When managing your processes in Jira, there are many occasions where you need to create a lot of tasks. Creating them one by one will cost you a lot of time and effort and is not necessary. If you learn using CSV importer, the time needed to create/update even hundreds or thousands of tasks will not take long.
The Excel file needs to be properly formatted for importing data into Jira.
There are a couple of things important to notice
Issue types that I am going to import depend on the project configuration where you want to import tasks. In my template, I have issue types Epic and Task. Unless you have them configured in Jira project, you will not be able to import these tasks.
Just like the column name Issue Type, other column names also correspond to field names in Jira
Epic names of Epics need to be exactly the same in the Epic Link column for tasks
In the Summary column is the title of your issue/task in Jira
Before importing Priority column data, check your configuration what your Priority names are.
The content of the Assignee column depends on your user naming convention.
Description field which is optional
You can download this example file from this GoogleDrive location.
Save the file as CSV UTF-8. This is important to select UTF-8 character coding to avoid problem later, especially when you use other language than English.
This is the CSV plain file opened in Notepad++. This is how Jira importer will ‘see it’
Notice, that in columns where there is no data, you still need commas there.
Now go to Jira Administration / System tab / External system import and click the CSV button.
See more practical examples in my blog article here: https://jlabnotes.com/jira-issues-import-excel-examples/
If you want to see detailed instructions on how to import CSV file in Jira, please watch my detailed tutorial on YouTube.
I hope you found this article interesting and you have learnt something from it.
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Bogdan Gorka
Atlassian Expert
Poznan, Poland
10 accepted answers
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