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Compare 2 custom date fields in jira issue filter

July 21, 2014

I have two custom date fields of Date Picker type namely Planned Delivery Date" and "Original Planned Date". I need to compare them using say > or < or != in a jira filter query but unable to achieve. Using scripted query:- issuefunction in datecompare ("","Planned Delivery Date> Original Planned Date") gives error response. please correct me on how to achieve this

3 answers

0 votes
Sir Be July 22, 2014

Version of jira?

How about "Planned Delivery Date" > "Original Planned Date" ?

Cause datecompare doens't exist (I think).

Is the auto-complete on? Then it would suggest you what and how you can do this? (gives names and possible functions)

July 22, 2014


Many thansk for responding me.

Actually i tried out this initially but got typical jql error that these are not date fields and no further suggestions despite auto-complete on. Then since i have script runner plugin installed i tried out the query issuefunction in date compare (......) but it only gave me options to compare default jira date fields like resolutiondate and duedate,etc

Sir Be July 22, 2014


Strange ...

Try to do it with their ID's?

I'm doing something quite similar (in jira 4.2, both are date custom fields)

("Start date" &lt;= now() and "End date" &gt;="-1d" )

So all issues appear that are with their dates fixed to today.

Does this help?

Are they date or date/time CF's?

July 22, 2014


Once again thanks for quick response.

Actually as i mentioned i have to compare two custom date fieldss which i'm not allowed to do despite using script runner plugin. Script runner only helps to compare two date fields against each other like resolutiondate>duedate using issuefunction in date compare query as i mentioned. In default jira you cannot even compare two defauilt jira date fields because utmost you can compare a dcefault jira date field with functions like currentlogin(),now(),etc. So please let me know how i can compare two custoim date fields in jql.

July 22, 2014

My jira version is 6.1.3

Sir Be July 22, 2014

I'm sorry to say, but I don't know how I can help you further. :s

Search the Internet for help?

Add tags scritp-runner and issue-filter to you question, to get more help?

Good luck with it.

(When I saw your own response was each time a few minutes ago, I come check the page often)

0 votes
July 22, 2014


Can somebody please help me to get some solution for my above mentioned query on how to compare two custom date fields in jira

0 votes
July 21, 2014

Can somebody please help me on the above issue. I need the solution urgently

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