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Can I automate priority based on client and/or epic? I.e. Client = X, Priority = P2

Jake Annunziata October 21, 2019

Looking to streamline prioritization based on set criteria.  

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Jack Brickey
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October 21, 2019

Does "client" translate to "Reporter" if so, you would need an automation addon for this, e.g. Automation for Jira, Scriptrunner Power Scripts, etc. The one exception is for your Epic requirement. If you mean to say that you want all Epics to have a specific priority, you could use a unique Workflow and on the create transition use a Post Function to set the priority.

Jake Annunziata October 21, 2019

"Client" would be another field similar to "Label" or "Component".  I spend a lot of time looking at tickets, figuring out who the client is, and making priority determinations based on the client.  I have direct mappings in a google sheet of client to priority and feel that I can automate it somehow through JIRA

David Willox
October 21, 2019

If you have the JIRA Suite Utilities plugin you can automate the priority setup by using a post function to set the issue field value (assuming the priority field is the system one and not a customfield. If it's a customfield use the "Update any issue field value" option). For this to work you will need to create a new transition to a destination status for each priority value and simply make them usable only if the "Client" field value is set to the relevant value for each priority setting using the transition conditions.


For example:

Transition 1

Name: "Approve" - Cond: allow if customfield value; Client = State or Fed

                Post Function: Set Issue Field Value: = Critical

                                      Result: When the item transitions from status A to B the Priority field is set to "Critical".

Transition 2

Name: "Approve " - Cond: allow if customfield value; Client = Other

                Post Function: Set Issue Field Value: = Medium

                                      Result: When the item transitions from status A to B the Priority field is set to "Medium".

Transition 3

Name: "Approve  " - Cond: allow if customfield value; Client = Non-Client

                Post Function: Set Issue Field Value: = Low

                                      Result: When the item transitions from status A to B the Priority field is set to "Low"

Since JIRA does not allow transitions with the same name to move to the same destination status I simply add an extra space to each subsequent "Approve". That way the button looks the same for all users clicking to move from status A to B.

Depending on how many priority levels you have and the conditions for assigning them are this will be easy or complicated.


Hope this helps.



Stefan Forstmoser _beecom_
October 22, 2019

David's solution works perfectly fine. You could even improve it in just 1 transition by using Preconditions for Post Functions.

Transition "Prioritize":

  • Precondition: Client = X?
  • Post Function: Update Priority = P2
  • Precondition: Client = Y?
  • Post Function: Update Priority = P3

All in 1 transition in the section for post functions.
You could even combine several Preconditions with AND/OR for more complex cases.


See also the documentation:

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