Using Substring Between to parse an id from a JSON response body

Brian Gauthier October 4, 2024

I have a JSON response body that contains an id within a web request that I previously called for .  I'm attempting to use the substring between to fetch the ID, but it's unsuccessful at finding it.   The substring I'm using is 

I'm trying to extract the number 357636


{{webhookResponse.body.substringBetween("id=", ",")}}



The JSON response was


{queryType=flat, queryResultType=workItem, asOf=2024-10-04T19:26:34.07Z, columns=[{referenceName=System.Id, name=ID, url=}, {referenceName=System.Title, name=Title, url=}], workItems=[{id=357636, url=}]}

1 answer

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Jim Knepley - ReleaseTEAM
Atlassian Partner
October 4, 2024

I would try to use match() instead:



Brian Gauthier October 5, 2024

Gave it a shot and still didn't work.  Any other function that I could use to test?  I've also tried 

Brian Gauthier October 5, 2024

To be honest, I'm having trouble parsing anything from that JSON body

Jim Knepley - ReleaseTEAM
Atlassian Partner
October 7, 2024

Trying to use structured text by treating it as a string is always tricky, it's better to parse it properly, but that's not an option within smart values that I know of.

A JSON parsing package is part of Groovy (groovy.json.JsonSlurper). You might have an easier time using ScriptRunner.

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