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Who also hates the new issue create experience?

David Brenner
April 13, 2022

The new issue create experience is simply terrible.  Jira constantly ruins their product by forcing users onto new versions of components that are not user friendly and discard previous functionality.

The new issues view has 2 MAJOR issues

1- On the legacy view, after creating a new issue when you have create another checked, you get the last created issue showing nicely on the top of the modal window.  This is an essential feature and it's gone, unreal
1a- this feature allows you to know exactly what you created especially if you take a break and come back
1b- this feature allows you to easily copy the link and share it

It's a catastrophic loss, and the new toasts are terrible- they are confusing, they stack up on each other, and they require you right click and hunt for tickets.  Just awful

2- The new one after some time won't let you paste images in the ticket- you get an error that it failed, you have to cancel, discard, and open again.  In legacy you can leave it up and add new issues all day w/o a problem.

We pay good money for Jira.  This is not the first time you've pulled this stuff on us.

Officially looking to migrate off of Jira in July 2022 unless this is fixed - and I've been on Jira for 15+ years- this is the final straw.

Please vote by liking this post and maybe Jira will fix this travesty.

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April 13, 2022

Hi @David Brenner 

Thank you for sharing you feedback.

As a pretty experienced user I guess you should know that over all those years Atlassian products evolved? UI changed many times.. Sometimes it was better, sometimes not.. Many times things were bugs that might happen if you do software development. Do you agree?

As you remember when using server (on-prem) you had a choice when you upgrade. Be prepared for change, maybe modify something, customize.. Cloud products cannot be individual for every customer since it would be hard to maintain it. Those instances need to evolve and changes would happen automatically for everyone. That is how it works.

Of course everything is not always perfect once it is release and that is why Atlassian need experienced users like you to share your feedback so that product can continue to evolve. But would not be easier to just simply share it without all those emotions? I understand that as a customer you are feeling bad and frustrated but I think that there is a reason why you use Atlassian products for 15+ years and I do not think that those 2 major issues would be the reason to say that you would suddenly stop using Jira. This is really good software overall.

I am pretty sure that there is always a reason that things change and of course if this is end up to be a bug we can together find a solution or a workaround that could help you.

Could you share more details about the error that you are receiving when you are pasting the image or show some screenshot what you would like to have back when using Create Another. It would be easier to get on the same page, so that we can all verify on our ends.

Thank you!

David Brenner
May 17, 2022


these are items on the CURRENT version that are CRITICAL to my workflow and are missing in the new version.  Other feedback already on this thread backs me on this

1- When on create issue, the TITLE of the issue in the browser says "CREATE" which is uber-helpful when trying to locate the tab of create issue



2-  After creating an issue when the Create another box is checked, we get a nice link on top with the issue that was created.  This is CRITICAL functionality - if you remove this I'll need to find another system to use- this is completely lost in the new version




3- in the current version i can leave the create issue window open with the create another checkbox checked for days at a time.  In the new version, after creating even 1 or 2 issues, i start getting errors and am forced to close and re-open the window.  it's buggy.   i am unable to add attachments etc  it just crumbles


that's for starters   really we would simply like to KEEP our current add issue as it is perfect and does not need any upgrades  


but short of that you've got to fix the awful bug (#3) and keep #1 and #2 functionality


there may be some other stuff but i'm afraid to switch back to the new view and honestly i don't even remember how to do it.  I am just relieved that i figured out how to switch back to the 'legacy' mode.

When is this going to be pulled from us?

Can I ask if you actually have real users testing this stuff?  Please get back to me as I really need to know if I need to migrate away from Jira sooner rather than later as this is seriously an impending disaster for me.  I've been on Jira for nearly 20 years, and this is a really freaking me out.

David Brenner
May 17, 2022

@Arjoon Som  please see here

Adithya Ramesh
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 24, 2022

Hello @David Brenner

Thank you for your candid feedback.

I would like to take this opportunity to answer your queries about the missing features and bugs.


1. Thank you for bringing this issue to our notice. We understand that this change is causing an inconvenience that is affecting how you find the right tab and we would definitely want to resolve this for you. We are exploring the best approach to solve this issue and are currently discussing this matter internally. We will share an update with you as soon as possible.

2. The link for the most recently created issue that was previously available at the top of the modal has now been moved to the bottom of the modal (as highlighted in the screenshot attached). The feature has been upgraded such that we can retrieve not only the link of the last created issue but also of all those issues that were created after the “create another issue“ was checked.

If only one issue is created after “create another issue“ was checked, clicking the highlighted link would directly open that issue in a new tab. If multiple issues are created, clicking on it would open a new page and display the links of all issues created after checking the checkbox.

We would like to understand how this change impedes how you work with Jira and the use cases where the previous experience was better suited to fulfil your needs. This will help us improve your experience with Jira.


Screenshot 2022-05-24 at 10.10.25 AM.png

3. We apologise for the inconvenience caused by this issue. We have taken cognisance of this bug and our team is actively working towards resolving it. We are confident that this bug will be resolved in the coming weeks. You can track the status of the bug here. Will we also intimate you on this thread once the fix is rolled out.

Please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with. I would be glad to answer any other queries you might have on the new Issue Create experience.


Thank you,

Issue Create Team

David Brenner
May 25, 2022

#2 is not an upgrade- it totally ruins the feature

my workflow is that i create the ticket and then i right click to share the link as needed.  i can't do that anymore

also i can't easily see the most recent issue that was created

it's now many clicks and tons of confusion


i'm not the only one who's dismayed by this - there are hundreds of others who have already told you, and those are just the one's who bothered to tell you


#3- there is a major bug here where the whole interface craps out- it makes the whole site quite useless.  


the most important feature of jira is the ability to create new tickets- you've 

1- introduced bugs (many)

2- taken away core functionality (not upgraded)

i'll go back to the first extremely condescending comment from Mirek- 

"As a pretty experienced user I guess you should know that over all those years Atlassian products evolved? UI changed many times.. Sometimes it was better, sometimes not"

sometimes not?  I've spent tens of thousands of dollars on Jira subscription fees over the past 15 years, and built up a very specific workflow that supports my business.  This current release completely ruins my workflow and adds about 500% in the time it creates to create tickets.   "sometimes worse"?   

I've taken your upgrades in the past and not liked them- I have another ticket on one of your upgrades that was one of the most liked tickets on your whole jira- hundreds of likes.  This is not a new thing for you guys, so instead of criticizing your long-term customers, maybe you should listen to them.

All i'm asking at this point is at least extend the legacy version by 6 months to give us a chance to either see if you fix the bugs and restore the deprecated functionality, and also allow us a chance to go to another platform.  I'm seriously freaking out about my whole business at this point.  I've got tens of thousands of tickets in my jira (i don't know how many b/c the software offers no easy way to see that).

i'm afraid to switch back to the new view and honestly i don't even remember how to do it.  I am just relieved that i figured out how to switch back to the 'legacy' mode.  can you give me specific instructions where i can switch back and forth so i can test the new version again and send you a comprehensive bug report - it is long.  Please send the instructions of exactly where i switch from legacy to new view.

David Brenner
May 26, 2022

@Adithya Ramesh  



1- When the box is checked to "Create Another Issue", after hitting create, the issue does not 'reset'- it should clear out the description, content and attachments.  This is a flat out bug and you CANNOT release with this- it's not even a question


see here after creating a ticket the stuff in the red box does not disappear!



2- As I said, the indicator at the bottom that says 8 issues created etc is not at all helpful.  The reason is that 

a- You can't see the ticket# of the most recently created

b- You can't on a single right click share the issue via some other method (email, chat etc) - under this system it's at least 2 clicks and another window to do that and it's confusing

c- WHY NOT JUST GO BACK TO WHAT WE HAD BEFORE ADN SIMPLY SHOW THE LINK TO THE MOST RECENT TICKET CREATED- there was nothing wrong w that and there is abosulted NO VALUE ADDED to your new feature.  PLEASE!


new view:



old view:

form resets and we have a nice indication and link of what i just did


3- You are not changing the title when i open the create issue box.  so it's impossible to find the tab where i have create issue open.  i usually have 4-7 jira tabs open and jump around

new view:


old view:


request - on the new view why not just do this and get rid of the 'upgrade' that is actually not in any way helpful in the 'real word'



4- MAJOR BUG RIGHT here - if you leave the screen open for like 5 minutes and come back and try to create a new issue, you'll get this - this is unacceptable.  YOu cannot release with this.  It's easily reproducable on any browser

a- create a ticket with attachments and keep the Create Another Issue on.  maybe make a second ticket.   Then wait 5-10 minutes and create another issue with attachements.  You'll get this error.  

b- You can't release with this bug.  This forces me to close the window and start all over again.  On the current software i can leave issue create on for days at a time.  




WE ARE POWER USERS - I've been on Jira since 2005.  We know what we are talking about.  Please fix the items above.  #1 is a flat out bug and you cannot release w it  #2 you ruined a current feature that has been in Jira since 2005 and that's really not the way software is done  #3 is simply common sense  #4 is a flat out bug and you cannot release with it.

I see currently i can keep old view until Aug 24.  PLEASE i ask you to show this to the dev team - fix the bugs and make the 2 SIMPLE changes i am requesting.  There are a bunch of tickets in the community complaining about this stuff I promise you i'm not alone here, and I've been on jira almost 20 years.

thanks for listening.

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David Brenner
July 19, 2022

@Adithya Ramesh 



Hi guys- where are we with the severe bugs?  Time is running out.  I've been using Jira since 2005 and built workflows around the platform that are about to be completely undone which is going to undermine my business in a major way.

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Sebastian Lutter
August 25, 2022

The new issue view is bad, turn it off manually for each issue I open is pain in the ass. Atlassian does not listen or care about this, I pay for this. Thanks for nothing!

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