Hello, How could I restrict a Jql to 10 issues ? Regards, Guillaume. Mackowiak
The Getting Things Done (GTD) methodology, created by David Allen, helps individuals and teams organize their work and focus on what truly matters. The basic idea behind the approach is simple: free ...
I have a Kanban board created with an applied filter. The results in the Filter are correct, however, some of the results are not showing up on the board even though the statuses are all mapped in th...
Hello Community/JIRA Do you have any idea why to add IS EMPTY statement when NOT IN clause is used is considered as a feature. (KB reference) I consider it as a bug. Nobody is thinking in the direc...
Regarding this: https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirakb/change-the-issue-colour-through-automation-1455423602.html I can change task color but it still shows me in project timeline the same c...
Hi Team, We are looking at the Jira data coming to Snowflake. Do you know why the tickets in the JIRA database display user IDs in the format "JIRAUSERXXXX" instead of the actual usernames? While...
How many times have you sat through a meeting that could have been an email? Or a stand-up that dragged on for an hour instead of 15 minutes? 📅⏳ Meetings should drive progress, not frustration. Bu...
Using Advanced Label Manager for Jira, you can now manage custom labels in Jira alongside the existing default label management features. This improvement allows users to have comprehensive control...
Working in Jira means constantly switching between tasks, boards and filters. Every time you have to search for the right section or perform repetitive actions, you waste precious time. But what if y...
Hello community, I'm Shikhar, a Product Manager in Jira Cloud. I'm thrilled to announce a change that is coming soon. We are introducing the ability to reply to comments on work item...
Hello community, I'm Shikhar, a Product Manager in Jira Cloud. Today, I'm thrilled to announce a change that's coming soon. We're making cloning more powerful in Jira by adding new capabiliti...
Hi Community, I want to set the Name of Epic Name field to Feature Name in Jira Cloud. I am able to set names of system fields and other custom fields by using this scriptrunn...
I have a simplified workflow for the project like to do, in progress, testing, done.. But the Done status is not recognized by the dashboard widget as "resolved," so how do I make dashboard widgets a...
In Jira Roadmaps, can the default setting for number of days be changed, from 30, for "Enter the number of days after issues marked as Done will stop showing in the plan" (PLAN SETTINGS > EXCLUSIO...
Is there a way to make sure the Tempo "Accounts" field is always available for all Jira issues / projects? Also, is there a way to bulk update the Tempo "Account...
I am trying to automate the creation of Jira Cloud projects where each project's board contains multiple columns, and each column has exactly three statuses. I want to achieve this using Jir...
I am unable to see the DONE tasks. We need to have them at least display for 1 year to review our team's completed assignments and accomplishments to report to our EMG team.
I have succesfully implemented the automation as described in this article: Automation for Jira - Writing a rule that clones stories (and their sub-tasks) linked to an Epic when the Epic is cloned ...
Hello, How I can value-basec clone a project within all settings, Issues in as the same status as in the master project? Best regards C. Ermeier
We are trying to get and update the avatar to an asset object. But we also get a 401 error, the same token is working for other operations like updating the asset s attributes value. ...
Currently, in my jira issue, the detial are shown on the right hand side, but according to my another account, it can be shown in top down. the right hand side panel is occupying too m...
When I scroll through the Comments in the sidebar of a Confluence page, the last one shows my "comment" with suggested text. I realize this is just a suggestion, but it's very misleading and I don't ...
Jira APIを利用してチケットを作成する際、ネットワーク切断などの理由でAPI接続が失敗する場合があります。これらの状況に対して、Jira Cloud側で自動リトライ機能や推奨されるリトライ方法がAPIで提供されているかを知りたいです。 (When creating tickets using the Jira API, there can be cases...
Within Jira, when creating an incoming mail handler to create a ticket on a Jira Software or Jira Service Management project and setting the Forwarder email address, when ticket creation fa...
It's time to re-think that. Let me explain why: Most people associate “presenting” with PowerPoint. But that doesn’t mean it’s the best way to communicate everything—especially roadmaps. ...
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