@Govardhan Reddy they are removing Roadmap and other gadgets in May. Most users in the comments are upset since we do not see an alternative. Hopefully Jira responds with a solution before expiring this gadget. If not maybe someone can write a free alternative that does the same thing.
@H A asked for a replacement for labels (comment). In the previous blog there is this answer: you can create an Issue Statistics gadget with “Labels” selected as the statistics type. I use it and it's fine.
Like many on the board, I'm disappointed that the Timeline option does not appear to replace the Roadmap gadget at least in the same functionality. It was a handy thing to use for senior leadership and other department heads who want information on the next release without have to constantly field questions. They don't need or care about the epic progress, just when the next release will impact our product. I'm still not sure why the Roadmap gadget is being done with, it seems like many people use and appreciate its simple functionality.
Looks like you are taking away a lot of useful functionality that are primary capabilities we purchased a plan with you for. How are you planning to adjust our rates when removing and not replacing our functionality? I feel you are going to have a lot of companies shopping for a new project management tool in April.. The Rd map feature is critical to my team's needs. Without that - not sure Jira is worth it.
As a long-time Jira user, I greatly appreciate the platform for comprehensive project management. However, I find it incomprehensible that you have decided to remove the Projects Gadget from Jira without providing an equivalent alternative.
The Projects Gadget is essential for many teams to quickly get an overview of active projects. Removing this feature significantly impacts the efficiency of our workflows and forces us to rely on cumbersome workarounds or external tools.
Since no adequate replacement is being offered within Jira, we are now considering alternative platforms such as Monday.com or Asana, which continue to provide an intuitive and efficient project overview.
I urge Atlassian to reconsider the removal of the Projects Gadget or at least introduce an official, fully functional alternative. If no action is taken, this could be a deciding factor for many companies to move away from Jira as their project management tool.
May of the customers for the deprecated gadgets are themselves engineers, and, as engineers, we have to wonder about the quality of your staff that can't come up with safe like-for-like replacements for functionality clearly liked, desired and in-use by your customers. I mean, these are visual gadgets on a web page. Is it too hard to support the basic functionality they represent? Why would you need to deprecate them? If their server-side process is too messed up, or inefficient, or unsafe, fix it and we would never be the wiser. What's so dangerous here it must not exist? We use the Projects gadget as a project shortcut. You can't manage to keep that working? Please open-source the code, tell us what you want to do differently, and I bet one of us can donate back something that looks the same but uses the correct API calls.
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 9, 2025 edited
Hello, @Suzanne Kenyon , the link to the original blog with the listed alternatives and full context is here. We chose to keep this blog shorter to highlight updates, while linking out to the full plan and details.
'Hello, @Suzanne Kenyon , the link to the original blog with the listed alternatives and full context is here. We chose to keep this blog shorter to highlight updates, while linking out to the full plan and details'
Unfortunately, this move gives the impression of a lack of transparency, as it prevents users encountering the new blog from seeing the previous influx of feedback.
From a 'Highlight Updates' perspective, it would have been more logical to update the original blog instead, as concerned users are already subscribed to it and actively monitoring it for updates.
We are small company with only 10 users in JIRA, but Projects functionality is crucial for us as well as Label functionality. The implementation of these changes will put us in a situation where we will have to decide whether this software has any added value for us.
Dear Atlasian team, our team is using the Road Map to have an overview of the release-status over multiple projects (releasables) of one big solution. The time line have no option to do it over multiple projects.
Can't imagine that there is no better alternative of reason to stop with this simple but usefull gadget.
I waited for a while now for the presentation of an appropriate solution, but since you are providing none I use my chance to ask: The projects overview widget ist currently the only possibility to display the projects structured by their category. That's an essential navigation element for our whole team. What is your proposed way to solve this?
Can you confirm the Zephyr gadgets are unaffected? There are two gadgets that have 'label' in the name. One is Jira label (retiring in May) and one is Zephyr execution by label (not marked as retiring).
Why? Why are you doing this? What purpose does it serve to get rid of these widgets? I can't imagine they're particularly taxing on your infrastructure. Why do you feel the need to create a "new dashboard experience"? If it's not broken, don't fix it.
Wait, I think I see your motivation. You want us using some of your newer features like the timeline.
This thread is a master-class in how to fail at Product Management and Customer Service. Three ENTIRE pages of customers saying, over and over again, that they REALLY, HEAVILY, use the RoadMap and Tag widgets and that there is NOT a suitable replacement - and no, concrete answer or even inkling of concern from Jira. (And, this WHOLE thread/post was created after there was SO MUCH backlash against the ORIGINAL announcement to remove these features (without suitable replacements) that a 'follow up blog post' was needed.)
Top notch job Jira.
Meanwhile, it's 2025 and there STILL isn't a dark-theme for the site/app - but hell yeah, time to really focus on a whole new re-write of widgets that people use consistently and which AREN'T a problem.
@Michael Campbell - Agree 100% with the above, would be silly to proceed with the plan after the amount of feedback they received from Customers.
There is a dark mode/theme for both Confluence and Jira. My mobile apps are both in dark mode as well, but I can't remember whether I turned this on in the apps or whether it just defaults to my Phone's settings.
Do we have an update on the Jirra Roadmap widget replacement status? Is the replacement available before May 2025? My management team needs to know. Should we start looking for an alternative solution? It's only a short few months away. @lisa
This is very disappointing. We use Labels to create Dashboards. I have an automation that assigns a Label based on the Request Type and then I've created a Filter for each Request Type Label, and then I use that Filter for each of the Dashboard frames. No more Label gadget and you've broken this Dashboard.