


While you could choose to disable some of the listed toggles, they key for your integrated license usage is to not include any extra toggles in the role that is set as the connector default


I am a visual learner so here is what it looks like for an "integrated" user role in the new nav. Per Heidi Hendry's comment, it looks like you can toggle on Enterprise > Strategy Room but I left that out in these screenshots.

2024-07-09 11_18_09-Jira Align.png

2024-07-09 11_07_51-Jira Align.png2024-07-09 11_00_41-.png
2024-07-09 11_01_24-Jira Align.png

2024-07-09 11_01_56-Jira Align.png2024-07-09 11_02_12-Jira Align.png


Hope that helps someone!

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Colin Weaver
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 30, 2024

For info the table of toggle settings that Megan Moulton posted (but not all the screenshots) is in the process of being reviewed as an official Jira Align KB article , hopefully it will be available soon.

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Tiffany Ho
I'm New Here
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October 24, 2024

Would Atlassian look into having integrated users having read access to all content in Jira Align in the near future? It would be valuable for the users to view forecast, capacity and dependencies. 

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Atul Kumar
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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March 13, 2025

How would the integrated user access if we have SSO enabled and the access is controlled via the AD groups. 


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