I'm seeing some issues in our Sprint reports in that it is very easy to forget to manually correct the Sprint `startDate` and have all of your scope changes from planning make it into your Sprint Reports.
I think this could be resolved simply in the API by allowing programatic access to the datetime the Sprint actually started, much like we see with `endDate` (manual) and `completeDate` (system).
- Manually Input Sprint Start Date???
- Actual Sprint Start Time (log of the datetime you hit the start button)endDate
- Manually Input Sprint End DatecompleteDate
- Actual Sprint End Time (log of the datetime you hit the end button)If we accounted for ??? above, then all reports could default to system times, with the option to override to manual times.
How else could we solve for this? I know the problem, but maybe there's already a solve for it that does not involve Atlassian devs.
Sprint API docs: