Add people to watchers field after a security level is set

Ayelet (888)
November 1, 2016


We're using the Watcher Custom Field for Jira.

I have an issue security that is set for the assignee, watchers and reporter.

Once an issue is created and the issue security is set, I can no longer add extra watchers to that issue. I'm getting an alert saying that user can't be added since he has no permissions due to the issue security, which is basically correct but it's not a wanted behavior - many times you do need to add watchers on the go.

My current workaround is setting the user as the assignee > adding him as a watcher > removing him from the assignee. Needless to say this is an annoying workaround.

Please advise if there's any better workaround (I'm familiar with the workaround suggested here but I don't like it since it makes no sense to create another field for the same purpose:


Thank you


1 answer

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Sirko Manthey November 15, 2016


we have the same issue as we use the watcher field to control who else can access a ticket once the security setting is set. Imagine a "strict" setting which allows only members of the watcher field next to the issue-owner.

For us on JIRA 7.2.3 we can still add user on the edit screen but it does not work on the view screen (see post above).

We also use the normal multiple user picker field to govern the access via security setting to work around the problem but then we lose the watcher functionality.




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