Divide and multiply the Number field by another number field and add output to another field

Prasad Andrews
December 3, 2020

Hi Friends, 

Hope you all are safe and in good health

I have one query, user is asking for the calculation field,

would it be possible to add field to JIRA, containing formula/live calculation?

I have number fields Reach, Impact, Frequency Of Occurrence, Effort, Impact on Code.  Also, I have two scripted fields PM Score, Total Score

need to achieve below two scenarios

1) Multiply the fields Reach*Impact*Frequency Of Occurrence and put the output in scripted field PM Score.

2) Divide the fields PM Score /  Effort * Impact on Code and put the output in the scripted field Total Score Is it possible, please help.

Note: PM Score and total score can be upto 2 decimal points



@Stephen_Wright  @Nic_Brough__Adaptavist_  @Kristian Walker (Adaptavist) @Adrian_Stephen @Derek_Fields @Ravi_Sagar__Adaptavist_ @Martin Bayer _MoroSystems_ s_r_o__ 

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Clark Everson
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December 3, 2020

Hi Prasad, this is possible but you would need an add on like scriptrunner or Jira Misc Custom Fields


For scriptrunner there are some other posts on how to go about doing this:


Scott McNeely
March 2, 2023

Hi @Cla and others. Are there options similar to this for Jira Software Cloud (Premium) users?

I see that the add-on above is no longer supported excepted in fully hosted instances of Jira.

We're a cloud user, and I'd like to achieve the same goal: divide and multiply a Number field by another Number field and add output to another Number field.

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